One of the trademarks of Hoodoo herbalism and Conjure, and unlike what we used to, when it comes to Hoodoo that is, it is not a root J
It is actually a green herb, small wine with perky yellow flowers from family Rosaceae and subfamily Rosidae, and of genera Potentilla, just like common strawberry. However should not be confused with other species of same genera, even though Potentilla erecta ( Tormentil ) is know to be used under the same name,which is fine.
What is important is that the Potentilla we need is with leaves clearly divided onto five lobes, or more accurate leaflets, arranged palmately, resembling to fingers of hand. So count the leaflets If You are unsure of species You use, as for flower it is most commonly yellow with 5C + 5K, for the species we need.
CINQUEFOIL OR FIVE FINGER GRASS IS USED IN CONJURE to bring success "in all things five fingers can do"
That usually refers to gamble or getting favors from other people ( this use is accented in Pow Wow's of long Lost friend ) but can be used for any kind of success really. An ingredient of "Crown of Success" oil and many washes, among others Lucky gamblers hand-wash.
It is often used in Uncrossing spells, mixtures, sometimes even reversal work and is one of crucial ingredients of "Abre camino" and "Road openers" along with the Herb Abre camino ( Eupatorium villosum )
So here are some neat ways to use Five fingers Grass :
"- Add whole leaves of Five finger grass ( I use 3 large ones )
- Few Frankincense grains ( optional, but I love to add it )
- 1 - 2 oz's of base oil preferably Jojoba
Leave to sit at least for a week and best for a month before use. You can add some Vertivert or Bergamot oil making this a simple form of Success and Good luck oil.
"Uncrossing Floor wash"
"When some premises are cursed, hexed, fixed, dressed, jinxed or alike one of the very best cures ( uncrossing conjures ) is a simple floor wash made of ( as suggested in book: "Hoodoo herb and root magick, A materia magica of African American Conjure by Miss Catherine Yronwode", slightly edited by myself ) :
- Infusion of Five fingers grass
- Uncrossing bath crystals dissolved in it
- You can add some lemon, lemngrass or camphor oil, or lemon juice to Supercharge the mixture even further
Wash "affected" premises thoughtfully, even the walls how much You cab reach, inside to out.
After this You could additionally burn some incense, such as "Blessing incense", "Helping hand", Cayenne and Sulphur incense ( mind not to be inside while burns, open all the windows ), "Uncrossing incense", "Peaceful home incense", Dragons blood or Frankincense.
Rest assure any Crosses, jinxes and Messes will be lifted and removed after this.
"*This Article and recipes were written and/or collected by Shadow of Shadows Magick place or "", If You like to use it elsewhere, feel free but include the credits.
The picture is form : 089 small.jpg and is used here for illustrative purposess, and was in public domain. even though no copywrite laws breaking intented