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WE ARE Stir ON On loan Era by Dr. David R. Reagan Repeated society imprison offer is nothing that can be well-known about the timing of the Lord's return equally Jesus meant He would return like a "thief in the night" (Matthew 24:42-44). But Paul makes it obvious in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 that Jesus' demand does not pay out to believers: "But you, brethren, are not in depression, that the day want outdo you like a thief..." He after that send to make plain why: "for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so after that let us not be sleepy as others do, but let us be accessible and ascetic." Paul is referring, of course, to the light of the Deified Preference who indwells all true believers and who can improve us at some point in our study of Scripture to know the harden of the Lord's return (1 John 2:27). GOD'S Attitude As a sympathy of fact, God is obliged by His front to know the world of the impending return of His Son. The function is that Jesus is returning in full-size passion to "reign and gamble war" (Wonder 19:11), and God never pours out His passion worsening very good. God does not wish that any want pass away, but that all want be brought to bemoan (2 Peter 3:9). Like this, God still warns earlier He executes His passion. He warned the world at some point in Noah for 120 natural life. He warned Sodom and Gomorrah at some point in Abraham. He sent Jonah to know the pagan municipal of Ninevah, and He sent Nahum to the self-same municipal 150 natural life concluding. Regularly, God is very good the world today that His Son is about to return. He is inclination the world to bemoan. The annotation of the hour to unbelievers can be summed up in these words: "Escape from the passion that is to come by fleeing inwards the stanch arms of Jesus now." Jesus came the core time as an expression of God's love; He came to die for the sins of Mankind. But for instance He pay packet, He choice come in archenemy to lush out the passion of God on colonize who hug rejected God's love and smoothness. The immediately return of Jesus also carries with it a annotation for believers. Cheerful Christians and carnal Christians are unique called to commit their lives to holiness: "The night is touch on gone, and the day is at hand. Let us next lay pronounce the goings-on of depression and put on the casing of light. Let us undertaking suitable as in the day, not in celebrations and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in disquiet and contention. But put on the Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ, and make no transfer for the flesh in regard to its lusts" (Romans 13:12-14). GOD'S Link OF Telltale sign God is alerting believers of the immediately return of His Son at some point in what are called "signs of the grow old." These are prophecies in vogue world comings and goings that we are told to patrol for, prophecies that choice repute the harden of the Lord's return. The Bible is full of these signs. Communicate are about 500 prophecies in the Old Tribute that be involved with to the Thorough Potential of the Messiah. In the New Tribute, one out of every 25 verses is unfortunate with the return of Jesus. In fact, offer are so lots signs that it is ballpark to tag along all of them. The best way I hug found to do this is to put them in categories: 1. THE Secret language OF Foundation We are told to patrol for earthquakes, yearning, pestilence, and signs in the make public (see Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11). This is the least esteemed classification of signs for individual reasons. For one thing, lots society understandably shrug their shoulders and say, "Communicate hug still been natural calamities, so what besides is new?" Element that Jesus says these signs choice be like "jerk pangs" (Matthew 24:8) - that is, they choice pump up in incidence and strength as the time draws local for His return. In other words, offer choice be greater maximum earthquakes and greater frequent ones. That is exactly what is modish today. Discrete function these signs are specialized small-minded look up to is equally record Christians are so rationalistic that they do not really imprison in the strange, and they next find it ballpark to imprison that God speaks to the world at some point in signs of kind. Yet, the Bible teaches this principle from start to raze. God dealt with the world's sin at some point in a full-size drenching rain in the days of Noah (Morning 6). He called the nation of Judah to bemoan at some point in a impressive locust anger (Joel 1). In like form, He called for the nation of Israel to repent by providing matter-of-factness, helix storms, fungus, locusts, yearning and pestilence (Amos 4:6-10). The analyst Haggai pointed to a matter-of-factness as release that God was inclination the society to get their priorities in order (Haggai 1:10-11). The New Tribute begins with a special light in the make public marking the jerk of the Messiah (Matthew 2:2). On the day that Jesus was crucified, offer was three hours of depression and an shake (Matthew 27:45-51). And for instance Jesus pay packet, the earth choice experience the take notes shake in its history as every mountain is lowered, every toss is raised, and every islet is moved (Wonder 16:17-21). God has still tacit at some point in signs of kind, and He continues to do so today. We had higher pay dexterous renown to them. 2. THE Secret language OF Interest group Jesus meant that disco choice become increasingly rowdy and harmful as the time approaches for His return. In fact, He meant it would become as evil as it was in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:12,37-39). Paul paints a downhearted picture of end time disco in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. He says it choice be characterized by three loves - the love of self (Humanism), the love of money (Covetousness), and the love of luxury (Greed). He after that points out that the money of this carnal behavior choice be what the philosophers claim Nihilism - that is, a disco wallowing in worry. Men's minds choice become unpleasant (Romans 1:28), and society choice claim evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). We are seeing these prophecies all-embracing earlier our eyes today as we patrol our disco reject its Christian origin and drop inwards a hellish pit of freedom, corruption, and worry. Amount to inferior, we are exporting our nihilism in the region of the world at some point in our harmful and difficult movies and panel programs. 3. THE Blessed Secret language Communicate are each converted and critical spiritual signs that we are to patrol for. The critical ones piece the flavor of false christs and their cults (Matthew 24:5,11,24), the apostasy of the professing church (2 Thessalonians 2:3), an sweeping of Satanism (1 Timothy 4:1), and the annoyance of actual Christians (Matthew 24:9). These critical spiritual signs began to dignitary in the mid-19th Century for instance Christian cults started forming. Original came the Mormons, after that the Jehovah's Witnesses, and after that a full-size sort of seer groups like the Cathedral of Christ Scientists and the Cooperative spirit Cathedral. The apostasy of the mainline Christian denominations began in the 1920's for instance the German school of aloof mocking invaded American seminaries and damaged the adjudicate of the Scriptures, teaching that the Bible is Man's disentangle for God somewhat than God's sit-in to Man. The whole time the 1960's Satanism exploded on the American examination and has while been exported collective at some point in American movies, books, and panel programs. Dabbling in the occult has become unremarkable in the form of astrology, numerology, crystal gazing, transcendental meditation, and channeling. The whole craze has consummated in the flavor of the New Age Motion with its teaching that Man is God. As disco has secularized, true Christianity has come under mounting charge. Judeo-Christian values, later the nature of Western Way of life, are now geographically mocked, and colonize who tranquil hug to them are castigated as "raring to go fundamentalists" by the media. The converted spiritual signs piece the declaration of the Gospel to the whole world (Matthew 24:14), a full-size rush forward of the Deified Preference (Joel 2:28-32), and spiritual delicate to understand prophecies that hug been "sealed up" until the end grow old (Daniel 12:4,9). As with the critical signs, we are seeing these converted signs all-embracing in our day and time. Express the use of modern machinery, the Gospel has been proclaimed covering the world in this Century, and the Bible has been translated inwards all largest languages. The full-size end time weighty out of the Deified Preference that was prophesied by the analyst Joel has also begun. Joel called it "the subsequent rain" (Joel 2:23), and he meant it would become known behind schedule the Jews had returned to their land. The passage of Israel was re-established in 1948. In 1949 God anointed two ministries that would hug a collective effect - the ministries of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts. For that reason, in the 60's, came the Compelling Motion which encouraged restoration in be attracted to and gave stress to the chronic honesty of the gifts of the Preference. The rise in the understanding of Bible prophecy began in 1970 with the come forth of Hal Lindsey's book, The Slowly Pleasing Soil Build. It seemed to open up to participating in understanding lots prophecies that had been "sealed up" until the end grow old (Daniel 12:4, 9). Markedly, it became the installment one best vendor in the world - with the private imperviousness of the Bible - for the minute ten years! 4. THE Secret language OF Tackle The book of Daniel says that offer choice be an ignition of knowledge in the end grow old and that society choice move about swiftly (Daniel 12:4). Communicate are lots Bible prophecies that cannot be assumed sideways from modern machinery. For slice, how can the whole world stare upon two bodies fictitious in the streets of Jerusalem (Wonder 11:8-9)? Recent panel satellite machinery makes it easy. How can the Dangerous Analyst build an image of the Anti-Christ that appears to be alive (Wonder 13:15)? The react, of course, is the science of robotics. How can the Dangerous Analyst have to all society on earth to cast the formulate of the Anti-Christ in order to buy and knob (Wonder 13:16-17)? It would not be probable sideways from computers and lasers. Jesus meant that the Anxiety choice be so impressive that all life on earth would break to survive if He did not cut the view without (Matthew 24:21-22). How possibly will all life be threatened previously to the arrival of nuclear weapons? Discrete mention to nuclear power is possibility embedded in Luke's demand that men in the end grow old choice "thick from supervision" equally "the powers of the make public choice be shaken" (Luke 21:26). That by design sounds like a mention to the splitting of the atom. 5. THE Secret language OF Life POLITICS The Bible prophesies that offer choice be a natural idea of world politics that choice characterize the end time geopolitical map. The area under discussion choice be the re-established passage of Israel (Zechariah 12:2-3). It choice be plagued by a aggressive nation from the "desolate parts of the north," the nation of "Rosh" - or modern day Russia (Ezekiel 38:2,6). Communicate choice also be a ominous nation to the East that choice be satisfactory of providing an armed forces of 200 million - namely, Chinaware (Wonder 9:13-16 and Wonder 16:12-13). A third store of strife to Israel choice be the Arab nations that directly hold it. They choice aspire the land and choice try to cast it from the Jews (Ezekiel 35:10 and 36:2). Discrete key architect on the world taking sides examination in the end grow old choice be a group of European nations that choice form a confederacy centered in the borough of the old Roman refinement (Daniel 2:41-44, Daniel 7:7,23-24, and Wonder 17:12-13). This confederacy choice transfer as the taking sides dais for the reinforcement of the Anti-Christ and the establishment of his collective federation (Daniel 7:8). Added inclusive taking sides signs piece wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6), civil wars (Matthew 24:7), and all the rage inclusive terrorism and freedom (Matthew 24:12). 6. THE Secret language OF ISRAEL The signs similar to the passage of Israel are bountiful and very essential. The record methodically automated prophecy in the Old Tribute is the revelation that the Jewish society choice be regathered from the "four corners of the earth" in the end grow old (Isaiah 11:10-12). The Bible states that a consequence of this regathering choice be the reinstallation of the passage of Israel (Isaiah 66:7-8). The Scriptures say that later the Jews are back in their land, the land itself choice experience a spectacle of getting better (Isaiah 35). The run away choice newness and society choice call out, "This forlorn land has become like the garden of Eden" (Ezekiel 36:35). Discrete end time spectacle choice be the recovery of the Hebrew accent (Zephaniah 3:9). Maximum society are not mindful of the fact that for instance the Jews were circulate from their land in 70 A.D., they ceased to speak the Hebrew accent. The Jews who contracted in Europe strong a new accent called Yiddish - a combination of German and Hebrew. The Jews who migrated to the Mediterranean indentation fashioned a accent called Ladino - a combination of Hebrew and Spanish. Added terminal signs of Israel that we are told to patrol for in the end grow old piece the re-occupation of Jerusalem (Luke 21:24), the resurgence of Israeli militia strength (Zechariah 12:6), and the re-focusing of world politics on Israel (Zechariah 12:3). All these signs hug been all-embracing in this century. The nation has been re-established, the land has been tame, the ancient accent has been re-energized, the Jews are back in Jerusalem, and Israel is the highest aim of world politics. Jesus says in Luke 21:28 that for instance these signs begin to go by, we want "exonerate up and restart up our heads" equally "our redemption is falsification local." THE KEY Secret language The record essential signs are the ones that be involved with to Israel equally God uses the Jews covering the Scriptures as His prophet time period. By this I mean that very frequently for instance the Member of the aristocracy is telltale an essential display that choice cast place in the end, He choice aim to the Jewish society and passage that for instance a natural thing happens to them, the essential display choice also become known. A good slice of this principle can be found in Daniel 9 in the identified "Seventy Weeks of Get-up-and-go" prophecy. The analyst tells us to patrol for a pronouncement to be issued that choice endorse the revolution of Jerusalem. He after that says that the Messiah choice come sixty-nine weeks of natural life (483 natural life) behind schedule that pronouncement is issued to the Jewish society. Communicate are two key prophecies which be involved with the return of Jesus to comings and goings that hug occurred in Jewish history while 1948. These two comings and goings only fixed the view in which we are now living as the harden of the Lord's return. THE Joy OF ISRAEL The core is the reinstallation of the passage of Israel which occurred on May 14, 1948. Jesus singled out this display as the one that would unloading His immediately return. His prophecy is embedded in the fig tree short story (Matthew 24:32-35) which He presented in His Olivet Tongue. The day earlier He delivered this influence, He had put a curse on a infertile fig tree, causing it to remaining (Matthew 21:28-29). This was a remembrance prophecy that God would immediately lush out His passion upon the Jewish society equally of their spiritual sterility in rejecting His Son. The minute day Jesus reminded His disciples of the fig tree. He meant to patrol for it to newness over. In other words, He meant patrol for the amusement of Israel. He indicated that for instance the fig tree blooms over, He would be at the gates of Nirvana, prepared to return (Matthew 24:33). Together terminal, He especially an enthralling observation: "Authentic I say to you, this period choice not ferryboat pass until all these matter cast place" (Matthew 24:34). Such as generation? The period that sees the fig tree tint. We are that period. The fig tree has blossomed. Jesus is at the gates. THE Capital OF JERUSALEM The summarize key display was prophesied by Jesus in the self-same influence, as recorded by Luke: "[The Jews] choice fall by the edge of the sword, and choice be led imprisoned inwards all the nations; and Jerusalem choice be packed down underfoot by the Gentiles until the grow old of the Gentiles be all-embracing" (Luke 21:24). The core imperfect of this prophecy was all-embracing in 70 A.D., forty natural life behind schedule Jesus mock the words. In that appointment the Romans under Titus subject Jerusalem and circulate the Jews in the company of the nations. Jerusalem remained under Gentile reinforce for 1,897 natural life - until June 7, 1967, for instance Israel won the municipal back into the Six Day War. The Jewish re-occupation of the municipal of Jerusalem is keep converted that we are living in the harden of the Lord's return. Jesus meant it would formulate the end of the Gentile Age. A Reverberation TO Summary Communicate is no way to escape the finale that we are living on borrowed time. The signs of the grow old are upon us, and they are bellow for our renown. Are you ready? If Jesus were to return today, would He be your "Fantastic Wish" (Titus 2:11-14) or would He be your "Deified Terror" (Wonder 6:12-17)? If you hug never traditional Him as your Member of the aristocracy and Savior, now is the time to act. Repent of your sins, and claim upon the name of the Member of the aristocracy that you oblige be saved (Acts 2:14-39). And if you are a Christian, are you living as if Jesus oblige return any minute? Support you devoted your life to holiness? Are you praying for the lost and witnessing the Member of the aristocracy for instance you hug an opportunity? Are you desire for the Lord's return? Can you say with Paul that you are a competitor for a "crest of civility" equally you hug lived your life "in the love of His appearing" (2 Timothy 4:7-8)? http://www.ltradio.org/articles/
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