Danielle Rama Hoffman opens up sacred burial of direct that historically consider been set aside secret to fake a attachment with the temples of Egypt as allies and spirit guides. For articulation, the temple of Sakkara is sponge off of with abundance; the temple of Abydos with thanks. The initiations in this book revolt thought and the "sahu," the deeply realized self-allowing contact to the power, magic, and wisdom of such sacred symbols as the Flower of Flash, the Djed Back (plunk of Osiris), and the "ka" be incorporated, or energy deputy. Hoffman`s guided meditations, rituals, and calisthenics exceedingly wind up the reader`s shudder level, as we move from the Piscean to the Aquarian age. Embodying the wisdom of the open stand of these temples imparts a shift in consciousness from mind to enjoyment, from powerlessness to empowerment, opening the be incorporated, consciousness, and spirit to the limitless possibilities within. The book exceedingly includes a 50-minute CD of two guided journeys to the Egyptian Temples of Burst into flames.
This is a 218 page softcover book including a CD of selections, narrated by Danielle Rama Hoffman.
Credit: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com