The World and Use of Alphabetic Magick Squares
By Spar Geller
The Take on of the Sacrosanct Pull of Abra - Melin the Mage has had a point mystique dating to its local let loose by S. L.
Mathers in the with nineteenth century. Alesiter Crowley relates
stories of diverse misfortunes befalling possessors of this book
in his best dead-pan conveyance in diverse spaces in his published
writings. In one well established story, Philip Heseltine, a well-behaved before time musician, seems to cargo space commited suicide behind schedule using (success- satisfactorily, or so the story goes) one of the magick squares in the book.(1)
The Abra - Melin aid (to achievethe knowledge and Squeal
of one's Consecrated Gaurdian Cupid) requires a considerable assets of time and money(2) to give somebody the job of in its classic form(3). But I cargo space owned a smidgen of the book for numerous time lacking any determined misfortunes befalling m, I cargo space been and go on moderately careful about attempting to work any of the squares as published in the book. Doubtless if I
put the last touches on the Consumption in it's classic form... but that is neither in attendance nor put on.
A gateway analysis of a friend proved the eggs out of which grew (or was nurtured) this simple (but I reflect moderately dignified) magickal system.
This chap was capable in traditional Hebrew (Judaic) Qabala. Now,
I cargo space not found Judaic Qabalah particulary beneficial, by and large.In spite of that, stylish a argument as to the attitude of Sephiroth and Paths in diverse systems of Qabalah, my friend mentioned that neither was as crucial as the "wings", that is, the triangles formed by the paths on the Tree of Way of life. Suddenly thereafter, I worked out the diverse "wings" and their permutations. Award are 16 of them, which immediately completed me sit up and compact notice, as 16 has been a chart of significance in my people Qabala h
for moderately a for example. Appearing in they are [let's dream this ascii tree is put into words].
A == aleph Ch == cheth S == samekh Th == thav
B == Beth T == teth O == ayin
G == gimel I == iod P == peh
D == daleth K == kaph Tz == tzaddi
H == heh L == lamed Q == qoph
V == vav M == mem R == resh
Z == zayin N == nun Sh == shin
The Wings*4* (1)
Play a part Paths Connect /
1 ADB (1)(2)(3) /
2 AHG (1)(2)(6) B A
3 GZB (1)(6)(3) /
4 HZD (2)(6)(3) /
5 VIH (2)(4)(6) ` '
6 ZLCh (3)(6)(5) Ch ` G ' V
7 ILT (4)(6)(5) Z H
8 KNI (4)(7)(6) ` ' /
9 LOM (5)(6)(8) L ` ' I
10 NPO (6)(7)(8) ` ' /
M (6) K
11 NTzS (6)(7)(9) /
12 SRO (6)(9)(8) O N
13 TzRP (7)(9)(8) /
14 QThTz (7)(10)(9) ` S ' /
15 RThSh (8)(9)(10) R Tz /
16 PQSh (8)(7)(10) `(9)' /
Sh Q
Th /
It requisite be quite obvious that these wings can be uttered
either by the junk mail of the paths or the statistics of the sephiroth or the statistics of the sephiroth (or positively astrological attributions of paths or sephiroth or an of an assortment of other correspondances) with height convenience; that wings may be begun or over and done with at any specific and read clockwise or counterclockwise.
From understanding this status of wings, it was a in short supply score to seeing how this information may possibly be used to haul magick squares by diverse input. I shall structure some of these briefly.
I. Set a divine, angelic or demonic name. Mete out it as the sides
of a gnomon. For instance:
Lawlessness Now bargain which junk mail on the gnomon can be
A linked up with a third to form a turn-off, such that
O the notice carrying out the triangle is in line
S with the junk mail forming the other two sides thus:
Lawlessness The 'O' and the 'S' with 'R' (the emphatically period on
A this simple demonstration). I cargo space found squares of this
O R type beneficial in the summons of the armed forces or entities
S R represented by the Cross used.
II. Trace a line on the Tree of Way of life which corresponds to a Telos of a working, for period to actualize a Belligerent force in Malkuth (ie, the cloth world) a good demonstration could be:
TIOPTzRSh (which would be conclude, about,
I 'tiopetsaresh' or some such) communication that numerous
O other unfriendliness can be unchanging from (5) gevurah, mars
P to (10) {malkuth, earth (the cloth)}; greatest
z additional uncomplicatedly. The voting of the line to be unchanging
R is a show consideration for of art and your decorous genius; in
Sh the control of making one of these substance and the mental
authority engendered, one line seems unerringly suitable for the
intend one is unacknowledged to give somebody the job of. As would be cautious, numerous additional wings can be linked up in this demonstration than in the long-standing one. The voting of which wings tto sign up, whether to sign up them symmetrically (ie, in the company of both instances of the notice, horizontally and vertically, in each leg of the gnomon)are next choices of Art. So one way to sign up this one up would be:
TIOPTzRSh This record is steadily asymetric. A hegemony of thumb which
IL I cargo space found beneficial is that for teloi which are imaginary
O N to work materially, asymmetric squares thud to be
P Q preferable; invocatory or sad teloi thud perfect
Tz R put the last touches on by symmetrical squares. Assign it uses the
R P 7th, 10th, 13th, 15th and 16th wings.
Sh Th
III. Amazing Squares. These are mechanized in a the least bit definite conveyance.
They can next be generated from either a holy name or a residue on the Tree of Way of life, but written in a unsound record thus:
BABALON The next score is to (as go out of business as probable) jot down
A O junk mail carrying out wings within the record. Wings
B L can be absolute with any adgacent letters; it makes
A A no break. Finished stylish forms than simple triangles
L B can be traced.
BABALON Appearing in the corners cargo space been detailed with the pinnacle
ADG MSO turn-off and a corner of the moment and the ninth turn-off
BG ML with a corner of the 11th and 12th.
LM B Hold on to to make associates, in bargain to your lone
OSM GDA Brilliancy, until the record is detailed.
BABALON Spend time at wings and stylish forms can be seen
ADGHMSO throughout. One is not without doubt on guard of
BGOPOML all the interconnections what one creates a
AHPNPHA record of this type.
Once upon a time discovering (rediscovering?) and organic this system moderately satisfactorily, I went back to BSMAMM and discovered that the squares resolved put on are not of this type at all! Award are some go up similarities, but they are presumably constructed on insincere definite instruction, additional
"slanting (ie, each row or specialty of a amount to record life a name or word of magickal significance in some provisions or modern (the gnomonic squares are whiz close to possibility)) than form or symbol slanting. That comment, I cargo space found the system outlined in attendance to be openly used, and efficacious in both practical and transcendental applications.
(1) Heseltine seems to cargo space been none to tight to begin with; the record
was meant to bring the adore of a straying being or some such.
He engraved it on his arm.
(2) BSMAMM is estranged popular three books; the pinnacle describes how the critic
(one 'Abraham the Jew') searched for knowledge and met (in Egypt) one
Abra - Melin who qualified him 'the true and sacred supernatural. the moment
describes how to perform the K&CHGA aid. the third contains a
large chart of magick squares for numerous (regularly practical) purposes.
(3) a edited clone (seven weeks as reverse to six months) is resolved
in crowley's 'The Figment of the imagination and the Declare.
*4*The appelation 'wings', BTW, comes from ezekiel's illustrious scene of what is called 'the chariot' (merkavah) which is described as
having gyrating wings to the chart of 16 [lacking having a bible
to hand to guard],and is neither a UFO landing craft or a nuclear
mechanical manna producing feature, but a expressive tally of the
tree of life (and I am well on guard that the date of ezekiel is well via that of the foremost admitted qabalistic book; I am barely
television journalism the tradition as I cargo space gleaned it from diverse sources, very discussion with my previous friend).