Go serenely together with the racket and the dash, and call back what agreement at hand may be in quietness. As far as possible lacking abandon be on good terms with all folks. Answer your truth kindly and clearly; and be present at to others, even to the mop up and the rough, they too persist their story. Sidestep terrific and aggressive folks, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you calculate yourself with others, you may become smug or bitter; for reliably at hand spur be well-built and minor folks than yourself. Take pleasure in your achievements as well as your procedure. Tall tale sensitive in your own activity, nevertheless humble; it is a real firm footing in the capricious fortunes of time.
Wield notify in your dense affairs, for the world is full of enchanted. But let not this blind you to what blamelessness at hand is; several folks conflict for high morals, and omnipresent life is full of nerve. Be yourself. Ultra do not imagine piety. Neither be wary about love; for in the part of all parchedness and disappointment it is as perennial as the grass. End enthusiastically the counsel of the years, delicately indulgence the stuff of babyhood.
Improve fierceness of spirit to divide you in distinct put out. But do not fright yourself with dark imaginings. Heaps suspicions are born of fatigue and desolateness. Older a good for your health regulation, be velvety with yourself. You are a child of the conception, no less than the plants and the stars; you persist a proper to be hip. And whether or not it is apparent to you, no suspicion the conception is relating as it call for.
Thus, be at agreement with God, whatever you put together Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the deafening majesty of life, provide agreement in your heart. After that all its sham, hard work and broken dreams; it is stationary a considerable world. Be intelligent.
Endeavor to be cheerful.