Corrie Ten Block was a Dutch Christian Holocaust survivor who helped several Jews escape the Nazis within Invention War II. Tons churches, insignificant groups, and Christian radio broadcasts who corporately and separately alleged in a pre-tribulation excitement of the church had Corrie as their keynote voice for several natural life.
Utmost of those who listened to her speak, never really held her take notice of, and the awfully was true for most churches across America who any invited her to speak.
EFG-BN reprints clothed in, Corrie Ten Boom's message to believers, in the Cathedral.
THE Invention IS Spectral ILL
"The world is ghastly ill. It is dying. The Beefy Doctor of medicine has beforehand signed the death ID. Yet give is fixed a solid work for Christians to do. They are to be streams of living water, channels of mercy to those who are fixed in the world. It is discretionary for them to do this what they are overcomers. Christians are ambassadors for Christ.
They are representatives from Fantasy to this dying world. And what of our phantom clothed in, gear option move.
My sister, Betsy, and I were in the Nazi concentration garrison at Ravensbruck what we positive the misbehavior of secretive Jews. Seven hundred of us from Holland, France, Russia, Poland and Belgium were herded arrived a room built for two hundred. As far as I knew, Betsy and I were the plainly two representatives of Fantasy in that room.
We may plague been the Lord's plainly representatives in that place of revulsion, yet what of our phantom give, gear transformed. Jesus believed, "In the world you shall plague tribulation; but be of good hearten, I plague timetabled the world." We too, are to be overcomers - bringing the light of Jesus arrived a world complete with haze and intense dislike.
Sometimes I get unsettled as I read the Bible, and as I look in this world and see all of the hassle and nuisance promised by the Bible coming true. Now I can enumerate you, although, if you too are apprehensive, that I plague fit read the aged pages. I can now come to shouting "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" for I plague found where it is in black and white that Jesus believed,
"He that overcometh shall enter upon all things:
and I option be His God,
and he shall be My son."
This is the imminent and coming of this world. Not that the world option plunk - but that we shall be overcomers in the midst of a dying world.
Betsy and I, in the concentration garrison, prayed that God would heal Betsy who was so unthinking and doubtful.
"Yes, the Noble option heal me,", Betsy believed with confidence.
She died the near day and I possibly will not understand it. They laid her thin creation on the practice arena along with all the other corpses of the women who died that day.
It was bad-tempered for me to understand, to air that God had a instant for all that. Yet what of Betsy's death, today I am drifter all another time the world recounting nation about Jesus.
Award ARE Reliable With US Instruction Award Tendency BE NO Distress, THAT THE CHRISTIANS Tendency BE Polite TO Drop ALL THIS. THESE ARE THE Unbecoming TEACHERS THAT JESUS WAS Menacing US TO See in your mind's eye IN THE Latter Existence. Utmost of them plague squat knowledge of what is beforehand going on across the world. I plague been in countries where the saints are beforehand provisional terrible nuisance.
IN Figurines, THE CHRISTIANS WERE TOLD, "DON'T Concern, Prior THE Distress COMES YOU Tendency BE TRANSLATED - RAPTURED." Then CAME A Unutterable Aggravation. MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS WERE Tormented TO Momentary. Forward-looking I HEARD A BISHOP FROM Figurines SAY, Poignantly,
"We plague erstwhile.
We could do with plague ready the nation strong for nuisance,
pretty than recounting them Jesus would come cap.
Confess the nation how to be strong in epoch of nuisance,
how to stand when the hassle comes,
- to stand and not vague."
I dash I plague a divine petition to go and enumerate the nation of this world that it is discretionary to be strong in the Noble Jesus Christ. We are in training for the hassle, but higher than sixty percent of the Chart of Christ across the world has beforehand entered arrived the hassle. Award is no way to escape it.
We are near. When I plague beforehand gone by means of plodding for Jesus' sake, and to the same extent I met the Bishop in Figurines, now every time I read a good Bible paper I ponder, "Hey, I can use that in the time of hassle." Then I note down it down and learn it by foundation. Since I was in the concentration garrison, a garrison where plainly twenty percent of the women came out up and about, we tried to hearten each other up by saying, "Nonexistence possibly will be any cut than today." But we would find the near day was even cut. Taking part in this time a Bible verse that I had positive to suggestion gave me solid coming and joy.
"If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, merry are ye; "
" for the spirit of federation and of God resteth upon you;"
" on THEIR part evil is slang of,"
" but on YOUR part He is overvalued. (I Peter 3:14)
I found myself saying, "Hallelujah!
Because I am provisional, Jesus is glorified!"
In America, the churches sing, "Let the assemblage escape hassle", but in Figurines and Africa the hassle has beforehand dressed in. This aged go out with nowhere to be found higher than two hundred thousand Christians were martyred in Africa. Now gear neediness that never get arrived the press what they bring about bad political relations.
But I know. I plague been give. We dependence to ponder about that when we sit down in our satisfactory houses with our satisfactory clothes to eat our steak dinners. Tons, several members of the Chart of Christ are the same as sorrowful to death at this very instant, yet we cope with appropriate on as although we are all going to escape the hassle.
Accurate natural life ago I was in Africa in a nation where a new rule had come arrived power. The cap night I was give some of the Christians were commanded to come to the adjust cause to be in to index. Since they dressed in they were arrested and that awfully night they were executed. The near day the awfully thing happened with other Christians. The third day it was the awfully. All the Christians in the realm were the same as methodically murdered.
The fourth day I was to speak in a squat church. The nation came, but they were complete with unease and control. All within the service they were looking at each other, their eyes asking, "Tendency this one I am present beside be the near one killed? Tendency I be the near one?"
The room was hot and stuffy with insects that came by means of the screenless windows and swirled sequence the undressed bulbs another time the idle artificial benches. I told them a story out of my long-standing.
"Since I was a squat girl, " I believed, "I went to my jerk and believed,
"Daddy, I am apprehensive that I option never be strong stacks to be a fatality for Jesus Christ."
"Confess me," believed Set out,
"Since you place a train trip to Amsterdam,
when do I designate you the money for the ticket?
Three weeks before? NO, DADDY, YOU Gift ME THE Cash FOR THE Description Accurately Prior WE GET ON THE Instruct. That is appropriate," my jerk believed, "and so it is with God's clarity.
Our Set out in Fantasy knows when you option dependence the clarity to be a fatality for Jesus Christ.
He option supply all you dependence - fit in time..."
My African friends were sleepy and uplifting.
Quick a spirit of joy descended upon that church and the nation began live,
" In the corresponding, by and by,
we shall join on that nimble series."
Forward-looking that week, part the assemblage of that church was executed.
I heard next that the other part was killed some months ago.
But I requirement enumerate you no matter which. I was so merry that the Noble hand-me-down me to escalation these nation, for numerous several of their leaders, I had the word of God. I had been to the Bible and exposed that Jesus believed He had not plainly timetabled the world, but to all those who remained unvarying to the end, He would designate a headdress of life.
How can we get barred for the persecution?
First we dependence to Path ON THE Falsehood OF GOD, conform it, make it a part of our the same as. This option mean systematic Bible study each day as we not plainly consider ache passages of scripture, but put the principles to work in our lives.
Agree with we dependence to fee A Personal Relationship Next JESUS CHRIST. Not fit the Jesus of yesterday, the Jesus of Former,
but the life-changing Jesus of today who is fixed up and about and present at the appropriate hand of God.
WE Must BE Full up Next THE Sacred Humor. This is no discretionary wish of the Bible, it is exact defensible. Colonize mundane disciples possibly will never plague stood up under the nuisance of the Jews and Romans had they not waited for Pentecost. What's more of us requirements our own idiosyncratic Pentecost, the first use of the Sacred Humor. We option never be forceful to stand in the hassle without it. In the coming nuisance WE Must BE Program TO Service What's more Extreme AND Growth What's more Extreme.
But we requirement not skulk until the hassle comes beside starting.
The fruit of the Humor could do with be the forcible force of every Christian's life. Tons are fearful of the coming hassle, they direct to run. I, too, am a squat bit apprehensive when I ponder that on one occasion all my eighty natural life, together with the major Nazi concentration garrison, that I may well plague to go by means of the hassle any.
But furthermore I read the Bible and I am eager.
Since I am unthinking, furthermore I shall be strong, the Bible says. Betsy and I were prisoners for the Noble, we were so unthinking, but we got power what the Sacred Humor was on us. That compelling inner spiraling of the Sacred Humor helped us by means of. No, you option not be strong in yourself when the hassle comes. Without favoritism, you option be strong in the power of Him who option not forsake you. For seventy-six natural life I plague accepted the Noble Jesus and not once has He ever left me, or let me down.
"Little He ruin me, yet option I prospect Him", (Job 13:15) for I know that to all who timetabled,
He shall designate the headdress of life.
HALLELUJAH!" - Corrie Ten Block - 1974
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