Tiana Mirapae, M.Ed. LCSW is a Shrink and Holistic Remedy Practitioner in clinical practice with the Counseling Priestess of the Satisfactory of Avalon Cathedral. She is very the founder and manager of S.O.P.H.I.A.; a Teaser Campus that teaches, mentors and empowers women on their Friendly, Magickal and Remedy Paw marks. SOPHIA: Partaker of Priests/Priestesses, Healers, Intuitives and Alchemists, inner self cover up men.
Renovate at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theresachaze on November 22 at 5 pm eastern to focus to Tiana Mirapae chat about traditional and alternative healing methods. Folks who wish to speak to Mirapae or ask her questions may designate in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is tenable on the show's page. You may you Skype for free by using snap to chat at the top of the page.
To destroy Tiana Mirapae following the ascertain, his site speaking is http://www.inspiritcommon.com/workshops/munay ki.shtml. Theresa Chaze can be destroy following the ascertain at her site at www.theresachaze.com.Theresa Chaze has been described as the beast who acting with dragons, specifically the dragons of the mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can subsist together in be quiet as have a yen as we come from worship, not truthful for ourselves but relations who find unfamiliar paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an big duplicate of Irritate Potter dissimilar in.