AGRIMONY - Protection - Used in various protection and unhexing magicks
ALLSPICE - Money, luck, health - Burned, scattered to attract money, to aid healing
ANISEED - Protection, purification - used in protection and meditation incense. Fresh leaves ward off evil eye.
ASH LEAVES - Protection, prosperity, dreams,healing, love - Placed under the pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Used in protection and healing spells. Burned to bring prosperity. Carried to bring love.
BLACKBERRY - Wealth, health - promote wealth, good health and confer protection.
BLADDERWRACK - Protection, money, psychic powers - Used in spells to confer protection.
BURDOCK ROOT - Protection, healing - Scattered to ward off negative energies. Healing.
CARAWAY - Protection, lust - Wards off negative energies. Baked in bread and biscuits to promote lust.
CATNIP - Love, cat magick - Used in love spells, incense/charms, cat magick.
CHAMOMILE - Sleep, purification, love, meditation - Sprinkled around property to remove spells cast against you. Added to bathwater it attracts love and it is used in sleep and meditation incense.
CHERVIL - Wisdom, immortality - Used in spells to gain wisdom, insight, especially for the recent bereaved.
CHICKWEED - Love fertility - Worn to promote love and strengthen relationships. Used in fertility spells.
CLEAVERS - Love - Carried, used in spells to promote love.
COLTSFOOT - Love, peace - Used in love sachets, spells for peace, tranquility.
COMFREY - Travel, Money - Worn or carried to ensure safe travel. The root is also used in money spells.
DAMIANA - Love, lust - Used in love/lust infusions/spells.
DILL - Protection, money, lust, love - Hung at a door or carried in sachets for protection. Used in money spells. Stimulated lust when eaten.
ELDERFLOWER - Protection, healing, exorcism, blessings - hung over doors/windows to ward off evil, grown to confer protection on the home. Used in blessings.
EUCALYPTUS - Healing, protection - Used in healing poppets, charms. For protection.
FENNEL - Protection, healing - Hung up at windows and doors to ward off evil.
FRANKINCENSE - Protection - Used as a base for exorcism, healing, consecration and meditation incenses.
FUMITORY - Money, exorcism - Sprinkled around the home to draw money and burned to ward off evil.
GOLDENROD - Money, divination - Used in money spells, love, finding lost possessions.
G. CELANDINE - Protection - happiness - Worn as protective charm or to win favour in court.
GROUND IVY - Divination - Reveals those who are working magick against you.
GYPSY WORT - Money, dreams,psychic powers - Carried to promote wealth, prosperity. Added to pillows promotes prophetic dreams, psychic powers.
HEARTSEASE - Love, Love divination - Carried to promote love, used in love divination.
HEATHER - Luck, protection - Carried to bring luck and protection.
HOPS - Health, sleep - used in spells for healing, to promote sleep, rest.
HOREHOUND - Protection - For protective charms. Scattered as exorcism herb.
HYSSOP - Purification, protection - Purification, used in baths, charms, infusions. Hung at home, protects against negative energies.