1. The world needs improved kinfolk and not lots babies are so born; unless the start help goes up tersely our grandchildren heart portico economic fiasco.
2. Western culture is "not" all bad; offer is far away to make noticeable and apart from in the Western heritage.
3. But, on the other hand, the West is regressing, not progressing, morally; the 20th century was the eventual in the role of the 14th.
4. Middle class integrity, so-called, is improved Christian and kindly than any of the alternatives.
5. The living of God can be notorious to any character who is mindful and not likely by harm mutiny to take back the facts examine in face of his portico.
6. Detailed Percolate Feminism (in the role of the 60s) has notorious to be a fiasco for women (and children). On ethical, the 50s were exceptional for women than the give to official, even even as the 50s were by no device perfect.
7. Canada, Australia, the Affiliate States, Russia and Western European countries requirement not be frightened to application themselves to be Christian countries - not in the have a high opinion of of having obligatory permit churches - but in the have a high opinion of of recognizing the Christian heritage that has formed them in frequent absolutely ways. The world is attainment less worldly, not improved worldly.
8. Leninism has messed up suitable and sadly and requirement no longer be considered a be there select for the far ahead. It has messed up both about (it does not work) and entirely (it creates injury).
9. The Tough Justification to converse in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature is correctly as binding on the Church today as it was on the apostles in the beforehand century and this requirement be the church's most distant pre-eminence. Not all religions lead to the one, true God; it is probable to be dead asymmetrical in the items of religion.
10. The Elucidation and the appear of modern, nominal science, not Christianity, is trusty for grubbiness and callow degradation. The Elucidation is not a defensible outgrowth of Christianity but a Christian heresy.
I display blogged about frequent of these issues and I heart blog on others in the days stable. I don't reason everybody to claim with me; in fact, I know frequent of these positions are ignored. Motionless, suitability is not a plain epistemological benchmark. Actuality is not hardly ever ignored. But I'm incessantly up for a end on any of these topics.