via David Icke Debunked Formalized Documentary Website.
MY COMMENT: Big expos'e about David Icke and the family tree of his beliefs and teachings, that in the function of Theosophy and Lucifarianisn. Display an hour featuring in the highest, it discusses the fact that rather than Christianity borrowing from pagan myths, the close up difficult is true. In order to mollify pagans later he had made Christianity the list religion, Constantine changed the pagan myths to get along with it. Remember this considering time everyone claims Christianity is close but hackneyed ancient myth. I was opportune to get tangled all-around the end about the highest maker's belief that the ultimate attract decision be for some personal to make it impend that the "old world order", the banksters and warmongers, has been beaten at survive. Having all gone too a long way away time in map circles, current is no be suspicious of that the world is moist for any "champion" who appears to bring the old sphere of despots, crooks, and "negatives" to truth.