We've received a new report on Ho'oponopono and Shamanism from Mark Perkins.
This is the perfect way of using the Native Hawaiian sense of space from native Hawaiian cultures in your Ho oponopono practice, especially in learning how to send healing energy to sick person.
Hello, Vince and Ohana!
Just got back from the Society for Shamanic Practitioners conference where I introduced (and re-introduced) a group of the Society members to Ho'oponopono.
I led a 4-hour workshop that outlined the Hawaiian spiritual concepts (3-selves, kahuna, aka, etc.) and the Ho'oponopono process then mapped these concepts to their shamanic world-view (not all that different...just different words.) We then selected a situation that one of the members presented to the group as the focus of the process.
The group did a shamanic journey to view the situation prior to Ho'oponopono, afterwhich I guided the group through the process having them repeat the process word-for-word from Morrnah's manual. The group then again journeyed to the situation and reported back the pre- and post Ho'oponopono information they received.
They were blown away!
One of the journeys saw the pre-Ho'oponopono scene with the people involed competely trapped by a negative energy. Afterward, the negative energy had completely vanished and the people were dancing and playing (this included the "antagonists" that were included in the process.) All of the group witnessed the marked improvement that Ho'oponopono facilitated.
I specifically used the term "re-introduced" as one of the group had studied with Morrnah back in the ealy 70's. She was there to re-learn and refresh here knowledge, however, she had not previously used shamanic work to see the changes. She, too, was blown away.
I want to offer my heart fealt thanks to Morrnah and to Vince for re-introducing this amazing process. Use it...it works!
Energy Healing Diploma Searches:
Mark will be presenting
this workshop at the
2009 Huna World Convention
Register Now!
(c) 2009 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD