The real number may vary, but we do know from research and study that these are factual and confirmed. This is nothing new of course. Spiritualists for thousands of years have been performing astral travel. But in these modern times, we can measure and understand what it is we are doing in ways that the ancients would never have dreamed possible.
All of this of course is to heighten and intensify the experiences that we have when we are projecting. Thats the entire goal, to first understand, and then use this knowledge to enrich our experience.
With that in mind, here are the frequencies referred to:
GAMMA FREQ - everyday frequency - when you are going through your everyday routine, this is where your brain is functioning. 39 - 89 Hertz approximately
BETA FREQ - concentration - you brain is slowed up a bit and is prime for solving problems in this date. 10 - 40 Hertz approximately
ALPHA FREQ - brain is relaxed a little, maybe daydreaming for example. 8 - 12 Hertz or so
THETA FREQ - meditation frequency - when your mind is functioning on this level, it's possible that you could project when you mind is in this state. It's somewhat unlikely however. As you continue to practice it's more likely that you could begin to project at this frequency. 4 Hz - 8Hz
DELTA FREQ - Sleep. At this frequency you are out cold. Nevertheless, out of body experiences are quite possible and common at this frequency. Typically, they are not controlled travel, but spontaneous because of the fact that you didn't begin from a controlled state. It is said that we all astral travel in our sleep regardless of whether or not we are aware of it..5 to about 4 Hz
EPSILON FREQ - less than.5 Hz or greater than 100 Hz - these two extremes of the frequency spectrum have the ability to support mystic experiences. Your brain is functioning on a level that is multi dimensional and is very likely to allow and promote astral projection.
Why is all this important? Because these frequencies can be reproduced outside of the brain and can also assist in your astral travels. Research shows that playing particular beats while you are meditating can actually assist with astral travel and possibly make existing experiences deeper and more meaningful. No one really knows how this is possible, but it works.
A pair of tones, monaural beats in the alpha and theta range when played to a person attempting astral travel, create a third more intense frequency in the brain that encourages an out of body experience.
Isochronic tones are created by using a pair of tones that do not differ. Again, the presence of the tones is favored by your brain when attempting astral travel.
Both types of tones or frequencies can be introduced to the brain through simple audio recordings. These can be found on the internet and played through a computer program to assist in your travels.
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