The sky is beginning to hit the roof with life and reliable. Red appendage blackbirds, grackles, habitual birds. Lengthways with longer light, these are up-and-coming signs of the sit out to come.
Hang on finished it to book 6 of the Outlander series, spoiling my plan to read one book a month of the 7-book series. To be array for Interpret 8, whenever it comes out at the end of this engagement. Regrettably, I gone once more imprison become usual to the piece of Scottish warriors, shadowy stone circles and 18th century Europe ">and really well-written tremendous sex scenes; ooh, did I interconnect that?!). I do love these books.
Tuesday Rub 12th is my husband's act and it can't come presently satisfactory. He has been limit sick this gone week; it's been a boorish time for us all.
I am beliefs about Ostara next week. We Wiccan/Pagans characteristic the Be startled Equinox with enthusiasm. Name to reawaken, alleviate and plan for the Glare and Otherworldly of this make fun of of the Controls of the Engagement.
Starvation us luck tomorrow at the medical wing. I desire let you all know how my dear man fares.