The Great Sabbats are:
"Samhain" positively income "summer's end" and is pronounced "sow-in" or "sow-een." It is the Wiccan New Blind date and the third harvest of the appointment. It is the sabbat from which Halloween was inherent. The Holy being is in her Crone aspect and the God desire die and basis the Summerland truthful to be reborn anew at Yule.
"Imbolg income "in the front" (of the Holy being) and is too unrestricted as "Imbolc" ("in milk"). It is the sabbat which honors the on-coming of All right. Candlemas ("candle night") is the Christianized counterfeit of this celebration. The Holy being is in her Maiden aspect and the God in his insignificant. The Celtic goddess Brigid (pronounced "Ancestors") is well-regarded at this time.
"Beltane is the sabbat which celebrates the sacred marriage of the Holy being ">
"Lughnasadh "positively income "the be an enthusiast of of Lugh" (Lugh was the Celtic Sun God) and it celebrates the principal harvest of the appointment. This sabbat is too unrestricted as Lammas (Irish for "old sophistication") and is too a mid-evil Christian holiday meaning "dawdle dam." The Holy being is in her Blood relation aspect, but beginning to age. The God is too being paid cloudy.
The Undersized Sabbats are:
"Yule "is the Remote Solstice. The word Yule was occupied from the Norse "Jul" which income "reins." This is the sabbat from which the Christian holiday of Christmas originates. The Holy being is a "Triple Holy being" - Maiden, Blood relation ">
"Ostara "which is pronounced "o-stara" is the All right Equinox and the sabbat from which the Christian holiday of Easter evolved. Far away of the Easter lore i.e. rabbits, decorated produce, etc. stems from this Pagan holiday. The goddess Eostre, who was the Teutonic Astrophysical Holy being of Depth, is well-regarded at this time. Her sacred animal was the hare. Ostara too celebrates new life with the pastime of the sun. The Holy being is in her Young Blood relation aspect and the God, the Young Opening.
"Mabon, "pronounced "may-bone" or "may-bon" is the Autumn Equinox and the flicker harvest of the appointment. The name was occupied from the Irish "Mabon ap Modron" which income "son of the mother" (Earth). The Holy being and God progress to proceed old.
"Litha", too unrestricted as the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, celebrates the crave days and clean weather. Litha is Anglo-Saxon for "further on summer" (Aerra Litha). "The Fae" (faeries) are well-regarded at this time and animal blessings and protection spells are largely performed at this time as well. The Holy being is at her peak as Blood relation and the Opening God at his.
Depending upon the tradition, the names of these Pagan sabbats may vary. But, the basic meanings and symbolisms of these ancient earth-based revels, for the furthermost part, come to rest the extremely.