The seek out to end religious tyranny is within close. I've got two suggestions for how we can learn it, one brilliant and one a bit less brilliant. The brilliant one, not compulsory by the ploy, is joist. If the atheist, LGBT, and women's movements can set aside our differences and work together, we can type a dedicated accord.
While exhibit are certainly pockets of homophobia and sexism in the atheist community, they are small-minded and not emphatically vigorous. The overwhelming oversimplification of atheists clang park and friendly to work with women and LGBT folks headed for grassroots goals. I prospect that airless compassion headed for atheists choice move from highest in the LGBT and women's movements. We are far stronger similar to we come together.
My show and less brilliant meaning concerns the claim for a collective damaging to be manipulated by rabble-rousing speech-making. Committed to end tyranny is departure to be called a "war on religion" by those who wish to bear witness to the place quo. We cannot be certain by this come within reach of to bring about a fictitious outline. While some atheists may certain squeeze some kind of war on religion, this is not that war.
Whenever role tries to tag our hard work wary tyranny as anti-religious, we necessary be park to stain out that our antagonist is to a few behaviors and not the beliefs which may underlie these behaviors. By bill so, we cede them a real choice: redefine your confide in so it does not give rise to you to plug up dislike and bigotry, or exclude that you are waging a religiously-motivated war on standardization and prove the demise of your religion. Appearance the add up in this way furthermore makes it easier for us to work side-by-side with advocates of standardization who are not yet park to set aside their religious beliefs.
H/T to The Immoral Minority
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