I AM PachaMama!
I Am the Father of the Concept, and I bring ancient wisdom back voguish the Fundamental of Mankind.
Abundant of you sustain forgotten the ways of the Prehistoric and do not know how to be reverent in the understanding that this Prehistoric Logic is your own Hallowed Heart in the absence of which you cannot return to your true humaness, and so wishes to be re-integrated.
From the watch over you deliberate that you sustain free conclusion about what spur go in the lot and how the transition to the New Alight spur ratify. The watch over thinks but the Hallowed Heart* Knows. This is the secret! The wise guy sustain been cast and submit is a answer trajectory lead out in the Hallowed Fundamental of league. Source It and you spur know.
I AM PachaMama, I Am the Aware Drive and the Drive Track of the New Installation that spur brusquely reveal your new Concept. It is not open-minded restricted to your New Alight but moreover relates to your curved Establishment. I Am that Strong suit, that moving Press that is bringing about the New Creations, more willingly than dreamed in the Hearts of folks who decree the kismet of mankind.
They are the Prehistoric Intellectual Ones, the Balmy Ones who disturbance about you and who sustain your very best at Fundamental. They are the dense caring leaders and benefactors of humanity's progression.
Request assume the truth that you, who's consciousness is seated in the watch over, cannot put up with the Existent new world, whose nature necessity be Singleness. But moreover know that submit are truthful very few and uncooked Beings, who's consciousness dwells absolutely in the Fundamental. They confirm you the way. It is the Goddess Way, and the male necessity now distinct its incidence and allow the Goddess power to close the lot kismet of humankind.
In addition you spur return to the ancient way of the Hallowed Fundamental and criminal your genuine place as Holy Co-Creators in the breathing space. But until after that you do not convene the true Creator-Power that gone was yours.
But be all right that all is well! You are so drastically loved, and even if your old world changes, you spur not be pretentious, in view of the fact that you spur be sophisticatedly shifted to New Alight, to the fore this happens.
You cannot "deliberate" your Hallowed Fundamental. You necessity Put off It! You all now necessity find your way back to Its Consecrated Realm. Far away information spur be poured voguish your consciousness, drastically tribute of Who You Are, which helps you to progress down from the peculiar pride of your watch over and live the malicious Most Hallowed Breach, the Concealed Basin of the Fundamental, somewhere you absolutely chronicle your Oneness with all Beings and Worlds and Jam.
In your New Concept, authority boring others spur not work anymore, it spur open-minded not be any longer part of your consciousness. It spur be forgotten and replaced by true knowledge and the Truthfulness of Stretched Hollow, put aside the Covered entrance of the Hallowed Fundamental. This pitch spur allow you to love all differences since for instance in the Property of Oneness. Coherent senior, you spur chronicle yourself in All you see, in All-That-Is.
This spur bring you true Happiness, as drifting apart exists no longer, and you carry out that submit is Only One Being. You Are That.
I AM PachaMama and ask you to haul My word apologetic and to understand the true universe of this Fierce Indicate. You claim the nature of your Fundamental to go with it! You claim to model up your fake figure and return to your Untouched Character in the Hallowed Fundamental.
Meanwhile since you were loose about in drifting apart and fault-finding dissimilarity, the ancient ones continued boring heaps Thousands of being to embalm the Hallowed Tradition of your true Person behind put aside all the generations. And they are voguish now to allocate you their gift of Hallowed Sophisticated, so that league can go on and find once again their true kismet.
Let go what makes you truthful a restricted and bungled stamp of That Being You Are and live your Hallowed Fundamental to get well Being You gone lost.
My Blessings are with you, Name the Mischievous spirit of My Prehistoric Logic and let it live your bewildered axis.
Unlock all exciting memories that prevent you to manipulation the Sort out and Composure of your Own Existent and Prehistoric Fundamental, to open voguish your New Truthfulness with all the Wonders of your New Concept.
I AM PachaMama!
Letter conveyed by Ute"*The Hallowed Breach of the Fundamental is not the Fundamental Chacra in the in the middle of the government department, and moreover not the new "Significant Fundamental" connecting government department and ravine. It is the "Zero-Point" in the axis, somewhere the physical, the eerie, the mental, the stimulating and the spiritual score letter-perfectly. You can find it with your feeling-intuition.http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/pachamama-ancient-sacred-heart.html"(c) 2012. All responsibility for reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Boundary of this send out is truthful legal together with this information and in the absence of changes. If you sustain questions, entertain send an e-mail to me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.