I hassle that I had or written the final episode about my arch nemesis and departed tutor, the ever self-propagandizing, irate and close to diehard, half-assed vicar of Next to One Harmonize Ministry, Stop Schnoebelen. But mournfully, he continues to corral his lies, half-truths and committed prejudice about the internet. The new-fangled outburst would be copious sunlit if weren't so sincerely inane and flaming. So I am underwater back dressed in a brisk one sided event with the ultra-conservative Christian Fundamentalist who was as a instance of the Wicca and a Mason.
It's really pleasure feint hostility with the coffer of the Black Knight (AS Completely REMEMBERED IN MONTY PYTHON'S Fantastic GRAIL See). He has teeth, but no arms or legs passed away to do hostility, and can be with pleasure without hope. I gut feeling Stop makes a emotive straw man, like his positions are based on Christian myth and talent preferably than real facts. I redress in advance to representative and esoteric Christians who must be copious bulky by this fool. Benevolently, let the hostility begin!
"Revolt is a sin of sorcery, speculation a misbehavior of the teraphim." - 1 Samuel 15:23 (The Jerusalem Bible)
Stop starts out his exposition with this quote, excluding he uses the cataclysmically antiquated and ominously reasonably criticized Kings James Journal, everyplace the word "SORCERERY" is substituted by the word "WITCHCRAFT", which changes the whole meaning, of course. That Ruler James had an fascination with witches and witchcraft adjoining on madness is besides the aim - it did, in spite of that, take in the side of the bible dressed in English.
This discrimination is part of obese slap of the episode that contains the badly behaved pronouncements by the prophet Samuel used to censure Ruler Saul. Samuel was in all probability enraged with Saul and his opinion to break Yahweh, so considerably of ensuring that the Amelikites were openly annihilated and all of their materials destroyed, Saul approved the Israelites to lay up the prisoners as slaves and their belongings as loot. The word "TERAPHIM" in the discrimination refers to everyday idols, so it represents incorrect gods and their revere.
The key aim is that Ruler Saul rebelled chary the commandments of his god and presumed to make decisions for him. What on earth this quotation has to do with modern witchcraft and Brickwork seems delicate comprise to me. I theorize that Stop used it out of context in the same way as the KJV bible uses the word "WITCHCRAFT" considerably of "SORCERY", even still the aim is really wildness and presumptuousness. The matter-of-factness of Stop using this proposition is delicate chaotically pernickety, like presumptuousness is very ominously his mode of feint income. So we start out with a discrimination diligent openly out of context from the Old Memorial, and by some means this will make the rest of the exposition ring out and erudite? Right!
If possible of all, Brickwork is not a religion. It is a fraternal structure with some biblical themes and comprise symbolism based on persons themes. While one possibly will make occult interpretations of the discrete Masonic rituals and lore, persons incredibly interpretations are not supposed by either the rank and file Mason, nor the appreciated members of their conclusion bodies and their calculated intellectuals. Brickwork is not an occult structure nor would any of its members look at themselves to be occultists or members of some fiery of deputy religion. So when Stop says the minute in his exposition, we can with pleasure refute him. The Farmhouse of Brickwork is not a religion, nor is its underpinnings theological, occultic or entrenched in ancient forms of paganism - persons underpinnings are actually philosophical in caring. We can good at the giddiness of this clasp, and I quote it in full, in the same way as it is the foundation stone to Bill's fantastic wisp.
"So, the Farmhouse is not acceptable '"not the same religion"' pleasure the Muslims or the Buddhists-although that alone want be heaps to lay up Christians from stuck between themselves in it. The caring and character of the Lodge's inmost theological underpinnings are entrenched in Witchcraft and Paganism."
Of course, we are to assume that modern Witchcraft has an unremitting line going back to the paleolithic bygone, and that by some means Brickwork borrowed heavily from persons sources. Even so, what's more Ronald Hutton and Philip Heselton breakfast proved bygone a shadow of a have an idea that that modern Witchcraft can't be traced back mend than the primitive 20th century. That would mean that modern Witchcraft is effectively younger than Brickwork, which itself definite dates back to the primitive 18th century. If modern Witchcraft shares a variety of famous tackle with Brickwork, after that one would breakfast to discontinue that the natter this does in fact distribute is in the same way as Gerald B. Gardner (WHO WAS HIMSELF A MASON) put them display. While some witches may sway this amongst each other, scholars breakfast absent that ominously of the lore of modern Gardnerian witchcraft was paved together from other sources. What on earth this procedure is that display is no caution and the linkages in the midst of one tradition of witchcraft and Brickwork can be with pleasure explained - it was a notes of creative plagiarism and not some fiery of Satanic caution, as Stop would breakfast it.
The natter why this is so manifestly observable is the fact that definite Gardnerian witchcraft (AND IT'S Assorted OFFSHOOTS) breakfast these points in famous with Brickwork. Other non-Gardnerian traditions of witchcraft are copious unexpected and breakfast few if any points in famous with Brickwork. How does one make known that distressing offspring dissimilarity to Bill's over-arching theory? Why it's pioneer, my be attracted to reader! Stop is making an wisp that is copious drink based and sincerely dramatic - it is, in a word - a emotive lie! This is even outstanding old-world when one considers that some of the outstanding traditional non-Gardnerian forms of witchcraft may actually middle bleak systems from the prior time, excluding the track record for that conjecture has yet to be verified.
Gifted folk intended their magickal works to be their "Command somebody to," acceptable pleasure a person else who had a capability for shrink. They completed things for their paying customers (SPELLS, TALISMANS, AMULETS, HERBAL REMEDIES, TONICS, ETC.), excluding none of them ever professed to be adherents of an deputy or "OLD" religion. Anyway, craftsmen were inhabit who worked with their hands, used tools in a heroic conduct and completed things, atypical the conclusion classes and the church. To designate Brickwork a craft is to hearken back to the days when Masons were builders and architects, or at smallest possible that is part of the issue of minute the Masonic path. Nearby is nonbeing sinister or esoteric about this time, acceptable as one would interpret - like we deskbound use it today weak spot any theological pretensions.
We will convey over again Bill's definitions, like we breakfast absent that witchcraft is ominously too diverse to touch lightly one definition to the fantastic impulsion. Stop is using definitions that were put together in the overdue 19th century (About PAGANISM IN Widespread), so they don't judge the modern perspectives of historians and archeologists. Stop has openly not read doesn't matter what about witchcraft like he passed away the craft in the primitive 1980's, and even after that, he spouts the old arguments and resentment that greatest folk, whether from within the impulsion or all-embracing it, no longer strengthen as true. Suffice it so say that for every alleged fact that Stop states in his exposition, display are modern witchcraft and pagan groups who don't hug to it or everyplace it isn't even ideas.
A chafe in aim is one of Bill's arguments, which is distressing and really a unbearable simplification.
"Unsympathetically, a Pagan believes greatest everything the Witch believes, but is fiery of a lay individualistic, time a Witch is outstanding of a Priestess or Shaman."
I theorize that the disdainful quote has outstanding fallacies in it than doesn't matter what that I ever seen written by a person with any amount of knowledge. Modern witches and pagans middle very unexpected traditions of belief and practice. Successive within these imprecise categories display is copious a bit of replace, based on the fact that every witch or pagan calls upon unexpected traditions within that imprecise group. While some possibly will find some very widespread points in famous in the midst of them, they are copious break up. Correspondingly, a instance of a unmarried witchcraft tradition would not be an go for amongst a group of neopagans, like display isn't any really fixed hierarchy in the midst of all of these differing traditions in the initially place. What's more group has its own leaders, and often display is a fair amount of internal strife about even that observable aim. You will in addition reveal that Stop conflates a priest or priestess with a shaman, which is a openly unexpected relatives unadulterated. It acceptable seems that Stop doesn't really know what he is talking about, so it would resonance that his fantastic daily is based on total and constant nonsense.
Deeper dressed in his exposition, Stop does permit that Wicca is modern, and that if display are resemblances in the midst of Brickwork, after that openly one would breakfast been the variety for the other. Such an confirmation almost destroys his fantastic daily, but after that he saves it by proposing some outstanding ancient (AND Darkness) strategic for what's more Wicca and Brickwork. Nonetheless display isn't any track record for this proposition, it does middle the fright of Bill's daily. I quote his disparaging confirmation, with the merest forewarning that saves his daily from nullifying itself.
"As it is currently constituted, Wicca is single a century old. This is not to say that it doesn't drawing on elements from the ancient mystery cults. To be acknowledged, it does-to a high tone. Even so, it is a unembellished task to begin whether fresh Wicca so profoundly resembles Freemasonry in the same way as two of its point architects (ALEISTER CROWLEY AND GERALD B. GARDNER) were Masons; or whether that empathy is a derivation of outstanding ancient practices."
Historians breakfast absent that the alleged ancient mystery cults agreed to the right weak spot casual very ominously map out bringing up the rear. Christianity was copious finished in its destruction of all of the pagan practices of antiquity. What on earth we breakfast today is a water imaginary overhaul, underwater from a variety of unexpected sources and end with a lot of creative talent. Brickwork and witchcraft are modern creations, and they breakfast very offspring in famous with the bleak mystery cults, like that knowledge agreed to the right long at an earlier time either of these two organizations were imaginary. Brickwork was a product of the Age of Elucidation, and Wicca, a product of Victorian England. Nearby is no unremitting ancestry spanning the ages of antiquity to the about time.
New to the job aim, Aleister Crowley didn't breakfast doesn't matter what to do with print the stiff of the Gardnerian Witchcraft Conquer of Gloomy. This has been acknowledged copious definitively, like Crowley and Gardner didn't designate until the engagement of Crowley's death, and after that definite a match up of visits occurred. It may be a unembellished task to begin the resemblances in the midst of Gardnerian Wicca and Brickwork if you are looking for some fiery of satanic secure, but of course, the simpler interpretation is acceptable a form of plagiarism.
After that comes the really nail habitual and willful conjecture, that (OH MY!) Wicca by some means has engulfed the evil strategic of Brickwork, making the burial outstanding sacred and less (So far MY Beating HEART!) profane than their principal form. What on earth this amounts to is the belief that Brickwork is evil and satanic, so if some group has modeled itself on persons rituals and beliefs, after that that group, too, is dirty and satanic. This belies the memorable fact that Masonic organizations spawned a loads of related organizations and institutions, what's more in England, the European continent and the U.S. One possibly will even go so far as saying that a catalog of liberal countries, such as our own, are awkward confident and sopping with Masonic beliefs, symbolism and philosophies. If you are a subject of the U.S., Italy, France, England, and others too countless to imply, you are an unwitting instrument confident by the evils of Brickwork. I gut feeling the whole world want be so lucky!
"If Masonic rituals were engrafted dressed in Witchcraft in the overdue 19th and primitive 20th century, and if that melding was so finalize and effortless-even to the aim that in some cases, the Wiccan burial were less silly and profane than display[sic] Masonic resemblance, after that what dispatch does that send about Masonry? As a preacher friend of supply, Jim Spencer, observed, 'If the devil can address my sermons weak spot changeable them ominously, what does that say about my sermons?'"
I suppose you possibly will say that it really says nonbeing at all, like profusion of organizations tell the world breakfast modeled themselves on Brickwork. I would in addition say that the Evil spirit has been preaching Mr. Spenser's sermons, and Bill's as well. Individual who preaches prejudice, committed discrimination and advocates sectarian get on your wick crimes chary others is really feint the work of the Christian devil. How illuminating for Stop to perform us who his mentor really is.
From this aim on in Bill's exposition, things get openly outlandish. The merest suppositions become entrenched and observable facts, and from them the world turns dressed in a dark gothic uncomplimentary image of itself, with ravens cawing in the location and bats flitting overhead, since the world is wrapped in a sinister stygian mist that hides the alleged real truth. Stop goes on and on with his arguments, council house them up to a crescendo, pleasure listening to Mussorgsky's "Dimness ON Unembellished Collection" or reading a story by H. P. Lovecraft. Successive the list of satanic members of witchcraft and brickwork is delicate unpredicted. I am self-possessed that Arthur Edward Waite would breakfast been traumatized to be intended a instance of the witch cult, acceptable pleasure a variety of of the other members of the legendary list. Absolutely Gerald B. Gardner and Alex Sanders belong display, and the fact that at smallest possible one of them was in addition a Mason really proves nonbeing.
One of Bill's final arguments is completely numb and even droll, so I shall about it in attendance for our up for.
"The Masonic temple is a temple of Witchcraft! Nearby can be offspring have an idea that about that. Hinted within its symbols are the deities and even the working tools of Witchcraft! As has been absent, the count and compasses are representations of the generative organs-the '"sacred altar"' of Witchcraft! The passionate star at the principal of the workshop is the Witch's pentagram, symbol of the god of Satanism, Set! The Point '"G"' stands for generativity[sic], sexual vigor."
Individual who has ever been a Mason (OR HAS Figure out MASONIC Substantial) will know what the spectral "G" symbolizes. It represents the initially message of "GOD" and "GEOMETRY," what's more of which are copious monotonous and tame. Stop has defeated himself, becoming a laughing shelter in the procedure. I am acknowledged that his result, the trusting and the unconscious, will find his exposition illuminating (NO PUN Intentional). They will positively lose rest over again it and breakfast a variety of nightmares about Masons and witches cavorting together in some satanic grove, dancing lightheartedly and obliviously tell the hooves of the big "D." I do awareness contrite for them and astound at the giddiness of their key idea, but I breakfast offspring mend to say about Stop restrict to hit my bubble and astound how he is useful to make up all of this crap. He must be ingesting some highly-flavored hallucinogens in order to come up with these observable fantasies.
Probably some day Stop will be salaried for his infected punditry. Maybe he can get a day job as the high priest paradigm for the Fox Information Flora and fauna. Even so, I have an idea that if other and wiser Christians will ever regard his work, like it is so far down in the watercourse and living in the sewer of hip hassle.
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