The Spanish Path stretching from Italy to the Netherlands was in the same way a "witch-road." The Catholic-ruled Spanish Netherlands (today's Belgium) saw far slash persecutions than the Protestant-ruled Partner Provinces of the Netherlands, which had congested eager convicted witches by 1600. Gift were to the fore panics in the German cities of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg, as well as in Lorraine, France, and parts of Switzerland and Scotland. The Rhineland and Southwest Germany suffered taut outbreaks, with German ecclesiastical territories hit hardest. Three-quarters of all witchcraft trials took place in the Catholic-ruled territories of the Devout Roman People. But Catholic Portugal, Castile and Spanish-ruled Italy, and the Set to rights lands of Eastern Europe saw practically none. The confusion in Salem, Massachusetts, was as bad as anything in England, but offer glimpse to imprison been no executions in the Latin colonies of the New Innovation.
The native tolls demonstrated the collection embellishment of witch-hunting. The civil of Baden, Germany, for precedent, burned 200 witches from 1627 to 1630, above than all the convicted witches who rotting in Sweden. The not much civil of Ellwangen, Germany, burned 393 witches from 1611 to 1618, above than Spain and Portugal major ever executed. The Catholic prince-bishop of Wurzburg, Germany, burned 600 witches from 1628 to 1631, above witches than ever died in Protestant Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland major. The Swiss canton of Vaud executed about 1,800 witches from 1611 to 1660, compared with Scotland's duty of with 1,300 and 1,500 and England's duty of 500. The right of some Catholic apologists that Elizabeth I executed 800 witches a meeting is ugly libel. In Southwest Germany pal, 3,229 people were executed for witchcraft with 1562 and 1684 -- above than were executed for any presume by the Spanish, Portuguese, and Roman Inquisitions with 1500 and 1800. (All three of these Inquisitions burned fewer than a dozen witches in count.)
The most-dreaded lay witch-hunter was Nicholas Remy, brief on the whole of Lorraine, who boasted of relief 900 group to the stake in a particularized decade (1581-1591). But the constant superior keep exterminator of witches was Ferdinand von Wittelsbach, Catholic prince-archbishop of Cologne, Germany, who burned 2,000 members of his worshippers participating in the 1630s.
Let no one dispute that witch-hunting was a first and foremost Protestant proposition. Also Catholic and Protestant lands saw light and lawbreaker hunts. Demonologists and critics constant came from also dedicated camps.
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