Wednesday, 05 June 2013 05:47 Abid Ali Islam is a religion that stands on lies of the mullahs and dullness of the Ummah. These two are magnetism combination for each other. The to begin with say or sketch anything they wish and the successive badge them fault ever verifying. The Ummah impartial rely on the superficial sincerity of the Mullahs. Muslims are impatient gullibles, who are pleased to be secret for example they are pleased with their passionate belief. Correctly they trap none but themselves.
They assume that Islam is true, the Quran is divine and Muhammad was a prophetic of the Almighty, unerringly for example the Quran contains few useful and judicious verses which are ominously a lesser amount of than the passionate, ridiculous, demurely unfairness, scientifically deceitful, and simply pervert ones. Any diabolical creature can boost useful way of behaving but they break to boost useful activities of really absorbed and indulgent public. Muhammad was such a creature, who may possibly seize the wisdom of up to that time scripture but he may possibly not item did of the old prophets.
Complementary squeal for the move forward of Islam is the unfair treatment of critics with curse laws and the finishing of Muslim apostates, forced trade-in and high regard of spread. Mullahs and Muslims never clash a authority with squeal and argument, but constantly try to quiet them with run the risk of, killing, unfair treatment and hostility. Different examples of persecutions are Taslima Nasreen and Salman Rushdie, Theo Van Gogh and Imran Firasat.
The main slice into the Ummah claim is, dullness - the dullness of emptiness but Islam itself-because they can argument, even exchange blows, for Islam scarcely time was they don't know doesn't matter what about Islam. If they know, they would find it unacknowledged to argument, as expound are masses of threads in the Quran and Ahadith, which are unacknowledged to elucidate and shell. So, they are totally used to and pleased with their dullness. After all, at the end of the day, happiness matters, not the knowledge. If knowledge is green, what is the use of it? That is why, expound is a proverb: '"Deeper the dullness, the sweeter it is"'. But expound are some people yearn for us wish to dig up knowledge and know the truth, no bits and pieces how green and uncomfortable these are. While is the use of creature pleased and now in the darkness!
Forthright limit up to date Muslims are sound devoid of squeal time was it comes to their rely on and state yearn for a moron, a dumb and a fathead. Their data is inhabitant to their profound knowledge, communal information and brainwashing diplomacy of Islam. Forthright the limit one and rationally high amid them never authenticate or hindrance their rely on and the Quran. Not scarcely they are the sufferers but further they victimize their children by authoritative them to assume the Quran and Muhammad fault any second care. If Islam is true, it can be implied with squeal and can stand the test of squeal, in addition to why must they instill their belief in children. Residents would tightly embraced Islam, if it is true and based on squeal. Yet, Muslims are warned having the status of their long forgotten not to hindrance Islam or Muhammad and Allah, and not to read the Quran or Hadith with reproving focus. Why, why are such warnings? If the Quran and Hadiths are errorless, we shouldn't settle someone from reading it significantly. The story doesn't end here; Muslims are further warned not to read the books of other rely on and the books reproving to Islam. They are further advised to have your home not at home from people, who ask questions reproving about Islam and Muhammad.
Whatever held miracles of Islam and the Quran or about science in the Quran and Hadiths Muslims are told, they in the past few minutes assume them to be true fault any hindrance or evidence, for example they wish them to be true as family beliefs call their emotions and be fitting their treasured belief. I claim debated with extend than twenty five Muslims, who consider that they are not Muslims unerringly by usual but they infer Islam themselves and found it to be true formerly embracing Islam whole-heartedly. But I talked to them, I found that they claim zero or very miserable knowledge about the Quran and Hadiths, or they claim never read them. While they claim affected is the works of mullahs, for session, Miracles in the Quran, Science in Islam, Science in the Quran, Miracles of Muhammad etc. They neither authenticate them from the vital sources nor infer them with squeal. While they demonstrated was not wisdom but bring in dullness and waste. More than a few of them even expressed demurely pass views, yearn for non-Muslims are coarse, they penury be killed as they are rebels vs. God, their women penury be ready concubines of Muslims. The hindrance is: While absorbed activities claim these absurd done in the eyes of God formerly their usual that God would designate them so ominously privileges and release unerringly for example they are innate in Muslim race and in view of that became Muslim.
Muslims assume in Islam-firstly for example they are indoctrinated having the status of their long forgotten with the ideas that 'Islam is the scarcely true religion, Muhammad is the true and the control give out, and all non-Muslims are misleaders and challenging of Islam and Allah'; secondly for example they are privileged by their ego that their treasured belief cannot be unfairness. They explain it for established that they are content to be ready Muslims by God and God loves them extend than everybody overly in this world. This is unerringly a reproduction belief, not knowledge, let personally creature wisdom. Bond is something, which is attained by minds delightful of belief, not instilled or inculcated in supple minds in the long forgotten. But a belief is compulsory to be inculcated in supple minds having the status of the sympathetic age; overly it would break to be in actual fact conceded from one duration to the adjacent.
Complementary untrue belief that Muslims treasure is that if they ban on one letter of Islam to something else creature or if one converts a non-Muslim to Muslim, they moral fiber get double rewards for it, one for his own activities and one for the creature who is reformed.
Patronize Muslims enjoy that they are not Muslims by usual but by chief, and previously moving out second evidence and training, they found Islam to be very practical and logical, and the Quran to be magical. It is very good if one verifies everything about an string and in addition to embraces it. It penury be respected. But time was I drilled down a bit give support to within their evidence and training on Islam, I found that their reading and training is based scarcely on some vice- Islamic books by modern authors. For session, they read books which speak good about and be crazy about Islam and the Quran-like miracles in the Quran, Science of Hadiths, miracles of Muhammad, compatibility of Islam and Science etc.-that are on paper by Muslims and mullahs scarcely, not by any scientist or psychologist or environmentalist, and they never re-examination from the vital so whether they are really on paper in the Quran or Hadiths.
Inhabit who use run the risk of more willingly of logical arguments to shell their string scarcely guide their way of thinking impotence and ethically act as stormy pimps of their unforgivable faith. Muslims are absolute the identical, as they use run the risk of to curb the critics of Islam and voice of truth. Had their string creature found on truth, they would spank the critics of their rely on with the slice into of squeal and reasoned substantiation. But unerringly for example their rely on has no reasoned dispute, but is based on superstition, false notion and uncharacteristic claims, they are useless of defending it in reasoned arguments, and they warmly turn intolerant and are ever ready to treat unfairly anyone at the slightest of criticism vs. Islam and Muhammad. In sum,
MUSLIMS = Quite shade + Intellectually impotent + Stoutly Emotive + Adroitly Insane + Chastely Austere + Ethically Demised + Educationally impoverished
"THE Civilized ACT Make happy Civilized, THE IGNORANTS ACT Make happy IGNORANTS, BUT Like THE Civilized ACT Make happy IGNORANTS, IT TAKES ISLAM."