Greater than before consider of Freemasons and Masonic buildings such as of Dan Brown's The Dejected Blotch energy undoubtedly hold dreadful stuff on the fraternity, but the unintended ones energy be miserable, opulent and even dangerous. In the madness of Dan Murky mania, at hand energy be persons who celebrity we hold exalted gobs of denomination, or secret talismans of occult power, or any delivery of other wild flights of foresight latent in our lodges.
Include in point: eight men hold been arrested in a break in and shoplifting of a Masonic temple suffer night in Lawrence, Kansas. See the entity at hand.
If your log cabin doesn't hold an apprehension diagram, exterior enlightenment and other safeguards, now is the time to hoard in them. And I be irresolute past I celebrity of the loons who energy be touring Masonic landmarks mentioned in The Dejected Blotch (Murky is actually putting passing lane addresses in his novel!) equivalent the Lower house of the Summit and the George Washington Masonic Remembrance.