Get Bag, Elevation In Bag, Get Bat From Bag, Get Chunk From Bag, Get Ball From Bag, Assessment Ram, Assessment Ball, East, South, Assessment Self-regulating, Assessment White meat, North, Assessment Hyjacker, Basin Hyjacker Out, W, Launch yourself Ball To Botham, East, Origin Hyjacker, Decode Hand out, Shake over Hand out, North, South, Ask Botham To Fly Puncture, North, Fly Puncture, Origin Luggage, Elevation, Get Ball, Get Tea Hand baggage, Shake over Bag, Elevation In Bag, Get Develop From Bag, Get Bag, Assessment Wreckage, North, Elevation, Lock A Punch, Stand in front of, Record, Gap Construct, Character A Actress - While Botham Is Picked, The Doll Continues, - North, East Saunter In The Jungle Until The Apeman Arrives.
Shake over Construct, Get Cigarette From Chunk, Launch yourself Cigarette, Ask Him To Epitomize You The Way Out, Name White meat, Name Botham, Name Gatting, Name Gooch, Name Edmunds, Look after A Shut, W, East, Up, Up, Declare To Charmer, Sign your name Bat, Launch yourself Bat To Charmer, Up, Assessment Tensing, Pile, Pile, Pile, North, Origin, Go Tavern, Up, East, Sleep, W, Elevation, Declare To Guerrillas, Declare To Dincus, Dispose On Ball, Discard Ball Direct Universe, Listen, Listen, Listen, East, North, Go Tavern, W, Ask For Endorsement, Go Hut, Ask For Endorsement, East, South, North, Up, Up, Up, Get Develop From Bag, Launch yourself Develop To Goat, Get Fertilizer, Pile, Pile, Pile, North, Go Hut, Launch yourself Fertilizer To Hoodoo, East, Go Tavern, Launch yourself Infuse To Botham, Name Gooch, Ask Gooch To Endorsement, W, W, Ask For Endorsement To Starting place Actress, East, North, North, W, Declare To Chieftain, Launch yourself Teabags, North, North, Go To Tavern, Declare To Giles, Dirt, Up, East, Sleep, Origin, Run faster than.
Now for the game itself, read scoreboard to routine the game, o + key up gives you rather presentation of the action, at the pavillion, every time making a good account don't lose to run.
On the authors endorse of the game the scoreboard did not run kindly,
Anyhow it was sluggish a good bit of fun - at minimum rain did not shut down play!
The End