VOODOO became widely spread in 1800s in USA and New Orleans. The original practitioners, the West African slaves bought it over the Caribbean islands. As slaves' owners repressed their native beliefs as well as oppressed them, voudon went underground, taking on aspects of Roman Catholicism; the slaves were baptized in upon their arrival. The values of voodoo enclose the ideas of honor as well as respect to God, to family, to society and to self, becoming the glue that held the community together.
As in all religions, voodoo practitioners come together for celebrating, worshiping as well as taking part in rituals. Since, voodoo has been oppressed throughout the years, the loyalty to the religion as well as to each other grew among devotees. The practitioners of voodoo maintained their sense of community as well as heritage through it all, which hides and disguises when necessary. In the place like Haiti, it is quite common to find people who are devoted believers in voodoo and Roman Catholicism.
As we know, all the religions provide you with a pathway to spiritual growth, a way for developing harmony with the divine and in the personal life of the believer. During some rituals of VOODOO, it happens that a believer become possessed by one of the loa spirit, as the loa has selected the person, the possession is being considered as a blessing as well as a gift of God. Apart from this, the initiate voodoo may also become a priest or priestess and grow spiritually via the practices of priesthood. The primary purpose of voodoo is harmony with the divine, spiritual growth develops as greater harmony results in the personal life of the believer.
One of the other benefits of religious practices or voodoo as discovered by several physicians and researchers is stronger mental as well as physical health. Getting together with others to take part in rituals can be helpful in relieving stress and anxiety of a person. Besides, reaching out as well as helping others diminish and relieve depression. As a matter of fact, those people who have stronger beliefs in religion live longer as well as recover better from operations, according to Psychology today.
Learn to use voodoo "LOVE SPELL" to reignite the fire between your ex and you. You don't always have to consult a mambo as some of the rituals can be performed by yourself. Get to know more about Voodoo
Article from articlesbase.com
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