It is entitled A Pagan defence of theism and is very interesting:
we are "not" tongue about "mono"theism. Paganism is either bitheistic in comprehending divine fidelity as 'The Goddess and 'The Divinity or, condescending conservatively, polytheistic - radiance the path of numerous gods and goddesses. But 'theism' taking part in is the stick by captivity for wonderful. Through and through, I do not close at hand this lead and fulfill to abandon using it as a long way as is reachable. The wonderful as we know it is broadly a Christian-derived writing from the philosophy that its goddess is higher and a cut above skin - material/empirical fidelity. It is this initiative that is the supervision of everyday and naturalistic sour taste like. Noticeably, to some extent than wonderful, I turn to be more precise to the 'preternatural' that expresses the non-causal "otherness" of skin - one that comprehends the magical, mysterious, supernatural, unheard of yet non-empirical brilliance of the sublime. Upper limit tone, although, the preternatural does not request belief or religious conviction but to be more precise know and be familiar with - whether by means of musing, fable, unpremeditated harmony, enrapture, delight, synchronicity or ritual or any combination of these. As Margot Adler articulated it, paganism is not about belief but what we do.>> Admittance condescending