It's as if Jesus got blessed as soon as role this profession to John, and apt in the focal point of the profession gave a enthusiastic "Amen!" Constant if the Consecrated Want within us makes us require to yell and give a round of applause the Lord equally we hear the truth of Scripture, it stands to reason that Jesus, who is God would get blessed by the Call thing proclaimed, even (or ought I say) if truth be told equally he himself proclaims it. I mean he is the "Call" in John period one.My contiguous scheme is what was it about this profession that delighted Jesus the most? Was it the fact that he had died and rose again? Or that he was embodied forevermore and would never situation death again? Or was it that he conquered death? Or was is that he had the keys of death and hell? Or that he had full course empty death, everyone's dreaded enemy? Or was he so blessed when nation that he had died to put in safekeeping would situation death, but would both number over to be embodied forevermore? Oh my! The scenario are wonderful! Was he extremely happy that by his own power he raised himself from the dead, in this manner he was heroic to be unqualified permission empty death, hell and the grave?I don't know what Christ was lost in thought or gash equally he alleged "Amen" organize, but I know what I'm thinking! Trust to the Animal protein that was slain, that has the keys of death and hell who bestow one day modification my material form to one of immortality. Whether I go in the rapture or if death slides it's freezing fingers encompassing my throat and chokes the life out in me, I don't admit to children when "I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And despite the fact that in the rear my coat worms interrupt this form, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for face-to-face, and fund eyes shall observation, and not another; despite the fact that my pedals be no more within me. (Job 19:25-27) Albert Barnes alleged it well.
* As Christ perpetually lives; as he perpetually retains this power empty the regions of the dead, and the whole world of spirits, it may be egg on remarked that we admit nothing to panic if we put our expectation in him. We seize not anxiety to become a member a world which he has entered, and from which he has emerged, achieving a stunning triumph; we seize not anxiety what the panic king that reigns organize can do to us, for his power extends not higher than the consent of the Saviour, and in his own time that Saviour bestow exigency us forth to life, to die no manager.