Doesn't matter what follows is what I suppress been moved to take note of by sources everyday at this time, I was even pure the footer of the post and a very not eat simplification of what to take note of. This has never happened to me in the future, it was kinda of akin here's the director picture, now you compassionate out the give an account.
Taking part in we go...
For what ever reason or reasons I don't know, but from what I can understand whatever is coming is one way or another combined with the US Presidential elections on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The Mayans desire addition calender ends on December 21st 2012, and present-day seems to be a lot of fearfulness combined with this issue for a mixture of run, separately I don't skill that the Mayan calender is predicting vengeance and disinterestedness at all. I suppress been attentive by Her Sanctity Alexandra that at midnight on the 12th of December 2012 from 12 twelve noon to midnight a travel (maybe a portico would be a superior word?) command open, this travel is on your doorstep Orion's belt, way out of the Uncertain Way.
So this travel opens, the gods of old command over genuinely be clever to tidy infiltrate to mud Earth. Specific aliens are more willingly than just about, some are apparent and are in intimation by the swaying UFO sightings that suppress escalated over the being, some ET's may even be working behind envelop us in our family tree lives. The others are lingering hidden to us and most likely command Christian name to appearance themselves to us formerly the 12th of December 2012.
The good news is that with the opening of the travel, jovial beings evenly called Ethereans command return and help easygoingness to assume in the Golden Age which should institute in crucial according to Her Sanctity by 2024. The bad news is that it command not be shape the Ethereans perpetual to Earth, we can have it in mind the send of the old Gods of war, elimination and acquisitiveness to equally be coming back akin they suppress countless time in our history.
The fabrication is comprised of both optimistic and sullen energies shape akin we are, and dubiousness is perpetually attempting to surmount the light. The Source perpetually allows all bits and pieces to emerge, we cannot suppress dark deficient the light and the Source doesn't view dubiousness the way we humans do, in the eyes of the Source dubiousness is akin a ditch of fruit that is not yet succulent for the preference, but we humans view dubiousness in people/aliens etc as on the whole evil and no matter which to be very doubting of, and that is definite the way it should be. We should perpetually step our instincts, we suppress them for a reason.
I don't skill that we can have it in mind to see the send en pane of the Ethereans, the reasons are two pack up. Think one, the war mongers on Earth who work behind envelop the sullen aliens do not decide the Ethereans coming to Earth and teaching easygoingness true spirituality and freedom, so these sullen beings command do whatever they can to hinder us from while in attempt with the Ethereans. Secondly, a mixture of humans are so wrapped up in fearfulness that due to our own obscurity a mixture of of us would conceivably fire upon the Ethereans in the role of we lack spiritual age to put in the picture optimistic from sullen beings.
Now lets go back to the US Presidential elections, President Obama up till now asked that Greece be modest in the Euro fish farm formerly the US elections, why? It possibly will be argued that President Obama knows the incapacitating effect a Greece removal from the Euro would suppress on the US prudence and he doesn't decide that to force his likelihood of while re-elected. That sounds akin the most logical biased account, but what if 'The Powers That Be' are debate to bare demolish the Intercontinental prudence and start a colossal war in the Median East as some prototypical of massive bloody material price and a type of welcome apartment to their overseas over-lords? These aliens over-lords have an aversion to us and consider us chastely turn as slaves. Flatly overseas over-lords suppress Gods and Goddesses, and I put up with that they be keen on the especially while as 'The Powers That Be'.
The Powers That Be be keen on what a mixture of run would yell Lucifer, in the Oahspe Bible Lucifer is called by his name of Looeamong. He was like an Cherub of the top calibre who slay from skill once he staid that he possibly will be the Source, the God haughty all Gods. Looeamong went from while the lightest of the light, to the darkest of the dark. He has fooled humans and ensnared souls for a very desire time in to believing that he is the one and chastely Source.
From what I understand, Looeamong was like a man, a flesh and blood man and he has set himself up in his own heaven and he is worshipped and feared by millions upon millions if not billions of souls, and he rubs his hands with high spirits every time present-day is a material blood price upon Earth as it procedure present-day is over souls for him to confine and turn into his slaves. Every one time we turn not permitted from the Source, whenever we stay on the line unkind camp living, every time we suppress chauvinist look out or beliefs or turn our backs on individuals that be short of our help, we are embracing over and over of what Looeamong requests.
Sincerely speaking 2012 is about choices, the Hopi say definite the especially thing. Looeamong and his followers decide the world and it's souls turned into be level with slaves, and they decide all humans (bar a mixture of are gone) to be self centred, ego-centric followers of the New Soil Holiness and a One Soil Municipal. The world doesn't suppress to go this way, but unless we wake-up and stay on the line true spirituality, compassion and love for all beings regardless of dash, colour or canon so Looeamong command win, at minimum in the crabby describe.
The blob is in our engagement...
So safeguard the Presidential elections, and over awfully what happens in the months afterwards in the role of if the prudence collapses and the Median East explodes so you command know that the Gods of old suppress returned for their collation of souls.
Entity Source: Robert Pierce