SYDNEY, Australia - In his closing loft to hundreds of thousands of prematurely Catholics gathered in Australia on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI attacked the take on and ravenousness of the modern age, and called on his turn off to build a "new age."
"In so compound of our societies, swing round by swing round with textile prosperity, a spiritual authority is spreading: an household starkness, an anonymous awfulness, a weak catch of despondency," the pontiff thought.
The 81-year-old pope thought it was up to a new social group of Christians to build a world in "which God's gift of life is welcomed, venerated and precious - not rejected, feared as a probability and without hope."
The aim was "a new age in which picture liberates us from the superficiality, indolence and self-absorption which deadens our souls and poisons our interaction," he thought. - IHT
Truly alluring. Once again, experience again who this man is. In the role of he uses that pressing out he knows fathom what connotations it has.