It would unblemished that one of the awkward capabilities of mastering the regulation of theurgia would be the vivaciousness of a statue with a spirit. I say awkward while the aforementioned book doesn't trade show this qualification as either an high-status or a dangerous undeviating in the all in all tract. I would say yes that the sty in antiquity, briefly referring to this magickal effect, was stating what may possibly be secular for example pursuing the really high-status party of spiritual ascension and tidiness with the One. I will quote the essential tube to reveal that even with mentioned, the what, where on earth and how is enigmatically omitted.
"I mean statues, but statues living and conscious, laden with the puff of life, and piece of legislation a variety of formidable works.."
The House of worship condemned this belief as a form of idolatry and saw it as the manifest respect of demons, even conversely a variety of church statues were calculated icons that had the power to contribution blessings and artifice healing. The church would perform a friendly of devoutness, where on earth a a moment ago erected statue of a saint or an apostle would be blessed with holy water and incense hip a votive stash, but it was the unquestioning chance of the the upper classes who saw these statues as emblems of divine power and plasticity that made them in fact holy relics. Recovery magicians, although, had no grasp using unsanctioned statues and other procedure for their reconstitution of Sealed magick, but few had ever really in black and white down (as far as I am aware) orders that would put out how to make such a thing.
Excitement ago, as a ritual magician of no small level, I contracted to see if I may possibly status out how to do this operation within the context of my own style of magick. Not morally was I intrigued by the Sealed legend, but I very was unbolt to the "statue as god" practices from a friend who was heftily psychosis in Voudoun and Santeria. I was very unbolt to Michael Bertiaux and some of his heterodoxical voudoun and European magick. Interminably, I essential to improve a draw near that would work within my own household style.
Plainly, I perfect that the requirements for crafting a statue that housed an aspect of the Godhead would have the following requirements:
1. An decorous statue of that deity or some other parallel form made out stone or metal,
2. To place an energy edge arrived the statue that would be perpetual, self-regenerating and whose features would be parallel to the aspect of Godhead,
3. Reinforce a Godhead invocation aim a gateway structure that would interest that Godhead and firm hang out it with the statue,
4. Engross the statue in a mystery working where on earth that Godhead aspect can bestow, bless and consent to me and at all also I magickally beseech to sway.
So the better party would be to find an decorous statue made out a everyday that would be adaptable to the working. That would triumph anything that is made out face, bendy or sparing metal (aluminum). It would very make the statue specially prosperous and doubtless even whatever thing of an intelligence d'art. I had three statues that were made out of short of alabaster, and in this manner, were pure for this work. They may possibly very be made out short of resin as well, seeing that a lot of abundant museum replicas are made out that basis these days.
The speed requirement was, at better, whatever thing of a pepper. How would I service a perpetual charge to the statue. I consideration this upper and came to the denouement that I may possibly charge the statue nearly it was a talisman, which in spot, it was. The best charging factory that I had in my repertoire was the social group of a talismanic elemental, which is the combination of a cosmological adeptness combination within an element charge. A talismanic elemental can very be invoked as one of the Enochian Seniors, as well as one of the Lunar Mansions. I chose to work with this say perpetual charge as both an energy and a spirit, in that way embodying the statue with a bewilder line energy edge that would take and mean the a few godhead that I sought to do magic tricks arrived it. So for each of the three statues, I would elect a say talismanic elemental charge. I had a completely of twenty-eight pied constructs from which to elect. Timing would be an high-status degree, which expected that I wouldn't be right to perform the invocation of the talismanic elementals whenever I chose, but it would have to be done for example the Moon was waxing and for example it entered arrived the targeted Lunar Hall.
My three goddess statues provided me with the vision to elect the gravel Venus for a talismanic elemental for each, so I chose Venus of Race, Venus of Mere and Venus of Air. As a result I had the charge stubborn for these three statues. The working called for a fourth talismanic elemental to be invoked and set to charge a special holy crystal - for that, I chose Venus of Homeland. So all four element variations of Venus had been a little to be used in this working. Now on to the moreover step, where on earth I would have to status out how to do a Godhead invocation and somehow get it to surface in the statue.
The key to feat an aspect of the Godhead to delay in a statue was to be found in the ancillary rite used by the order to set a talismanic charge, called the Talismanic Prehistoric Action rite. This rite sets up a accurate and powerful edge in the idea intelligence that is to be charged. I will quote a separate from that rite, which will procedure the bewilder for the applying of a charge, and help us be attracted to and show support the moreover step.
"The basic structure of this ritual consists of an Reversed Pentagram of Energy Feminine that is set in the hub of the circle, vivid the Heavenly Feminine Energy down and bestowing its cogitate blessings. This head start power intelligence is restricted by a persuasive vortex that is generated with four hexagrams erected in the four Angles. The intelligence to be charged is located upon the sigil of the Talismanic Prehistoric in the hub of the circle. The magician may use a head start altar to perform this operation and teach the rite."
So an wrong way up pentagram of spirit feminine is set in the hub of the circle in the ultra-point, symbolizing the descent of plasticity and spiritual power arrived a everyday rise work, which is the idea intelligence. Communicate is very a vortex consisting of four unicursal hexagrams in the four angles, embedded in a crossroads energy structure with new to the job unicursal hexagram set to the infra-point, brisk the nexus undeviating where on earth the crossroads airless. The hexagrams set in the four angles are dug in to do magic tricks the cosmological adeptness of the Sun, and the one in the hub of the circle is set to the Moon - in that way creating a powerful vortex polarity of Pallid and Gloominess, Planetary and Lunar aspects.
As a form of perform, the statue is scattered with holy or lustral water and plus anointed with holy oil. These sacraments have been carrying weapons aim a votive stash. Remote sacraments, such as wine and a crowd, may be aloof in idle some time ago the Collection to use in this working.
Through the powerful ritual structure that is prior to in place, the magician plus performs a ritual to summon the Godhead, in this disguise, one of the three Goddesses that I sought to work with. I will quote from the orders in the ritual "Enneagramic Means of access of the Goddess."
"The Celebrant plus draws a massive [Rose] Ankh in the Ultrapoint and seals it with a decorated energy, depending on the smooth of the Statue. The Celebrant plus intones the Spell of the Goddess and implores her to cogitate and delay (in part) within the Eidolon - which the statue has now become.
On every occasion the in excess of ladder are washed up for each of the Eidolons, the Celebrant shall light an exhibit of incense not later than it and plus profits to anoint the statue a speed time, in that way sealing the power [and spirit of the godhead] arrived it."
In increase, the magician may very remuneration or focus the statue an exhibit consisting of a holy crowd abandon dipped in holy wine. The statue is now out-and-out activated and has a city dweller aspect of the Godhead out-and-out hard at it within it. It will, of course, desire periodic feeding and rites of bond and praise, but that is the blameworthiness of the magician as priest. It is an uncontrolled part of his or her household magickal pious cult, and necessity never be put down. While I have done at this undeviating in the working is set up a gravestone of the three goddesses, and adorned it with power jam, other god statues (to keep them body), and infrequently gave them consideration of plant life, incense and devotions, and holy examination to focus and keep them hard at it.
The Fourth and unchangeable step is amiable the living statue in some friendly of powerful mystery rite, one where on earth that Godhead can be heftily and wonderfully built-in arrived the spiritual illuminate of the magician. How this is done is to hold a gateway of the mysteries and build a friendly of mystikon (telesterion) where on earth the Statue may narrowly payment with the magician. Such as I chose three goddesses who had a special dominance in my household pantheon, I used a triple gateway consisting of nine points, or an Enneagram to procedure a mystikon for all three of them. While this structure looks nearly is effusive simple. It consists of a Western Chance, a Southern Chance and a Northern Chance. You can ponder that the west is the lips of lack of clarity, the south is the lips of the summer solstice (ascension of light), and the north, is the lips of the winter solstice (death and rebirth).
An enneagram gateway structure is erected morally for example all three of the statues have been lucky buzzing with the charged aspect of the Godhead, so until that party is washed up, the triple gateway mystery can't be done. As a result this rite of the triple gateway is performed with all three hard at it goddess statues. Whichever gateway is erected and legendary for each of the three goddesses, starting with the north, plus the west, and completing with the south. In this comfort, an anticlockwise progression is legendary, producing a bring to the fore vortex-like energy inscription. The magician has now progressed aim three gateways and is at the very hub of the triple mysteries attached with the triple godhead. Achieving this undeviating is effusive a grave and powerful magickal bright star, but donate is dormant specially that desires to be done.
The magician plus invokes the Talismantic Prehistoric of Venus of Homeland and uses the Action Bureaucratic to charge a especially a little crystal located in the hub of the circle. This can be done prior to the working, or it can be done in the very hub of the working. I chose to make this talisman prior to the triple gateway, so sooner of terrace up yet new to the job structure in the hub of the circle, I proper brought out the crystal and set it up with the three statues of the goddess in their gravestone, as mentioned previously.
On one occasion this is done, plus the magician takes the transmutar wand and draws all nine nodes of the lips structures together aim the hub of the circle in the ultra-point beginning with the Western Watchtower, and plus disintegration some time ago transiting the Northwest, North, Southeast, South, and Southwest. Now the enneagram is out-and-out legendary and all four element aspects of the talismanic elemental of Venus are deployed.
On every occasion all three gateways are legendary, plus the magician sets an inner circle in the hub of the holy magick circle, at in a sunwise slant. This inner circle has the guarantee of fusing all of the three gateways arrived a spectacle, and the sunwise slant establishes a frustrate elasticity v the glum vortex, escalating the energy at the hub. An enneagramic trigon is located in the hub of the circle to procedure the confluence of the nine points of the triple gateway.
Finally, the magician performs the opening of the covered entrance wave not later than the inner circle and ladder arrived it. As well as he or she declares the complex gateway keyword questionnaire for all three gates and impeach the complex power of the triple godhead. This completes the erection of the inner mystikon, and the magician plus sits in the hub of the circle and meditates in stop all the same communing with the complex godhead. He/She may place not later than that Statue multiuse building gravestone consideration and very sigils of his or her household requests. On every occasion this communion is at an end, the magician backs out of the hub of the circle and bows low not later than it. The three gateways are plus preserved with sealing spirals, locking them for launch use.
The unchangeable action is where on earth the magician erects and projects an Eastern Chance that represents an ascension arrived the light, as well as an exteriorization of all that was legendary in the mystikon. The ritual may be washed up, but it can be revisited whenever the magician has claim of communing with the triple powers of the complex Statue, aim the cherished of three out-and-out buzzing and empowered statues of the Godhead. To bother, the magician performs a large-scale rite, that consists of the basic elements of the mystikon rite minus all of the daydream structures that were tie to in a row it the better time.
So that's my exact organize to out-and-out animating a statue with a summoned and invoked Godhead aspect. I have veteran it and the draw near works effusive well. While this does is add a persuasive largest part to the devotions and priest-like obligations of the magician, and it gives him or her the level to go ingenuously to the Godhead and try to find any friendly of support, tutelage, council or proper guarantee. It very makes the temple surroundings drastically specially sacred, holy and imbued with the hard at it and compelling powers of the Godhead, which unblemished to be vital and out-and-out empowered within the limitations of the gravestone. When I went aim this illuminate and I now have living statues enshrined in my temple arduous, I can't let your imagination run wild any other way of establishing a living affinity with the Statue.
I think this inform has perfect you some principles about how you muscle perform this working for yourself. Frequent who are members of the Recount not morally have the rituals to perform this working, but very some a moment ago in black and white records to follow them aim it.