Whole Wheat Herb And Onion Bread Cover


* 12 cups wholewheat or graham flour
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 1/2 cakes compressed yeast
* 1/2 tsp brown sugar
* 4 3/4 cups warm water
* 1 finely chopped small onion
* 1 tsp lovage seeds
* 3 cups chopped fresh green herbs, which could include parsley, chervil, lovage, caraway, thyme, marjoram, chives, etc
* 2 tbsp butter


Put the flour and salt to warm for a few minutes in a warm oven. Crumble the yeast into a bowl, add the sugar and a few spoonfuls of the warm water and mix well. Leave in a warm place until frothy.

Add the yeast mixture and the remaining water to the warmed flour and mix well with a wooden spoon. Mix in the onion, lovage seeds, and herbs.

Take the dough from the bowl and knead for 5 minutes on a floured wooden board, pressing and turning the dough to distribute the herbs and yeast evenly.

Grease 3 bread pans with the butter. Divide the dough into 3 balls and press into the pans. Cover the pans with a cloth and leave them in a warm place for about 45 minutes while the dough rises. It will not rise as dramatically as dough made with white flour.

Bake for 15 minutes in a hot oven (425'F) then reduce the heat to moderate (350') and bake further for 30 to 45 minutes. Tip the loaves from their pans and return to the oven for a few minutes to crisp the crust.

This is a basic wholewheat recipe and walnuts, hazelnuts, or chopped celery can be substituted for the onion and lovage seeds.

From: The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices

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