Doll Distance Healing Spell Cover
Because once upon a time Chinese women wouldn't undress before a doctor (even today a visit to a traditional Chinese physician rarely involves undressing), beautiful, anatomically correct naked dolls were carved from ivory. These dolls served as a communications device between doctor and patient; pain, illness, affliction, and methods of healing could be demonstrated on the doll with minimum embarrassment. These dolls are still sometimes found in antique shops; reproductions are also available.

Use this type of doll or find a less realistic one to perform magical distance healing. Poppets can also be created and used for this purpose.

Here's how:

* Hold the doll in your hands to charge it with your intentions and healing energy.
* Murmur healing incantations, affirmations, and blessings over the doll.
* Massage the doll with blended castor and olive oils, scented with essential oil of lavender.
* Place the doll within a ring of burning healing candles.

* Repeat as needed until the healing is complete.

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