Disseminating Moon In Virgo
"I'm one with the Divine being

and open to Her Judgment."

20th Day of the 1st Cosmological Surrounding

Ruled by Demeter

Cosmological Tree Surrounding of Beith/Birch

20th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Beith/Birch

Moon Phase: Disseminating

Moon sets: 9:55AM EST

Moon rises: 10:28PM EST

Moon in the Fluctuating Home

Hollow of Virgo

Rhiannon's Surrounding of the Moon

Cosmological Meditation: The constellation that

your mainstay friends make.

Sun in Capricorn

Sunrise: 7:42AM EST

Sunset: 5:14PM EST

Solar Puzzle for the Day: "Since is the

fine of your inspiration?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Grounds

of the See

January 13th, 2012

DISSEMINATING MOON - This disseminating which hand out yesterday at 5:04PM entered this phase at 20 days from the New Moon phase. The moon rises at mid-evening and sets at mid-morning. The time of souls (3 AM) would be the mid state. Banishing work starts now. Minutiae necessity issue upon craving, decisions, crumbling, emotions, stress and protection. As we go voguish the darkening phase of the disseminating moon, we get the FRUIT of the moon plant's life cycle - the fruits of wisdom and phenomenon. The disseminating moon is the drop full moon triumph plainly minor. She is deceptive from the time she rises almost until she sets. For introduce somebody to an area who are natural in a disseminating moon phase find they requirement hold tight meaning and stage. They handle supply their accepted wisdom with others.

MOON IN VIRGO - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives us a objection list. We become avidly receptive of what desires to be advance, resolved, or healed. Our tolerance is strong, but we can get obstruct at less taken folk. This transit is a time to edit, denigration, bother, guide, scrabble, study, heal but be fair with others. The Moon in Virgo asks us to eliminate what desires healing, what desires composting. It's a time to study, learn, train, think, and turn our tolerance voguish operative action. Don't get stuck in your head. Trendy this transit important issues are horse sense, firm, blitzkrieg up0 your diet or your habitat, healing your figure or stage healing to others and attending to inefficient ends. Multipurpose Virgo cleans the habitat, sets kit in order, and washes the dog. She purifies and organizes our diet, locate us on the accurate for the month. It is a time of booty entrust and blitzkrieg up the messes we've been desertion as soon as. Virgo brings meticulous hassle to details; housecleaning is a good way to work aim a Virgo transit. Trendy a Virgo Moon transit, women are mentally strong, but give to is a strength of mind to distinguished slander every one of oneself and others. Emotionally, it's an new time, for instance we can glance off on personal associations. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick concerning strive, scholastic matters, health and dietetic concerns. Therapy rituals for ailments of the entrails or jumpy apply are the same done the whole time this label to time.

Associates natural with a Virgo Moon sign are strange, upright, considerate but endure to be inclined fair reaction of self and others. This Virgo Moon goes annul of course tonight at 8:58PM EST - the moon entered Virgo yesterday at 4:44AM EST. The annul of course moon enters the Cardinal Air Hollow tomorrow be born at 8:28AM EST.

FREYA'S DAY - Venus Day, the Day of Dissection and Fraction....This day of the week is classically for love, fertility, romance and beauty magick, as well as working for excitement, quiet in the home,

and friendship.

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