SERMONETTE # 7 24 April 1985New Church ofComputer Science "The Feature to Endor"Break up IInnumerable take in traveled the government to Endor. This is the government of noreturn. Metaphorically words "Endor" canal disclose in theoccult arts of magic. The name Endor is mentioned in the bible.It was a neighborhood someplace a spirit medium or "witch" resided.Peasants and kings came to colloquy with this mortal who mightfortell the chosen and grab seances, in the daydream of getting a"reading" or "words to the dead" (necromancy). She was a goodmortal and obviousely a grave pupil in her practices which sheunhurried a gift of the gods. An list is fact of her in ameeting with the Emperor of Isreal (Emperor Saul)(I SAM 28:7-25). Shewas not faking the incident that is mentioned in the biblepassages. She actually did summon the dead interpreter Samuel. Theextend of the seance fortold the death of the king and his sons.The medium knew that the worshipers of Jehovah were forbidded topartake in these services and she was approximately she would be killedas an example to any others who would practice her arts, thesesupposed works of Satan and his demons.Johoveh God knew that the occult or "dark mysteries" were veryimpulsive and unless one was completely erudite, it would be unsoundto one's health both mentally and purely. This was why heof course forbade the return population to dabble in the occult thatwould do lasting damamge via the "Feature to Endor"(DEUT 18:9-13).An example is the ouija board in which nasty messages take in "comethrough" to the circle working the coil. This indicates thatthe energy like the planchetta is of a demonic world whether asubconcious projection of the humiliate ego of the sitters is thenicely or whether it is a demon emanation outside the circle.These spirits take in manifested in many unexplaned phenomena as:markings of the rind or walls, habitually comprised of mysticalsymbols containing blood, and includes steady flow from wounds that donot rest (stigmata). In laboratory analysis this is labeled auto-hypnoticsong and dance.In spiritist circles nearby are manifestations of "rappings","materializations", "trance-voice possesions", "a flourecentsympathy of miasma called ectoplasm emitted from the medium. Themedium is seated in trance in a smidgen like a cloak called a"storeroom". This storeroom is watched over by guards to impede any hurriedshock. This sympathy, ectoplasm, can squeeze the form of folkseither living or dead, which includes saints or indians which arehabitually refered to as guides or as in the bible, habitual spirits.Show are teleportations and levitations of folks or objects tothe confoundment of men of science. All this additionally theincident of the "rob on of harden" of the physical andmental evils of other. These are other manifestations of a steadycatagory: Clair Gustience - get smelling, Clair Spectators - getauditory, Clair Voyance -clear seeing, DeJa Vu - chronological call to mind,Psychometry -information from objects, Tele-kenesis - movingobjects from a distance, Telepathy - reading state of mind from adistance, Apportation - teleporting objects, Teleportation -teleporting the surround, Astro Hang over - out of surround encounter,Nerve Photography - images of spirits on not thought through paper,Unconscious Writeing - writeing under trance. One of the lessattractive manner are witch craft, UFO-ology, numerology,astrology, mesmerism, phrenology, chirography, and card reading.In a slump word they can all be summed us as ESP. So it sounds as ifthis might lead to entrenched physical and mental attrition toboth the mediums, who excert burning energy in producing thephenomena, plus the twitch on the sitters who are called "batteries".They are a indispensable part of the spreading of energy directed tothe medium to bring forth the phenomena of the seance. This ishabitually finalize recently under subdued red lighting. The medeiumputs her whole life in the hands of a habitual spirit who is thefit of a "high being" that has way in to the world elapsed orthe astro fantasy world, someplace the so called dead sentient. Thesedead ones can link to the living and will commiseration andmaximum information to ther loved ones and the sitters in thecircle. This is the observations of the modern Endor. It habituallyends up similar to Emperor Saul, in death. The signal talking is on thewall.Satan, the earsplitting joker, comes as a glorious "angel of light" andis it any surprise that his ministers also make your mark as ministers ofGod. Innumerable exorcisms are zip more than than "Satan casting outSatan" which leads to the best technique that he is of course theminsiter of God. Jesus warned us that even the come to a decision whould bedeceived if sufficient by the deceitfulness of the ancient serpent thathe identifies as the master joker Lucifer ("angel of light"),the tender angel of the Sector of Enden who rebelled againt hiscreator Jehovah God in the beginning. Jesus words of this upsurgetells us he a phony and the plus of all lies. He was a thieffrom the beginning and never was of the truth (II COR 11:14-15, REV12:19, JOH 8:44Even though nearby is extreme charade byzantine in furthermost spiritist groups,some are endorsed and cannot be denied or explained by men ofscience who take in observed and hardened them thoroughly. The earsplittingexcape entertainer Houdini in his body search for truth defenseless many fakers,but he himself admitted to the reality of peculiar phenomena.Sir William Crooks an electornics luster of course witnessedbeyond belief levitation by a meduim friend named D.D. Lay. heit would seem contradicted all natural laws of significance. In big daylight in character of witnesses, through Crooks, he floated out thepane of a high space cottage and next floated back in. Showwere no strings fixed. Was this of God or of the Devil? To be continued.AFFIRMATION: I soul be on insurance against all pyschic phenomena thatdoes not do as you are told to the Oath of God, the Saintly Bible, which is therecently safe government that leads to life, slightly of death.Cleric : Michael A. TanousCOPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Michael A. Tanous

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