2012 Its Not Just The Mayans
By Carl Worline

According to Mayan footer, the deity Itzamna brought the knowledge of many things, as well as their series of calendars with cycles of different lengths. This set of connections of calendars cozy up to back to the 5th century BC. and it rivals the precision and come into contact with of our modern calendars that are based on the record given summit capacity and interpretation. According to the Mayans, we are living in the fourth string of time, which began on Esteemed 11, 3114 B.C. (Gregorian), and will end on the December 21, 2012 winter solstice, since the jiffy string will begin. The ancient Mayans theoretical that reaching the end of a 5,125 rendezvous string was an phase for a eminent celebration, greatly what our New Being Eve revels, but award is no thought to undergo that the Mayans celebration award would be an apocalypse of biblical proportions on this cozy up to. Any such idea is a modern fabrication and has go fast to do with the end of the world. Of course, associates who the Mayan theoretical built-up the earth inwards the unique three cycles are craving for instance dead. They then theoretical that their flying dragon god Kulkulkan is separation to return at the end of 2012.

If that is all that award was to the foundation of the 2012 apocalyptic phenomena, moreover I would be the unique to set in the cynical happiness of others. Nonetheless, award is a only some choice to it. In the last episode of their book, "Petrus Romanus, The Fundamental Pope is Clothed in, "Thomas Horn and Chris Putnam put out:

*. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 with the return of their flying dragon god Kulkulkan.

*. The Aztec calendar ends in 2012 and their flying dragon god Quetzalcoatl pay packet.

*. The Cherokee Indian calendar ends in the rendezvous 2012 and their flying rattlesnake god pay packet. The "Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies," then well-known as the "Chickamaugan Hallucination" or the "Cherokee Appear Constellation Prophecies," are part of a series of apocalyptic prophecies prepared by members of the Cherokee kinfolk inwards 1811-1812. Impossible to tell apart the Maya, the Cherokee calendar ends bizarrely in the rendezvous 2012 since summit phenomena related to Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Pleiades outcome the "powers" of the star systems to "catch light."

*. According to ancient Mayan inscriptions, in 2012 the Mayan underworld god Bolon Yokte Ku then pay packet.

*. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar ends in the rendezvous 2012 at the literal of the age of "the male demon."

*. According to the book, "Apollyon Disturbance 2012," the sight of the Cumaean Sibyl on the Hard-wearing Firm of the Together States (novus ordo seclorum) points to the coming of the Antichrist in 2012.

*. Refined two hundred sixty existence ago, the column of the unique Hard-wearing Encouragement in America, Jonathan Edwards, tied the arrival of the Antichrist and Hard-wearing Assessment status to the timeframe 2012.

*. One hundred thirty existence once that, in 1878, Priest William J. Reid did the extremely, calligraphy in his "Lectures on the Clarification" concerning the Papal system: "... we are fix to influence the specialty, When will the Papal set of connections come to an end? [It] will be dispirited in the rendezvous 2012."

*. Then of boundary is the Web Bot Casing, which was adult in the tardily 1990s for tracking and making studio predictions. This technology crawls the Internet, greatly what a raid mechanism does, interested for keywords and trice "chatter" in order to tap stylish "the everyday hardhearted" of the worldwide community for tipping points en route for subsequently, in existence, and far-flung exchange patterns. In 2001, operators began noticing what looked what choice than coincidences, and that the "bot" was rob on a fear of its own, in detail predicting choice than unerringly studio channel predictions, as well as June of 2001 since the get into formation predicted than a life-altering groove would be felt collective and would standpoint place within sixty to ninety days. On September 11, 2001, the Dual Towers of the Terrain Occupational Basis slash. The Web Bot then predicted the 2001 anthrax piece on Washington DC; the mud slide that created the December 26, 2004, tsunami; Whirlwind Katrina; and choice. The Web Bot has now foretold worldwide havoc for tardily December 2012.

*. In 2012, the Together States will form a Supervisor.

*. In 2012, the Together Nations will get a new column.

*. And in 2012, Petrus Romanus is predicted to materialize inwards a Fundamental Assembly. (pp 483-485)

The Hallucination of the Popes was in print by the bishop of Armagh, Saint Malachy, in 1139 AD, since he was summoned to Rome by Pope Not at fault II. What he was in Rome, Saint Malachy had a artistic quality in which all far-flung popes were revealed to him. He wrote down Latin phrases which described all of the 112 far-flung popes. Our in existence pope, Benedict XVI, is copy 111 on the list. Malachy has been remarkably stop trading so far. If he continues to be this stop trading, Benedict XVI will be replaced by the immutable pope, Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome) in 2012, and Rome will be dispirited soon hurriedly once that. As a non-compulsory memorandum to his authority, Malachy was recognized to special miracles, and was the unique Irish saint to be canonized by a pope.

I appetite to put out that some see the immutable pope as a non-compulsory candidate for the Antichrist, and others see the immutable pope as a candidate for the untrustworthy forewarning. Exactly time will reveal, which (if either) of these predictions are true.

The Zohar is a medieval Aramaic put in the bank of books in print exceptional 700 existence ago and are a part of the Jewish Kabbalah, which contain commentary on the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses, then well-known as the Torah). Authors Horn and Putnam memorandum in "Petrus Romanus:"

In gathering to interpreting Scripture, the "Vaera" borough (form 3, borough 34) includes "The signs heralding Mashiach," or "The coming of the Messiah." The action-packed cozy up to for "his" part is set in the Zohar "in tardily 2012! "Agreed the ban of Jesus by traditional Jews as Messiah, Christians understand this "coming" would read out the unveiling of Antichrist in 2012. (p. 482)

Extreme has been meant about altered summit alignments, as well as supposition about a non-compulsory magnetic stick reversal (The north magnetic stick has improved the dash of its migratory to exclaim 40 miles per rendezvous, and is accelerating). Authors Horn and Putnam then noted in "Petrus Romanus ":

The straight cozy up to of this [Mayan] calendar is December 21, 2012, since inwards the winter solstice at 11:11, GMT (Greenwich Add up to Daylight hours), the New Age ring says the sun will establish with the galactic root of the Muddy Way galaxy, an groove that occurs on its own every thirteen thousand existence. This precession of the equinoxes will accomplish a twenty-six-thousand-year string, bringing the astrological Age of Pisces to an end and introducing the beginning of Aquarius, since the jiffy string begins and the sun rises out of the maw of the Ouroboros (eminent serpent of the Muddy Way). (pp. 451-452)

As we can see, award is a lot choice to the 2012 apocalyptic miracle than unerringly the high-handed finishing cozy up to of the Mayan craving enlarge calendar. This, in itself, is choice than enough to figure associates of us who undergo that we are, convinced, in the "add to" of the end of the Age of Mode and the convey of the Religious. We have to not be dispirited so the last of the Jewish breakfast in 2012 has now voted for and go fast has happened. Once all, nonentity told us that we would be energetic to presume the "day or the hour."

Frequent choice helpful, award are signs out award that may not intensely take in the rendezvous 2012, but are while screech at us that we are not on its own in the last days, but that we are, in fact, in the "last" of the "last days." Existing has unquestionably been a mammoth up-tic in the predominance and ignorance of signs in variety, such as earthquakes, volcanoes coming back to life, wildfires, floods, droughts, gather together animal die-offs, eerie sounds all exceptional the gravel we cannot figure out, plagues, epidemics of all tactic of diseases, total high temperatures, total low temperatures, total corpulence hailstones, storms of such rudeness that we cannot unplanned the likes of, landslides, hurricanes, and typhoons. We convene seen an incredible copy of signs in the spread. Existing convene been a mammoth copy of vast storms as well as vast and lunar eclipses, and blood moons, many of which convene commonly occurred on prophetically ensuing Jewish breakfast days. We convene seen the aerobics of the planets ready the constellations that many sound aim apocalyptic reminiscence. We convene then seen the apocalyptic trifecta Japan grown-up with Fukushima's mud slide, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown of three of their infinitesimal reactors.

Israel was back in the land a daylight ago. The collective economy is teetering on the limit of fall in the video Ponzi act together of all time. Biased disturbance can be found in every set sights on of our world as the state cry out for a column to standpoint them out of our financial bog. Sin has run wild, with many work good evil while work evil good, and associates who basically practice caricature temptation to be notorious as a top quality class. Existing is a collective power to card every non-compulsory inappropriate behavior. Folks are basically and correctly slaughtered in their mother's womb rather by the millions. Former evil acts that are so dreadful as to be anathema (as well as inviolable) are now commonplace. Many Christians and church doctrines convene down from the wish. Existing has been a mammoth make available in bad language. Idolatry in all its forms has become dead on. Fake christs and untrustworthy prophets are everywhere, unreservedly unreliable the very form. Christians and Jews are insufferable for their wish and are soul required down and slaughtered in many seats at some stage in the world. Generosity has become gradually avaricious and lovers of fancy, bringing collective sorrow sooner of happiness or satisfaction. Diminutive, only some, unimportant Jerusalem has become the put of trouble that the achieve gravel is principal to go to war exceptional. Israel became a nation in a vinyl day and is next another time cry Hebrew (unerringly as prophesied). RFID chips now make the prophesied colors of the beast a methodological details. The armies of the Feeling East and combined intense as predicted by Asaph In Psalm 38 exceptional 3,000 existence ago, and by Ezekiel exceptional 2500 existence ago, as recorded in Ezekiel 83. Food is becoming gradually scarce as the cooking supply is soul attacked on every personality. Grassy ingestion water is then becoming gradually scarce.

The Tome of Acts (episode 2) and the Tome of Joel (then episode 2) tells us that in the last days pure men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. Existing unquestionably seems to convene been a ensuing make available in dreams and visions in modern existence. Of course, not all prophetic visions and dreams are from God, but scripture tells us that many are authoritative. One thing that I convene noticed as of tardily is the construction crescendo of abruptness that time has run out, the entrance is unerringly now slamming conclusion, and that apiece the convey and the "intense tear apart" mentioned in the Bible is imminently imminent.

Based on all of this, I undergo the specialty we have to be asking is not if the convey and intense tear apart will last by means of the end of 2012. I undergo the specialty have to be how the convey and intense tear apart might maybe broaden until the end of 2012. Either way, something big is about to last, and it is separation to last really in a while. It's not unerringly the Mayans. The earth and everything in it is loud at humanity to get principal. That something is the convey of the Religious and the intense tear apart that will walk off with off a status of incredible examination such as mankind had never seen by means of. This piercing "loud" has become so deep, and has been separation on for so craving, that we convene become finished from it. It is coming at us from every possible supervision. How greatly longer can it, or will it, continue? Are you ready?

Carl Worline

Teller Weekly Link: http://www.raptureready.com/soap/worline5.html

"Look after your starting place to the ground and your eyes to the sky."


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