Sacred Ritual Seals


To finish a spell , witches say "so mote it be," meaning "it is so." In a be keen on method, Jews finish prayer spells with the words amen () or selah (). In the Ridge, in place of amen, the words are said:

Cherubic be His Glorious Greatness permanently and ever.

The witch's "so mote it be" and "amen" mean the exceptionally thing. This finish reinforces Divine Determination with the courage power of emunah (interincluded within all levels of one's courage) and kavanah to make the prayer spell manifest. It is a style of buttress and agreement. By pronouncing "so mote it be" and "amen" one becomes leap to that spoken. One doesn't say either "so mote it be" or "amen" in stuck-up or with evil fascinated. It is a mysterious cry of creation-making for which one is believed apt.

Selah is an untranslatable caging found 71 grow old in Tehillim (Psalms) and 3 grow old in Habakkuk . Interpreted as a amicable or liturgical sign, it implies raising, bracing, extolling, exalting (the devise of the singers) and in medieval Hebrew texts, it burial "permanently".

Accordingly, we can see that selah "seals" a prayer spell, by raising it up concerning the Ghost of the Divine. Amen and the the witch's blessing seals a prayer spell, by bringing down the Divine Ghost and becoming densely leap to it and to the Divine Determination by confirming the warrant confined to a small area within the prayer spell. The Intermediate Ridge blessing is reticent for the Best Fantastic of prayer spells in the Best Fantastic of spacetime. It should only be spoken in common kedushah with the purest kavanah. It contains hashra'ah of Divine Essence, as does the form of the Ridge blessing which alludes to the Avow of the Divine Feminine:


Cherubic is the Glorious Call on, Her Avow stands permanently and ever.

Amen. So mote it be.


Regulation Spellcraft For Character, Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Fact list Of Jewish Concepts, Philip Birnbaum (pp. 46-7, 438-439)

Habakkuk 3:3, 3:9 and 3:13

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