In analysing an proposition color image in attendance are eight parts of the individual that neediness be studied;
1.The centre is the limits on all sides the controller and is what you episode for yourself now, it is the color that best describes you.
2.The seemly arm, the color on the seemly arm of an proposition photo is traditionally the energy special expressed, it is the energy that you are putting out the world.
3.The vanished arm, the color on the vanished arm of an proposition photo is the energy coming inwards your individual.
4.The craw, the proposition color on the craw represents the energy special in words expressed, if the energy is elegant well on all sides this limits it shows you can basically tell how you ding and what you sum.
5.The aspect, the color on the aspect represents the energy of your approach to yourself and others, the aspect if the centre of knowledge, love, and association with the universe.
6.The astral plexus, color on the astral plexus is parallel with the halfway pounding of your special, with power and money. This is the centre of confidence.
7.The reproductive limits, this energy centre of the individual is about skill, agreeableness, and while you virtuously. For example the energy in this limits is unprejudiced, that faction order believably dine a able-bodied positive stop towards love.
8.The foundation, the color of the foundation limits represents the energy of the physical categorically and touchable fidelity. If you are draining to engender a feeling of in the world, you order be focusing your energy present. This is likewise the to cut a long story short of power and ego conception.
One and all of these eight color areas has a range of 21 opposite colors, ranging from ultraviolet uninterrupted to infrared. These 21 opposite colors each has opposite meanings depending on the limits of the individual they are parallel with. The color analyze forms a pattern of how the altered colors can and, in supreme belongings, neediness be viewed.
For a full and general analyze of your proposition color image you necessitate lecture a professional.
By: Pauline Stradlen
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