A 9Th-Century Salutation In Honor Of St Euphemia
The succeeding meet in present of St. Euphemia was in print by Bishop Constantine of Tio, an ancient town of Bythinia, relating the lifetime 796-806 A.D. It is recorded in his text righteous "Chitchat on the Unearth of the Righteous Reminder of the Heavenly and All-praised Injured person Euphemia".











Triumph, Euphemia all-praised, a stronghold for Christians.

Triumph, Euphemia all-praised, the sacred pare of priests.

Triumph, Euphemia all-glorious, a stronghold for the not at your best.

Triumph, Euphemia all-praised, a stronghold for the afflicted.

Triumph, Euphemia all-blessed, the approximately wall of kings.

Triumph, Euphemia all-praised, the word of honor of synodal dogmas.

Triumph, Euphemia most-venerable, whose blood of myrrh has poured almost the world.

Triumph, Euphemia all-praised, who has bridled the mouths of heretics most-securely.

Triumph, Euphemia all-honorable and the opponent of Barbarians.

Triumph, the stronghold and core of us all and our go-between further on God and awake intercessor.

Translated by John Sanidopoulos

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