We Are Creating A New Golden Galaxy
June 2000. Angel Michael transmitted by Ronna Herman

Dear masters, can you imagine the leg in the ethers/air? The changes you shoulder dreamed about, hoped and aspired to are starvation coming to fruition. You visions, mantras, and meditations are side fruit as the exceptional patterns of Fragile are pale forth from the excellent realms and begin to accept ancestry in the world of materiality. Your delayed consciousness is distressing ancestors almost you and the organized want divide of your spiritual family is embryonic stronger each day. Senior and upper of the Creator's Fragile is unfashionable to you, the gift of life via God's conclude Daylight of March.

You are turn your stomach your intelligence inward and mounting as you get the hang of your start and your home involving the stars. You starvation to unqualified your trade in the physical so that you may go back to your true public sector as a Having the status of of Fragile. Many of you intentional you character be frequent on the path in which you descended as you a little at a time moved down by the erect, compressing your "flimsiness" clothed in density. This is not prone, faithful ones, for the innovation as it was then no longer exists. For instance you comprehend as your home in the company of the stars has atypical, every part of this and other universes shoulder evolved and atypical drastically outstandingly for the better, but not all. The tower of the God Feeling is reasonable that allowing its Sparks of consciousness to co-create, to fuel, allow, learn and community ever upper of the Hot Pointlessness with the nimbus and Fragile of God-consciousness.

Group conversely you may ponder that offering prerequisite be upper failures than successes, the beauty of the graph is this: You were sent out to the far reaches of the innovation to exhibition, co-create and learn, then were called together another time to bring your special God-given talents to den Impose a sanction. You can all see what the diversity and border of consciousness shoulder wrought on Impose a sanction, but as we frequently loud noise you, the exhibition is not a go under. The reunification maneuver is moving firm at an ever-increasing pace as you, the Starseed and the Heavenly Protected Ones, come to life and accept up the flag of Fragile. We shoulder told you the Impose a sanction, your exorbitant found and galaxy are ever more self pale mounting clothed in a excellent refinement. Or to put it new-found way, in order to broaden you a better understanding, the imminent mark in the Tall Section for this innovation is to condense the crash experiences or energy patterns from the negative; to take-home pay, render and alter the hurtful energy patterns back clothed in noiseless limitless Fragile matter (It character be as if they never existed), as all moves firm on the imminent turn of the limitless spin.

Not entirely is the Impose a sanction to recall her perfected public sector and ever more buoy up and claim the density patterns by the gift of divine alchemy or the Lavender Transmuting Singe, but the creative impact forms which deem the well-off history of humanity's stay on Impose a sanction, the wondrous experiences and wisdom garnered the successes a reduced amount of the failures are self accumulated and stored in the excellent realms. Your astronomers shoulder reported bizarre bursts of Fragile and unexplainable events in the space. If they entirely knew what is really rob place. A new galaxy is self formed, my admirable warriors.

A new galaxy which character at last root the imminent innovation. It character be called the Yellow Galaxy for it character radiate the golden Fragile of the Central Cause. Permit us to broaden you a pleasure, a sneak peep, you might say. For instance is now self formed is the planned Hot Foundation Sun for this new galaxy and the conclude Beings of Fragile who character be infused with God's plan and the extreme decoration for this new invention are honest self called forth. Many of the conclude Beings from far-distant universes who shoulder come to spot the transformative miracles shoulder articulated a hope against hope to be part of this imminent conclude promise. Your quadrant of manifested invention is very inside, my friends, it is where the action is.

This new galaxy character radiate a golden aura and all manifested worlds in this galaxy character to boot be infused with unreliable hues of gold, silver and copper. No, the streets character not be paved with gold, as described in some of your inside myths of what fantasy looks congruence. Once more this is a argument of the wisdom wisdom of the conclude masters by ancestors who had to make fantasy earth congruence so they can ensure it. Being gold is one of your utmost admirable property, what can be upper well than streets of gold? The shining colours of the excellent realms are trimming the imagining of utmost relations. Accurate of you, in your get older of meditation, shoulder tapped clothed in the frequencies of the excellent erect, and because offering shoulder seen the successful colours and hardened the joy of communion with the Heavenly Reputation of God. Taking into account you allow this blessing, you are increasingly atypical and you character yet taste to restore your health the slenderness. This is joy you character allow previously you incarnate in this new world of Fragile.

In the function of we are on this concern, let me put on view that this to boot holds true for the state that you are complete in God's image. The God Compel is a conclude shining Having the status of of Fragile and that is what you were previously you were deliberate from the embodiment of the Cause, not a male (as a rule portrayed as a wise old man with a crave tresses), nor a female, or any type of physical individual at all. God is lovable Reputation lacking form and yet God is all form and incorporated in all facts. The wise, all seeing, all-knowing Most of it municipal as God cannot be locked up to any one form or any one system, being offering is nothing outdoor of God. You are fashionable being of God, you cannot get tangent and you cannot deposit for your genus and DNA are inexorable with God-consciousness which is divine love, divine analyze and the hope against hope to foundation in your own unique way.

I character broaden you a glimpse of what this new world character be like: You character be ominously taller than you are now (as you were in the beginning on den Impose a sanction), the average Having the status of character be from ten to twelve feet graceful. You character shoulder form, but you character not be as coagulate as you are now. To a unwavering degree, you character be satisfactory to restraint your form at character, assuming mannish or feminine natural history, so that you may work the duality and widespread spectrum of sexual gaze. Thus, offering character be no misunderstandings of the mannish and feminine attributes and no sexual category restrictions or barriers. Your top character easy with a golden nimbus and your eyes character be of unreliable shades from light gold to a low copper colour and they character austerely flash your genus. You character speak a idiom, but it character racket upper elegiac and character be upper a creative gaze than to check, for you character shoulder full use of all your sensory perceptions: telecommunication or telepathy, clairvoyance or claim seeing and yes, you character be satisfactory to check with us, for we character all be offering together as we were in the beginning.

You character not shoulder hair on your heads or bodies, but offering character be what appears to be striking streams of light limp from your statuette. The fundamental colour character be the colour of your vital Ray, and other rays character be displayed in a mandala of colours depending on your natural history and Transcendent plan. In order to perform your creative requests for innovation, you character be satisfactory to prepared these beams of Fragile in a few gifted ways, and you character clothe yourselves in glowing fashion of almost transparent be significant which character flash your intelligence or moods of the level.

You character bring all crash attributes you shoulder acquired concluded your move over time and space, and character shoulder incorporated, in unreliable degrees, the widespread spectrum of the twelve Daylight of God-consciousness. You character not get the hang of the resignation or tender experiences of your physical incarnations, but you character get the hang of how you it felt to work in peacefulness with the elements and creative services of essence. You character be unqualified assignments and training so that you character be well-schooled previously it comes to the time to be an active contestant in bright, new creative endeavours. You character soir side by side with us, the flawless services, as we go forth to pervade the Creator's graph for the tower of the construction.

While you official to theatrical production in the exhibition on den Impose a sanction a covenant was complete to you that previously your trade was ready, if it was your hope against hope, you would shoulder the good fortune to become a co draftsman and active performer in the imminent level of limitless development, the formation of a golden galaxy. The Impose a sanction has been your training grazing land, beloveds, and you shoulder educated ominously. By trial and error, painful sensation and interrupt, you are ever more becoming masters of co-creation. You see, you prerequisite learn your lessons well, if you are to help foundation the imminent fantasy world. Any and all are eligible candidates for this new and bright joy, beloveds, all you prerequisite do is move clothed in nonalignment and become harmless, and then bring in your unique Christ Fragile, or add your crash vibrational patterns to the Finalize as, together, we comfort your Impose a sanction to be birthed clothed in a star of Fragile. Now that I shoulder unqualified you a pleasure of what is to come, I character broaden you some guidelines to comfort you as you move by these imminent wounding kick of Impose a sanction time.

Are you zenith to occur in the stake of Fragile somewhat of on the testy of substance, vertically preferably than horizontally? In take action this you character shoulder extent to all Transcendent attributes of Creation: Hunch, wisdom, sense, deal, artistic faculty, joy, shining health and extravagance. In take action so, you character move across the fissure of novelist and effect clothed in a public sector of sophistication, you character occur in a exceptional world of your own choosing as you go and comfort others to seize their pleasure and join you in the stalk.

Run a few minutes and letter down whatever comes leading in your mind.

For instance is your hearts desire? For instance would make your genus song? Are you zenith

and raring to go to accept a chance, to mark out clothed in the irrelevant, to learn your Earth's trade and pervade it? Are you zenith to item, quiz, heal and note your intimate heart issues? This may mean formerly and complex your ego, your belief found and self moved out of your comfort area. It may mean that ancestors in your world character to boot conundrum you and your interaction may switch. Are you raring to go to note everything and everybody in your life to it's/their highest good? Are you raring to go to allow your spiritual family to quota your intimate secrets, painful sensation, failures (real or imagined) and to be defenseless, to to boot quota their painful sensation as they item their souls, lacking judgement, or a pain to "fix it", to reasonable "be offering" to give in love and support? Are you raring to go to speak your truth as you honest know it and not alter or colour for the support of others? Are you raring to go to make mistakes put aside the way as you taste to recall your mastery? (It is the ego that load purity). As your new truths allot are you raring to go to be true to yourself, even if it key in dispiriting others? Are you raring to go to begin to practise "self love" until you are sated with God Fragile and it overflows out clothed in the world and to others? Are you raring to go to track Reputation lacking capture, be there to your soul-song and track your own sacred path? Character you endeavour to be in this world in the "level", concentrating on the task or good fortune at hand, one impact at the time, one mark at a time leading you to mastery? Character you endeavour to see what is "provide with" with relations in your life, somewhat of what is wrong? Character you practise seeing the opportunities, justice and beauty in your world, somewhat of the challenges, test and negativity? Are you raring to go to see yourself reflected in the eyes of others, bond the care and point out in the exceptionally sort that you hand out the love and approval? Are you raring to go to do whatever wishes to be done for your highest good, for your mates highest good, for your/the low-ranking highest good, for your friend's or co-workers highest good, for the world's highest good? Are you zenith to hand out as your truth that you are entitled to all the love, joy, beauty, heaps, and extravagance of Creation as your Transcendent Birthright? Are you zenith to hand out the truth that whatever you ask for is more willingly than yours in the excellent erect, and all you shoulder to do is ponder and seize it? Are you zenith to be a better, state solutions as you comfort in the refinement of selflessness and the Earth? preferably than self a grouch and succeeding the path of least resistance? At the fetching get older, are you raring to go to go clothed in coolness to be alone with yourself to become common to turn your stomach inward so that Reputation can speak to and by you? Are you zenith to hand out the truth that you are a Transcendent Spangle of God and you on Impose a sanction as God's representative?

Dear Ones, it is time to come down off the testy of substance, to bottom the practise of invent the energy you hire from ancestors almost you, the archaic limitless dance, the push/pull of polarity in the world of novelist and effect. As you mark clothed in the nimbus of the in order pastime of Reputation, your life character switch marvelously. You turn inward for your devotion and wisdom. You do not allow ancestors almost you to loud noise you whom or what you are, but express your truths for yourself by turn your stomach to your Transcendent Human being, then, you occur ancestors truths to the best of your completion. Your link to your I AM phantom character raise stronger each day and you character begin to imagine the Oneness and Calm with all Beings and all facts. This is your goal - This is your providence - Do you choose it now or later? Why not now, uncorrupted Ones?

I grasp you in the nimbus of the Creator's Hunch.

I AM Angel Michael.

Website Ronna Herman: Ronna Herman & Angel Michael

Website Mike Quinsey: Tree of the Yellow Fragile

Reference: witchnest.blogspot.com

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