Old Names For Herbs A To Z Cover
In the old days, herbalists and midwives didn't use textbook botanical names for herbs. Medicinal and magical plants had colorful descriptive names. Often, old books about magic and herbal healing use the folk names instead of the names commonly used today, and it can be confusing. So, here is an alphabetical listing of those names, along with the COMMON and "names in current use. You'll notice that some plants have a variety of names, and some names refer to a variety of plants.


* A Hawk's Heart: HEART OF WORMWOOD * A Lion's Hairs: TONGUE OF A TURNIP [i.e., the leaves of the taproot] * A Man's Bile: TURNIP SAP * A Pig's Tail: LEOPARD'S BANE * A Titan's Blood: WILD LETTUCE * Aaron's Rod: GOLDENROD -or- GREAT MULLEIN * A Bone of an Ibis: BUCKTHORN * Absinthe: WORMWOOD * Adder's Fork: BISTORT * Adder's Mouth: CHICKWEED * Adder's Tongue: DOGSTOOTH VIOLET * Alison ALYSSUM * Angel's Trumpet: JIMSONWEED / DATURA * Apple of Carthage: POMEGRANATE * Archangel: ANGELICA ""* Artemis Herb: MUGWORT * Ass's Ear: COMFREY -or- COLTSFOOT * Ass's Foot: COLTSFOOT * An Eagle: WILD GARLIC * Auld Man's Bells: BLUEBELLS" Nutans, Scilla non-scripta, Hyacinthoides non-"B

* Bad Man's Oatmeal: HEMLOCK * Bastard: FALSE OR WHITE DITTANY * Bat's Wings: HOLLY * Beard of the Monk: CHICORY * Bear's Foot: LADY'S MANTLE * Bear's Grape: POKE ROOT -or- UVA URSA" Uva-"* Bear's Paw: ROOT MALE FERN" Felix-"* Bear's Weed; YERBA SANTA * Beggar's Buttons: BURDOCK * Beggar's Lice: HOUNDSTONGUE * Bird's Eye: GERMANDER or SPEEDWELL * Bird's Foot: FENUGREEK" Foenum-"* Bird's Nest: INDIAN PIPE * Bishop's Elder: BETONY" Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys "* Bishop's Leaves: WATER FIGWORT * Bishop's Wort: BETONY" Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys "* Black Sampson: ECHINACEA" purpurea, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea "* Blind Eyes: POPPIES" Spp. ">C

* Calf's Snout: SNAPDRAGON * Candelmas Maiden: SNOWDROP * Candlewick Plant: MULLEIN * Capon's Tail: VALERIAN * Carpenter's Herb: SWEET BUGLE * Carpetner's Square: KNOTTED FIGWORT * Cat: CATNIP * Cat's Foot: WHITE BALSAM -or- CANADA SNAKE ROOT -or- GROUND IVY * Cat's Herb: VALERIAN * Chameleon Star: BROMELIAD", Billbergia, Aechmae, Annanas, Bromelia, Guzmania, Cryptanthus, Neoreglia "* Cheeses: MARSH MALLOW * Christ's Eye: VERVAIN SAGE * Christ's Ladder: CENTAURY * Christ's Spear: ADDER'S TONGUE FERN * Church Steeples: AGRIMONY" Eupatoria, Agrimonia "* Chocolate Flower: WILD GERANIUM * Clear Eye: CLARY SAGE * Click: GOOSEGRASS * Clot: GREAT MULLEIN * Colt's Tail: CANADIAN FLEABANE * Corpse Plant: INDIAN PIPE * Cuddy's Lungs: GREAT MULLEIN * Crane's Bill: WILD GERANIUM * Crocodile Dung: ETHIOPIAN SOIL
* Crowdy Kit: FIGWORT * Crow Foot: WILD GERANIUM -or- WOOD ANEMONE * Crown for a King: WORMWOOD * Cuckoo's Bread: COMMON PLANTAIN * Cucumber Tree: MAGNOLIA D

* Dagger Flower: BLUE FLAG * Daphne: LAUREL/BAY * Dead Man's Bells: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Death's Herb: BELLADONNA * Delight of the Eye: ROWAN * Devil Plant: SWEET BASIL * Devil's Apple: MAYAPPLE -or- MANDRAKE * Devil's Beard: HOUSELEEK * Devil's Bit; FALSE UNICORN ROOT * Devil's Cherries: BELLADONNA * Devils Dung: ASAFOETIDA * Devil's Ear: WAKE ROBIN" Triphyllum, Arum spp.
* Devil's Eye: HENBANE -or- PERIWINKLE" major, Vinca "* Devil's Flower: BACHELOR'S BUTTONS * Devil's Fuge: MISTLETOE * Devil's Guts: DODDER * Devil's Herb: BELLADONNA * Devil's Milk: CELANDINE * Devil's Nettle: YARROW * Devil's Plaything: YARROW * Devil's Shoestring: BLACK HAW -or- CRAMP BARK -or- HOBBLEBUSH -or- NORTH AMERICAN GOAT'S RUE * Dew of the Sea: ROSEMARY * Dogberry: BRIER HIPS * Dog's Mouth: SNAP DRAGON * Dog's Tongue: HOUNDSTONGUE * Dove's Foot: WILD GERANIUM * Dragon: TARRAGON * Dragon Flower: BLUE FLAG * Dragon Wort: BISTORT * Dragon's Blood: CALAMUS * Dragon's Teeth: BLUE VERVAIN * Drunkard: CALENDULA * Duck's Foot: MAYAPPLE Podop hyllum "* Dulcamara: WOODY NIGHTSHADE * Dwale: DEADLY NIGHTSHADE E

* Eagle: WILD GARLIC * Eardrops: DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES * Earth Smoke: FUMITORY * Earth Star: BROMELIAD
", Billbergia, Aechmae, Annanas, Bromelia, Guzmania, Cryptanthus, Neoreglia "* Elf Dock: ELECAMPANE * Elf Leaf: LAVENDER" officinale or L. "-or- ROSEMARY * Elf's Wort: ELECAMPANE * Elven: COMMON ELM * Enchanter's Plant: BLUE VERVAIN * Englishman's Foot: COMMON PLANTAIN * Erba Santa Maria: SPEARMINT * Everlasting Friendship: GOOSEGRASS * Exile Tree: BE-STILL * Eye of Christ: GERMANDER "* Eye of Newt: A TYPE OF MUSTARD SEED WITH A BLACK SPOT"; "* Eye of the Day: COMMON DAISY * Eye of the Star: WHITE HOREHOUND * Eye Root: GOLDENSEAL * Eyes: Any "eye" flowers such as DAISIES, BACHELOR'S BUTTONS, HOREHOUND, aSTER, EYEBRIGHT, etc.


* Fairy Bells: WOOD SORREL * Fairy Candles: DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES * Fairy Caps: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Fairy Cup: COWSLIP * Fairy Smoke: INDIAN PIPE * Fairy Thimbles: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Fairy Wand: DEVIL'S BIT" luteum -or- FALSE UNICORN ROOT * Fairy's Eggs: NUTMEG * Fairy's Glove: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Fat from a Head: SPURGE" spp.
* Felon Herb: MUGWORT * Felonwood: WOODY NIGHTSHADE * Felonwort: CELANDINE -or- WOODY NIGHTSHADE * Five Fingers BLOODROOT" canadensis -or- CINQUEFOIL" Reptans, Potentilla "* Flesh and Blood: BLOODROOT * Flower of Death: PERIWINKLE" major, Vinca "* Flower of Immortality: WILD AMARANTH * Folk's Glove: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Food of the Gods: ASAFOETIDA * Foxes' Claws: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Fox's Clote: BURDOCK * Friar's Cap: ACONITE" Napellus, Agrimonia "* Friar's Cowl: WAKE ROBIN" Triphyllum, Arum spp.
* Frog's Foot: BULBOUS BUTTERCUP" spp.
* From the Belly: EARTH-APPLE / POTATO * From the Foot: HOUSELEEK * From the Loins: CHAMOMILE G

* Gall of Goat: HONEYSUCKLE" Spp. -or- ST. JOHN'S WORT * Gallows: MANDRAKE * Ghost Flower: INDIAN PIPE * Ghost Pipe: INDIAN PIPE * Goat's Foot: ASH WEED * Goat's Leaf: HONEYSUCKLE" Spp.
* God's Hair: HART'S TONGUE FERN * Golden Star: AVENS "* Good Luck Plant: SOLOMON'S SEAL" Multiflorum, Polygonatum Commutatum, Polygonatum "* Goose Bill: GOOSEGRASS * Goose Tongue: LEMON BALM * Gosling Wing: GOOSEGRASS * Grains of Paradise: CARDAMOM * Granny's Bonnet: COLUMBINE LEAVES" Vulgaris, Aquilegia "* Great Ox-eye: OX-EYE DAISY * Gravelroot: MEADOWSWEET * Graveyard Dust: GREAT MULLEIN * Gypsy Herb: SWEET BUGLE H

* Hag's Taper: GREAT MULLEIN * Hagthorn: HAWTHORN * Hair of Venus: TRUE MAIDENHAIR FERN
" Capillus-"* Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: DILL SEED * Hare's Beard: GREAT MULLEIN * Hart's Thorn: COMMON BUCKTHORN * Hawk's Heart: WORMWOOD HEART * Heart Leaf: LIVERWORT" hepatica, Peltigera "* Heart of Osmund: ROYAL FERN * Hedgemaids: DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES * Hellweed: DODDER * Herb of Circe: MANDRAKE * Herb of Grace; BLUE VERVAIN -or- RUE * Herb of Mary: PIMPERNEL" Arvensis, Pimpinella spp.
* Herb of the Cross: BLUE VERVAIN * Herb Trinity: LIVERWORT" hepatica, Peltigera canina
* Hind Heal: TANSY * Hind's Tongue: HART'S TONGUE FERN * Hog's Bean: HENBANE * Holy Grass: SWEETGRASS * Holy Herb: YERBA SANTA * Holy Rope: HEMP (AGRIMONY) * Hook and Arn: YERBA SANTA * Horny Goat Weed: COMMON POLYPODY FERN * Horse Heal: SPIKENARD * Horse Hoof: COLTSFOOT * Horse Tongue: HART'S TONGUE FERN * Hundred Eyes: PERIWINKLE" major, Vinca "I

* Ibis Bone BUCKTHORN * Innocence BLUETS J

* Jack-Jump-About: BETONY Stachys Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys Betonica
* Jacob's Ladder: CELANDINE -or- LILY OF THE VALLEY * Jacob's Staff: GREAT MULLEIN * Jesuit's Bark; CINCHONA * Joe Pye Weed: MEADOWSWEET * John the Conqueror: GALANGAL ROOT" Officianarum, Alpina officinalis, A. "* Jove's Flower: CARNATION" spp.
* Joy of the Mountain: SWEET MARJORAM * Joy on the Ground: PERIWINKLE" major, Vinca "* Juno's Tears: BLUE VERVAIN * Jupiter's Bean: HENBANE * Jupiter's Beard: HOUSELEEK * Jupiter's Nut: WALNUT * Jupiter's Staff: GREAT MULLEIN K

* Key of Heaven: COWSLIP Primula Veris
* King Root: BLOODROOT Sanguinaria canadensis
* King's Clover: MELILOT Melilotus officinalis, Melilotus alba, Melilotus arvensis
* King's Crown: BLACK HAW Vibrunum Prunifolium
* Kitten's Breeches DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES Dicentra cucullaria
* Knight's Milfoil: YARROW * Kronos' Blood: SAP OF THE CEDAR TREE" occidentalis, Thuja orientalis, Biota orientalis, Thuja articulata,Cupressus thujoides, Juniperus virginiana, Cedrus libani, Cedrela odorata, Libocedrus "and many more


* Ladder to Heaven: LILY OF THE VALLEY * Ladies' Meat: HAWTHORN * Ladies' Seal: WHITE BRYONY / ENGLISH MANDRAKE * Lad's Love: SOUTHERNWOOD * Lady Bleeding: AMARANTH
" Hypochond riacus
* Lady of the Meadow: MEADOWSWEET * Lady of the Woods: BIRCH * Lady's Cap: COWSLIP * Lady's Foxglove: GREAT MULLEIN * Lady's Glove: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Lady's Smock: CUCKOO FLOWER * Lamb's Ears: BETONY" Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys "* Lion's Foot: LADY'S MANTLE * Lion's Hair: LEAVES OF A TURNIP'S TAPROOT * Leopard's Bane: ARNICA * Lion's Herb: COLUMBINE LEAVES" Vulgaris, Aquilegia "* Lion's Tooth: DANDELION * Little Dragon: TARRAGON * Little Queen: MEADOWSWEET * Lizard's Leg: CREEPING PLANTS SUCH AS IVY
* Lords and Ladies: WAKE ROBIN
" Triphyllum, Arum spp.
* Love in Idleness: PANSY * Love Leaf: DAMIANA" Aphrodisiaca, Turnera "* Love Leaves: BURDOCK * Love Lies Bleeding: AMARANTH -or- "Anemone "* Love Man: GOOSEGRASS * Love Parsley: LOVAGE * Love Ro,: LOVAGE * Love Root: LOVAGE -or- ORRIS ROOT * Love-In-Idleness: PANSY * Low John, Low John the Conqueror: GALANGAL ROOT" Officianarum, Alpina officinalis, A. "* Lucky Hand: MALE FERN" Felix-"* Lucky Hand Root: LUCKY HAND ORCHID / SALEP ORCHID * Lucky Nut: BE-STILL * Lurk-in-the-Ditch: PENNYROYAL M

* Mad Root: WHITE BRYONY / ENGLISH MANDRAKE * Maiden Hair: TRUE MAIDENHAIR FERN" Capillus-"* Maiden's Gum: COMMON ELM * Maiden's Ruin: SOUTHERNWOOD * Maid's Hair: LADY'S BEDSTRAW * Man's Bile: TURNIP SAP * Man's Health: GINSENG * Master of the Woods: WOODRUFF * Masterwort: ANGELICA * May: BLACK HAW * May Lily: LILY OF THE VALLEY * Maypops: PASSION FLOWER * May Rose: BlacK HAW * Miracle of Nature: CENTURY PLANT / MAGUEY * Mistress of the Night: TUBEROSE * Monk's Head: DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES * Monk's Hood: ACONITE" Napellus, Agrimonia "* Mother of the Herbs: RUE * Mother of the Wood: BLACKTHORN * Mother's Heart: SHEPHERD'S PURSE" bursa-"* Musk of the Wood: WOODRUFF * Mutton Chops: GOOSEGRASS N

* Naughty Man: MUGWORT * Naughty Man's Cherries: BELLADONNA" belladonna
* Noah's Ark: LADIES' SLIPPER" pubescens, Cyprepedium "* Nose Bleed: YARROW * Nose of Turtle: TURTLE'S CAP / BALMONY O

* Old Gal: ELDER BARK * Old Lady: ELDER BARK * Old Maid's Nightcap: WILD GERANIUM * Old Man: MUGWORT * Old Man's Flannel: GREAT MULLEIN * Old Man's Pepper: YARROW * Old Uncle Henry: MUGWORT * Old Woman: WORMWOOD * Oliver: OLIVE * Osmund the Waterman: ROYAL FERN * Our Lady's Flannel: GREAT MULLEIN * Our Lady's Tears: LILY OF THE VALLEY P

* Palma Christi CASTOR * Passions: BISTORT * Password: PRIMROSE * Peter's Staff: GREAT MULLEIN * Physician's Bone: SANDSTONE
* Pidgeon's Grass: BLUE VERVAIN * Pigeon Berry: POKE ROOT * Pig's Tail: LEOPARD'S BANE / ARNICA * Pitchforks: BEGGAR'S TICK * Plague Flower: BUTTERBUR" Vulgaris, Tussilago "* Poor Man's Treacle: GARLIC" sati vum
* Priest's Crown: DANDELION LEAVES * Priest's Pintle: WAKE ROBIN" Triphyllum, Arum spp.
* Prince's Feather: AMARANTH * Pucha-pat: PATCHOULI" cablin "Q

* Quaker's Bonnet: LUPINE * Queen of the Meadow: MEADOWSWEET * Queen of the Night: VANILLA CACTUS * Queen's Delight: QUEENSROOT R

" pubescens, Cyprepedium "* Ram's Thorn: COMMON BUCKTHORN * Rat Root: CALAMUS ROOT * Red Cockscomb: AMARANTH * Red Robin: KNOTGRASS * Resurection Plant: ROSE OF JERICHO * Ring-o-bells: BLUEBELLS" Nutans, Scilla non-scripta, Hyacinthoides non-"* Robin-Run-in-the-Grass: GOOSEGRASS * Robin-Run-in-the-Hedge: GROUND IVY S

* Satan's Apples: MANDRAKE * Scaldhead: BLACKBERRY * Scale of Dragon: TARRAGON * Sea Dew: ROSEMARY * Sea Spirit: BLADDERWRACK" Vesiculosis
* Seal Root: SOLOMON'S SEAL" Multiflorum, Polygonatum Commutatum,
* * See Bright: CLARY SAGE * Seed of Horus: WHITE HOREHOUND * Semen of Ammon: HOUSELEEK * Semen of Ares: CLOVER * Semen of Helios: WHITE HELLEBORE", "* Semen of Hephaistos: FLEABANE" annuus, Erigeron "* Semen of Herakles: MUSTARD ROCKET / ARRUGULA * Semen of Hermes: DILL * Seven Year's Love: YARROW * Shameface: WILD GERANIUM * Shepherd's Heart: SHEPHERD'S PURSE" bursa-"* Silver Bells: BLACK HAW * Sleep Wort: LETTUCE", "* Snake Grape: WHITE BRYONY / ENGLISH MANDRAKE * Snake Head: BALMONY * Snake Lily: BLUE FLAG * Snakeberry: WOODY NIGHTSHADE * Snake's Ball of Thread: SOAPSTONE "* Snake's Head: LEECH * Snowbells: BENZOIN * Soapwort: DAISY -or- COMFREY * Soldier's Cap: DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES * Son-Before-the-Father: COLTSFOOT * Sorcerer's Berry: BELLADONNA * Sorcerer's Root: MANDRAKE * Sorcerer's Violet: PERIWINKLE" major, Vinca "* Sparrow's Tongue: KNOTWEED * St. Bennet's Herb: HEMLOCK * St. James' Wort: RAGWORT * St. John's Plant: MUGWORT * St. John's Herb: HEMP / AGRIMONY(this is not St. John's Wort) Agrimonia Eupatoria
* St. Joseph's Wort: SWEET BASIL * St. George's Herb: VALERIAN * St. Mary's Seal: SOLOMON'S SEAL
" Multiflorum, Polygonatum Commutatum, Polygonatum Biflorum
* Star Flower: BORAGE * Star of the Earth: AVENS * Starweed: CHICKWEED * Starwort: ASTER * Summer's Bride: CALENDULA * Sweethearts: GOOSEGRASS * Swine's Snout: DANDELION LEAVES T

* Tanner's Bark: COMMON OAK", "* Tartar Root: GINSENG * Tear Grass: JOB'S TEARS" lachryma "* Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: DILL JUICE * Thor's Helper: ROWAN" Spp.
* Thousand Seal: YARROW * Thousand Weed: YARROW * Thunder Plant: HOUSELEEK * Tiger's Chaundron; LADY'S MANTLE * Titan's Blood: WILD LETTUCE * Toad: TOADFLAX * Toad Shade: TRILLIUM * Toad Bastard: TOADFLAX * Toe of Frog; BUTTERCUP * Tongue of Dog: HOUNDSTONGUE * Tooth of Wolf: LEAF OF WOLFSBANE" Napellus, Agrimonia "* Torches: GREAT MULLEIN * Tree of Chastity: HAWTHORN * Tree of Doom: ELDER * Tree of Enchantment: WHITE WILLOW * Tree of Life: YELLOW CEDAR * True Love: BETHROOT * Turtle Head: BALMONY U

* Unicorn Horn: TRUE UNICORN ROOT -or- FALSE UNICORN * Unicorn Root: BONESET Eupatorium Perfoliatum -or- AGUE ROOT / STAR GRASS * Unshoe-the-Horse: MOONWORT FERN V

* Virgin Mary's Nest: NUTMEG W

* Water Dragon; MARSH MARIGOLD * Wax Dolls: FUMITORY * Weazel Snout: YELLOW DEAD NETTLES/YELLOW ARCHANGEL * Weed: OX-EYE DAISY * White: OX-EYE DAISY * White Man's Foot: COMMON PLANTAIN * White Wood: WHITE CINNAMON", "* Witch Bane: MOUNTAIN ASH" Sorbus Spp.
* Witch Grass: DOG GRASS * Witch Herb: MUGWORT * Witch Tree: MOUNTAIN ASH" Sorbus Spp.
* Witch Wood: MOUNTAIN ASH" Sorbus Spp.
* Witches' Asprin: WHITE WILLOW BARK * Witches' Bells: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Witches' Berry: BELLADONNA * Witches' Brier: BRIER HIPS * Witches' Gloves: FOXGLOVE" Purpurea, Digitalis "* Witches' Herb: SWEET BASIL * Witches' Weed: CINQUEFOIL" Reptans, Potentilla "* Wolf Claw: CLUB MOSS * Wolf Foot: SWEET BUGLE * Wolf Grape: WOODY NIGHTSHADE * Wolf's Herb: VALERIAN * Wolf's Milk: EUPHORBIA" spp.

* Wool of Bat: HOLLY LEAVES

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