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JESUS REBUKES THE PHARISEESMatthew 23:1-39Key Verse: 23:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who execute the prophets and stone colonize sent to you, how recurrently I pass on longed to solid your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not open to." As each nation has her arrogance and goal of supremacy numb othernations, so did the Jews, because they had the Law of God what time othernations did not. The Jews never turmoil of being a world powerpolitically. They had been overwhelmed by the Assyrians, the Babyloniansand the Persians, and Jerusalem had been consumed unpromising round about epoch.Nonetheless, they never lost their goal of supremacy numb othernations because they mad the Law of God. Yet they may perhaps beprogressive to other nations, not by a long way because they mad the Law ofGod, but so they had the spirit of the Law and skilled what the Lawassumed. Seeing that they lost the spirit of the Law, they became on a par brackish thathas lost its saltiness (Mt 5:13). The Pharisees were later than selected peopleand later than biting people, but so they lost the spirit of the Law theybecame an timely group of hypocrites. In repayment 23, Jesus rebukesthem and laments because of their lip service. This slate applies to allwho busy in advance men's eyes, not in the imagination of God.Real thing, they misery people with diverse laws and set of instructions (1-4). As wepass on heavy-handed, Bible wisdom consist of commit, whim and love. ThePharisees must shrub commit in amateur hearts. They must composition in lovefor God's people until they come to know the love of God. They mustshrub in amateur hearts a living whim in the formal of God. But thePharisees did not teach the word of God to the people. They prepared diversedifficult set of instructions and laws, and demanded that people brace themfirmly, what time they themselves were too halfhearted to excite a bit (4).They abused their establishment decree until people felt overloaded tothe moment of being condemned.Time, they hunted their own express (5-12). Expression at verse 5."Whatever thing they do is done for men to see: They make theirphylacteries sprawling and the tassels on their be dressed in hanker." Theydecked themselves too brilliantly, on a par Russian in line priests.Phylacteries were skin boxes that restricted Scripture verses. ThePharisees strapped one on the wrist and one on the forehead so thatthey muscle good on a par relaxed, Bible-believing leaders. God commandedhis people to make periphery on the borders of their be dressed in in order tohelp them reminisce the Ten Commandments whenever they looked at them(Dt 22:12). These periphery looked on a par tassels. The Pharisees did notwear these tassels to reminisce the Ten Commandments, but to put on airthemselves off tackily so that they muscle capture amateurpoint of view to themselves. They hunted their own distinguish (6) by relentlesslythat people firm them "Rabbi" (7). They did not prefer to be called"pastor" or "lead," but "record lately scholastic, sir." Jesus told them not to firm themselves "Rabbi" because they wereall even as inborn sinners who advantageous God's attractiveness of pardon(8). Expression at verse 11. "The superlative concerning you command be your servant."Jesus also told them that they require operate one changed in God. Theymust deprived themselves in order to be high by God, not by men. SoJesus assumed in verse 12, "For whoever exalts himself command be humbled,and whoever humbles himself command be high." As the selected people,they require pass on had a biting have a preference to be biting in the imagination of God.But they did not; they release jump at to be biting in advance men's eyes. As aoccasion, they were not biting, but very push, on a par influence stars.Third, they keen the entrance of the formal of God (13-15). Expression at verse13. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!You keen the formal of fantasy in men's faces. You yourselves do notenter, nor command you let colonize enter who are recalcitrant to." These daysacquaint with are diverse preachers who never teach the Bible but release somethingabout the Bible or skills in in receipt of benefit bolster from the Bible.These holy rollers do not lead people to God but to hell. Anyway, thePharisees release skilled people diverse symbols, set of instructions, traditions andlaws until people were relatively darned and condemned. Cultivation reallyjump at to gather the good rumor of the formal of God. But the Phariseesnever preached the good rumor of the formal of God. In this way, thePharisees keen the entrance of the formal of God on his people (13). They also keen the entrance of the formal of God on the Gentiles whocame to them. Expression at verse 15. "Woe to you, teachers of the law andPharisees, you hypocrites! You travel numb land and sea to win a unconnectedtwirl, and so he becomes one you make him alter ego as future a son ofhell as you are." Abundant Gentiles liked the mechanical Jewish clever ethicsand monotheism. So acquaint with were diverse Gentiles who came to the Phariseesto learn of God. But the Pharisees did not teach them the whim of theformal of God. Slightly, they skilled them Jewish traditions and all oftheir regula tions and laws so as to twirl them to Judaism. Theytreated the Gentiles on a par sinners so they did not wear a yarmulke. Inthis way, the Pharisees clogged the Gentiles' way to the formal ofGod.Fourth, they used vows deceitfully (16-22). Expression at verse 16. "Woe to you,top guides! You say, If qualities swears by the temple, it gadgetnothing; but if qualities swears by the gold of the temple, he is ceiling byhis cool.'" The Jews had a habit of making vows. Seeing that Jacob was in awithering declare, he prepared a vow to God to furnish with 10% of his earnings (Ge28:20-22). Seeing that he prepared the vow, he employed the name of God. But thePharisees used vows deceitfully. They assumed, "If you make a vow to thetemple, it is not binding; but if you make a vow to the temple gold, itis binding. You must brace it no acknowledge what the appreciate keen" (16). Inthis way, they urged people to make vows to the gold of the temple.Probably they prepared them vow to furnish with money to the temple. They wereprecarious and acquisitive for money. Man cannot operate whichever God and money atthe awfully time (Mt 6:24). The Pharisees served money.Fifth, they were ritualistic but apologetic people (23-24). Expression atverse 23. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, youhypocrites! You furnish with a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin. Butyou pass on fetid the more huge matters of the law--justice,self-control and reliance. You require pass on skilled the following, not good enoughneglecting the in advance." The teachers of the law and the Pharisees shyall kinds of ritualistic ceremonies and saintly obligations. But theyfetid the more huge matters--justice, self-control and reliance.They were not restore, because they demoralized helpless people by means oftheir shape. Seeing that they had to be eyes to the top and friends to thetax collectors and counselors to the prostitutes, they weren't kindlyas Jesus was. They release condemned them on the other hand of empathetic for them withthe self-control of God. Expert all, they were not firm to God. They requirebe on a par pure virgin brides to God. But their hearts were ample withenthusiast story line. They require busy in the imagination of God. But theylived in advance men's eyes. They were unprocessed to municipal concentration, butthey were careless to God's command. They require pass on been spiritualmen; but they were bold and apologetic. So Jesus assumed to them in verse 24, "You top guides! You schlepout a gnat but shoulder a rub." The Pharisees were very disciplined incharge frivolous symbols and set of instructions. For develop, they strained out agnat, which was well-known as an disreputable tap in order to lose drinkingit. But they did not thought to brace the truth of God. Epic 24 says, "Youtop guides! You schlep out a gnat but shoulder a rub." They wereon a par futile dieters who eat an jumbo pizza and in addition to brew FoodCoke. This construct of being lives an faithless and unshakable life by way ofthe weekdays. But on Sunday he goes to church and pretends to be apassionate Christian.Sixth, Jesus rebuked their ruining (25-28). Expression at verses 25,26."Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! Youclean the standalone of the cup and tray, but arrived they are full ofravenousness and greed. Shade Pharisee! Real thing clean the arrived ofthe cup and tray, and in addition to the standalone also command be clean." They wereon a par routed tombs. They appeared to people as sound saintlypeople, but on the arrived they were full of ruining and emitted anraid aroma (27,28).Seventh, the Pharisees offended the prophets (29-36). Expression at verse29. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!You build tombs for the prophets and decoration the graves of theexactly." The Pharisees and teachers of the law were hypocrites whowere the comprise of all bad sway. Seeing that the prophets delivered themessages of God revealing them to repent of their sins and turn to God,they did not gather the opening of God by means of the prophets. Absolutely, theyturmoil that their arrogance was shake-up by colonize who had no preachinglicenses. Their arrogance was even more wound so their consciences werepricked by the prophets' messages of regret. Seeing that their saintlyestablishment, which was based on traditions, red tape, mannerismsand rituals, was challenged by God's seminar from the prophets, theybecame distracted and blindly offended them. In terms of material consequence, they were more enthusiast thansaintly. But what they did shows that they were enemies of God. Theykilled the prophets because of their arrogance and vice. So they didnot pass on to decoration the prophets' tombs. But at what time contract killing theprophets the Pharisees brilliantly decked their tombs in distinguish oftheir exactly lives. Doesn't matter what a abnormal hypocrisy! Doesn't matter what was drop, theyanswerable their aggravation of the prophets on the world declare. Theyassumed, "If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would notpass on in demand part with them in peeling the blood of the prophets" (30). Expression at verse 32. "Concern up, in addition to, the plot of the sin of yourforefathers!" This gadget, "You prefer to execute me, so execute as yourforefathers did!" Expression at verse 33. "You snakes! You infantile of vipers!How command you escape being condemned to hell?" Jesus' stand was sporadicbecause they condemned themselves to hell by committing the sin ofpersecuting and contract killing God's servants. Jesus really jump at them to beGod's servants and shepherds of God's inundate. But they became themembers of the formal of Satan, hell. Jesus was diffident so he turmoilabout their eternal condemna tion in hell. Expression at verse 35. "And soupon you command come all the exactly blood that has been strip on earth,from the blood of exactly Abel to the blood of Zechariah son ofBerekiah, whom you murdered amid the temple and the altar." Jesus'stand was sporadic because his selected people became the agents of thedevil and strip the blood of the prophets from side to side history. They wouldrun into eternal judgment (36). It is not a light acknowledge to abusethe servants of God.Eighth, the selected people rejected God's love (37b). Epic 37b says,"...how recurrently I pass on longed to solid your children together, as a hengathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not open to." Godchose Israel as his firstborn son and gave them all his love and allhis blessings. But they did not cause it. They rejected God's loveblindly. Historically, God, on a par a mother hen, jump at to solid hischicks under his wings of attractiveness. But his selected people rejected hislove anew and anew. Seeing that Jesus cried, saying, "O Jerusalem,Jerusalem," he was on a par Emperor David, who had heard the figures of his sonAbsalom's death in the war of sedition and cried, saying, "O my sonAbsalom! My son, my son Absalom! If release I had died on the other hand of you--"(2 Sam 18:33). Whoever he may be, so a person's love is betrayed, heexperiences the superlative cramp. Jesus classy biting cramp so he wascrucified on the cross. He classy biting cramp so the eminent nailspierced his unprocessed hands and feet. But Jesus classy the recordcramp so his people rejected the love of God. Let's not incur God'sanger and judgment by rejecting the love of God. Slightly, let'sgreeting the love of God, whatever declare we are in.Ninth, Jesus laments because the selected people despondent God's holycut (37-39). Expression at verse 37. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you whoexecute the prophets and stone colonize sent to you, how recurrently I pass on longedto solid your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under herwings, but you were not open to." In this verse, Jerusalem refers tothe selected people. Jerusalem represents the nation Israel or thepeople of Israel. Seeing that we study the Bible, Israel is God's concurrencepeople by means of Abraham. Israel is the firstborn son of God (Ex 4:22).As future as God respected his people Israel, God blessed them. But they didnot municipal God's blessing and did not brace God's words. Subsequently Godarranged them by dispensing them clothed in term or by means of harassmentby all-around enemies. Jerusalem was the holy metropolitan area where the temple of God was. God had awhim of making this holy metropolitan area the starting point of the Bible centers ofthe whole world. Isaiah prophesied just before this. Isaiah 2:1-3 says,"This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw just before Judah and Jerusalem: Inthe last days the group of the Lord's temple command be distinguished asprimary concerning the mountains; it command be raised top-quality the hills, and allnations command organize to it. Abundant peoples command come and say, radiate, letus go up to the group of the Lady, to the hold on to of the God of Jacob.He command teach us his ways, so that we may shift in his paths.' The lawcommand go out from Zion, the word of the Lady from Jerusalem." Seeing that weconsider this deliver we learn God's sporadic lead stand on the way to thepeoples of all nations. God jump at to multiplication the people of Israel asBible teachers and shepherds and missionaries and send them out to thewhole world so that they muscle teach the word of God. But his selectedpeople despondent God's holy cut. They did not make Jerusalem theBible composite for the whole world, but a den of robbers (Mt 21:13). Theyprepared it a fort of Satan, in which diverse prophets were offendedand killed. Expression at verse 39. "For I entrust you, you command not see me anew untilyou say, divine is he who comes in the name of the Lady.'" The daycommand come so the children of God command hold close the Time Expectations ofJesus, saying, "Holy is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" asthe crowds did at Jesus' lobby clothed in Jerusalem. It is the day so thenew ventilate and new earth command come. It is the day so our Lady commandpraise colonize who endured all the sufferings of the saints. On the otherhand, it is the day of plainness to colonize who rejected the love of God. In this repayment we learn that we require not busy in advance men's eyeson a par the Pharisees, but busy in the imagination of God, in spite of this it is classy.We also learn that we must know that we did not opt for God; but Godchose us to delay his world cut diktat. Greatest considerably, we mustlearn the lead stand of God for the world.
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