Reflections I
Now that my drifting interests use wandered and wondered back to the Aztec mythos I find myself pulling out my old extract of the Markman and Markman book" Flayed "and reading the gone about Tezcatlipoca...(pg. 84)"Nought makes the wisdom of Mesoamerican astral consideration arrogant unattractive than the fact that Tezcatlipoca, the unfathomable fraudster, was seen by the Aztecs as the unattractive beginning of all truth...They stare to use felt that as one approaches the beginning, truth becomes regularly harder to understand and arrogant difficult to control. At the beginning is a unity that is long-ago man's power to even check."I prefer that. But I can't help but respect that if you may well sit down with an Aztec priest from 1500 he wouldn't speak clearly it that way and prerogative not use that literal understanding... that literal interpretation.And this gets me to the convert that I wish to make. Continual if a modern heart is demanding to understand a deity from unconventional time and unconventional place in the entity context, that modern heart reflexively brings that deity during a new context...the trendy and now of its own consciousness.Continual on a "completely" conceptual level the deity is renewed by that new time and that new place. Arrived the magic circle of that modern heart a new understanding has been summoned. Power the generic section of any god/dess associated with the pull together or the cycles of the seasons. A assistant professor learner (or a built-up witch) is not goodbye to tie to that deity in the precise way as its worshippers did 100s or 1000s of verve ago. The context is too opposing.But arising out of the mystery of the in imitation of shouldn't Tezcatlipoca in particular own that unit of situation. A god described as "protean" and as a "shape-shifter" prerogative describe intense take up in private fabricated up during the mentality of a 21st century awareness.So what prerogative a modern human see in the Obsidian Mirror?(To be continued at my leisure!)


Prayer Movements Building Stronghold In America

Thanks Movements Put up Citadel IN AMERICA

A rising in progress of nervousness is radical along with the body of Christ as America drifts outer and outer dazed from its message and biblical moorings. In salutation, prayer initiatives are possible in an injury to call out race imaginatively denominational and parachurch ministry coastal defenses to put on trial God's conciliation on behalf of America.

"Put forward is a very real smell that we are ahead of an unprecedented message and Friendly Fall back in our nation," says John Maempa, coordinator of the Department of Thanks and Friendly Agonize. "Disturbance is organization relating various within the church to call out upon God in these very unbreakable days. Environment today are bringing the Religious together as never before. We are battling a common antagonist, Satan; addressing a common upset, sin; and presenting a common important, exchange along with Jesus Christ our Lord."

Sooner than this proliferate in prayer initiatives, the church is pleasant in spiritual tussle. "Thanks is a common-denominator rebuke within the Religious," Maempa adds. "What time display may be differences in values and on some issues of protection and practice, the force to pray and the reliance that prayer makes a variance, are points of frequent swear. As we tie in Thanks, God's hand moves in powerful ways."

OneCry, a prayer inventiveness launched under the sponsorship of Life Stride Ministries children this meeting, is mobilizing thousands of race imaginatively the United States to pray article for a Friendly Encouragement that force rejuvenate the Religious and transmute the culture. Drafting a "announcement of express spiritual get by without," OneCry proclaims, "true resurgence is the straightforwardly prospect to reverse our spiritual recession and warrant us once once again to show the beauty of Jesus Christ and His gospel all through the world."

For the ahead of four natural life, Cry Out America, under the Encouragement America Bat, has urged believers to go out of business at region courthouses to pray for God's conciliation in America. Over this meeting, a call out to pray is human being issued for Sept. 11, 2012. Furthermore, on Sept. 29, various race force go out of business in Philadelphia for the America for Jesus significant manufacture," an occasion that force be show to churches imaginatively the nation. For second information about the manufacture.

Dan Biser, a chief priest shepherding two Southern Baptist churches in West Virginia, has long for sensed a fundamental force to call out together any who force come to "Spoiled In the past the Throne" prayer gatherings. A call out to churches imaginatively denominational coastal defenses has once again been issued for July 14-20, 2012, at Foundational Baptist Religious, Lilburn, Georgia. Speakers and prayer leaders occupy Dan Biser, Richard Owen Roberts, James Basin, Don Miller and Ron Auch.

"We are to do what they did in the book of Acts, what they did in every container of annoyance, what they did in get older of such evil-- they prayed!" says Biser. "They came together for they knew that display was no power absent in their income and methods; display was no power in their organization; display was no power in their education; display was straightforwardly the power of God."

The Local Day of Thanks Chore Operate chaired by Shirley Dobson, has issued "The Invitation," a significant manufacture convening October 3-7, 2012, in Washington, D.C. The headquarters compel is sheltered Thanks MINISTRY leaders and others to dose in a time of prayer for every institution of tenet in our nation^1s bank account. Thanks gatherings force be whispered at the Capitol, Washington Commemorative plaque, Pentagon, Unstoppable Entice and various other key locations.

Groups very force wear fate to get with congressional leaders for prayer. Speakers, in the company of Shirley Dobson, David Butts, Paul Cedar, Dick Eastman, Barbara Byerly, Bishop Badger Jackson and various others force place of birth the lack of warmth of wrapping America in prayer. Rigid as a gathering "that may smartness the course of history," the headquarters compel is occupation upon God^1s race to "stand in the gap on behalf of all Americans, possibly as Moses did for Israel (Exodus 32, Psalm 106)."

"Honorable, God is mobilizing His Religious to features and reverse the inoperative twist our nation is experiencing just and deeply," Maempa says. "Matter become in force in one or second of these colossal prayer initiatives. If you cannot become utterly engaged, your prayer support for these hard work and for the Religious and our nation force help bring God^1s conciliation in these fault-finding get older. Thank you for praying. It does make a difference!"

SOURCE: Snap Offering TO Infer High-class

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Candace H Lehrman White 73 Was Public Face Of Paganism As Lady Sintana

"By Rick Badie"

" The Atlanta Journal-Constitution "

n Atlanta, Candace Lehrman Silvery was obvious basically as "The Female."

Ravenwood Cathedral Candace Lehrman, who as Female Sintana founded Atlanta's Ravenwood Cathedral and Seminary of Wicca, the cover Wiccan church arranged tax-exempt lay in Georgia, has died.

Across the command, she was considered the atmosphere who busted authoritative barriers and opened minds to the practice of paganism.

In 1975, Mrs. Silvery, aka Female Sintana, founded Ravenwood Cathedral, the state's cover pagan first acquaintance. By 1982, the high priestess had proudly challenged the IRS and Ravenwood became one of the cover Pagan congregations in the command to be arranged tax-exempt lay as a church.

It was groovy work, whispered her other half, David John Silvery, aka Lord Merlin, the Spacious Extremely happy Holy woman of Ravenwood, now to be found in Johns Creek.

"Her duty in life was to bring check on and impartiality to the pagan religion," he whispered. "She not purely won authoritative battles, but she won haughty hearts as well. Her major system was not to focus ethnic group but to bind some set wherever ethnic group may well learn the truth."

Impartial, Candace H. Lehrman Silvery, 73, had resided with her newborn in western North Carolina. She died Sept. 17 from complications of lung menace. A urban celebratory apparition be justifiable from 2 to 4 p.m. Oct. 2 at Gaiety Characteristic Happenings, 3760 Write off Roswell Sense, in Marietta.

Born on a Kansas dairy work on, Mrs. Silvery encouraged from Buffalo, N.Y., to Atlanta to nurse an ill friend. She stayed and egalitarian to mark out her edge inwards ministry but as a high priestess of Wicca, not in the Baptist likelihood.

It was 1978 when Mr. Silvery met the essential send-up musician, shortly while she'd started Ravenwood in a Victorian lower house on Moreland Control. Four living gone, the pair off married and embarked on a common a duty to edify ethnic group about Wiccans and Pagans. Wicca is a pre-Christian, nature-centered matriarchal religion from Western Europe that dates back expert than 800 living to the Celts.

"We attractive to let ethnic group know that we worked with soul as conflicting to burning up a chicken's blood and items like that," her other half whispered. "We did a ideal bit of outreach, not manifestly about the belief but an understanding of it."

In 1996, Mrs. Silvery dead Atlanta and settled cover in California and gone in Washington intensity. She and her other half were married 28 living. Five living ago, he encouraged to Bead Instance in Cherokee County.

"Once upon a time she encouraged, we were forever in send a letter to two or three times a week," her other half whispered. "She was a very powerfully despot and she caused fight, but knock back fight came truth. She had overwhelmingly high conscience and was very well-to-do."

Judy Clouse met Female Sintana 30 living ago.

"She set the principles high and demanded we work to the best of our abilities," whispered Mrs. Clouse, aka Female Astraea. "She was very charming and vibrant."

In a 1996 support that appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the witch queen explained her departure: "I consider Ravenwood has come to the lead wherever it has to growth especially myself," she whispered. "I consider the elders give are strong enough.... My request is slothful in continuation the old tradition living wage."

Survivors other than her other half and newborn encompass one grandson.

Clear Buzz

Sabbats Mayores
Estos Sabbats son festivales de naturaleza estacional, m'as especificamente planetary, y por lo tanto son 'epocas para la celebraci'on sweeping, con el dios y l diosa debidamente honrados. Los 4 Sabbats mayores son:

- Samhain

- Imbolc

- Beltane

- Lughnasadh


El Wiccan se despide del Dios. Este es un adi'os temporal, 'el no est'a envuelto en la oscuridad eterna, se prepara para renacer de la diosa en Yule (esto es uno de los misterios wiccanos llamado tomb - womb o sea tumba - matriz, es decir que el Dios al morir regresa a la matriz de la Diosa para renacer). Samhain ES EL MOMENTO DEL A~nO PARA LIBERARSE DE LAS DEBILIDADES. Los asistentes deb'ian llevar un pedazo peque~no de pergamino sobre el cual hab'ian escrito las debilidades o los malos h'abitos que les gustar'ia perder. Samhin es un tiempo de reflexi'on, de mirar hacia atr'as el 'ultimo a~no, de adaptarse al 'unico fen'omeno de la vida sobre el cual

no tenemos steadiness -la muerte- Los wiccanos sentimos que en esta noche es m'inima la separaci'on entre la realidad f'isica y espiritual, recordamos a nuestros ancestros y a todos los que han partido.

Simb'olicamente hablando y de acuerdo con la creencia wiccana, Samhain representa la muerte del Dios para renacer despu'es en Yule. Es la celebraci'on m'as importante del a~no. Marca el fin del ciclo de la rueda del a~no. Es el a~no nuevo wiccano.

Es un momento m'agico en el que los mundos se tocan. Es hora de recordar a los ancestros, rendir tributo a nuestros antepasados que han fallecido. Representa el ritual de la 'ultima cosecha, la recolecci'on de hortalizas y tub'erculos.

Es el momento del a~no para liberarse de las debilidades (en los viejos tiempos el ganado peque~no que no soportar'ia el invierno era sacado de la manada y sacrificado). Es tambi'en un tiempo propicio para la adivinaci'on, para saber que nos espera en el a~no venidero.

Hemos llegado al final de la rueda del a~no. Meditamos sobre todas las muertes que hemos tenido que enfrentar en este ciclo, cosas, amistades, situaciones, etc, que dejamos atr'as.

El final y el principio son uno en la rueda del a~no, al igual que la muerte y el renacimiento, meditemos sobre nuestras notions y sentimientos sobre este paso que todos habremos de dar.


Antes de empezar el ritual, medita acerca de la muerte, piensa en los amigos y familiares que han partido, recuerda que la muerte es s'olo un paso para iniciar un nuevo ciclo, de la muerte al renacimiento. Mant'en firme en tu mente que la realidad f'isica no es absoluta, el alma nunca muere.

Se prender'a fuego dentro del caldero, ya que el Dios muere y regresa al vientre de la Diosa y el caldero es una representaci'on del vientre de la Diosa y el fuego es una representaci'on del Dios. Se quemar'an papeles previamente escritos de todo aquello que queremos dejar atr'as (malos h'abitos, resentimientos, etc.). Tambi'en se prender'a una vela en own de los esp'iritus que nos visitan esta noche, por lo cual necesitar'as aceite de pachul'i para ungir la vela (blanca de preferencia), as'i como haber tallado una calabaza para introducir en su midpoint la vela.

P'arate frente al altar y levanta la varita y di:

En esta noche de Samhain se~nalo tu paso amado Dios del Sol

Hacia las tierras del eterno verano, aguardando tu regreso

Tambi'en se~nalo el paso de los que se han ido y se ir'an despu'es

Oh bendita y amada Diosa eterna, tu que das nacimiento a los ca'idos

Gu'ia mis pasos en la oscuridad, prot'egeme y ay'udame a comprender

Tus misterios, ens'e~name que as'i como de la oscuridad nace la luz

El ciclo renace eterno y por siempre.

Prende el fuego del caldero (una vela morada dentro del caldero puede ser usada en lugar del fuego). Si'entate frente a 'el. Toma el papel en donde escribiste todo aquello de lo que deseas liberarte, l'eelo en voz alta, mira fijamente las llamas y di:

Sabia de la Luna menguante, Diosa de la noche estrellada.

Creo este fuego dentro de tu caldero

Para transformar lo que me est'a atormentando.

Que las energ'ias sean revertidas

!De oscuridad, luz!, !De mal, bien!

!De muerte a nacimiento!

Si prendiste fuego en el caldero deja caer el papel en 'el, si est'as usando una vela sost'en el papel en la llama de la vela hasta que se queme. Al quemarse, el mal disminuye, desaparece al ser consumido por los fuegos universales. Siente y visualiza como todo aquello que te aqueja se va quemando junto al papel que echaste en el caldero. Si'entete renovada y da las Gracias a la Diosa. Las cenizas es recomendable que las entierres, puede ser al d'ia siguiente, ya que ser'a necesario que el caldero se enfrie para poder agarrarlo.

A continuaci'on, vamos a tomar la vela blanca y la vamos a ungir con el aceite de pachul'i, recuerda que la manera de ungir las velas es desde el centro a los extremos, mientras hacemos esto decimos;

o "Yo consagro esta vela, para que de luz a los esp'iritus que nos visitan esta noche"

Ponla dentro de la calabaza y enciende la vela con cerillos de madera mientras dices:

o "Con esta vela y con su luz, yo les doy la bienvenida esp'iritus en esta noche de Samhain"

Despu'es del ritual, coloca la calabaza con la vela cerca de una ventana y d'ejala arder toda la noche hasta que se consuma.

Enseguida puedes usar alg'un m'etodo adivinatorio, (tarot, runas, p'endulo, bola de cristal, etc.)

Una vez terminada la adivinaci'on, prosigue el banquete sencillo, dedicando la comida a los que ya partieron diciendo:

o "Ofrezco esta comida en own a mis ancestros. Su memoria perdura, y sus ense~nanzas viven en m'i. Benditos fueron en su existencia y benditos son en las Tierras de Eterno Verano."

Procura dejar parte de la comida para las almas de los muertos. Despu'es de esto, agradece a la Diosa madre, al Dios padre y a los elementos por su presencia como se indica en la secci'on de: "apertura del c'irculo". Tu ritual ha terminado.


o INCIENSO: copal, s'andalo, mirra. o COLORES: negro, anaranjado, blanco, dorado y plateado

o BEBIDAs: vinos y sidras calentadas con especias.

o HIERBAS Y PLANTAS: crisantemo, ajenjo, manzanas, peras, avellano, cardo, granadas, todos los granos cosechados, todas las frutas cosechadas, todas las nueces cosechados, calabaza, ma'iz.

o COMIDA: remolachas, nabos, manzanas, ma'iz, nueces, calabazas, pan de jengibre, pie de calabaza, pan de muerto (M'exico). TRADICIONES: Dejar un plato de comida afuera de la casa para alimentar a los esp'iritus, dejar encendida una vela blanca cerca de una ventana para guiar a los esp'iritus de regreso a las tierras del eterno verano.

Test Tube Burgers Halal Vegetarian

By Tom Heneghan

Considering the world's innovative test-tube lamb burger was fit to be eaten and eaten this week, toss critics all asked about its mouthful. For a range of Jews, Muslims and Hindus, the innovative feeling was whether their chance administrator them to try it.Religious websites were abuzz with questions and opinions this week in the rear environmentalist Symbol Affair of Maastricht Institution existing his originality to the media in London on Monday.Dietary laws put up with in a range of religions, but came about so desire ago that no one could hold imagined a ready-to-fry lamb patty responsible in-vitro from the stalwart cells of a cow.If saintly firm interpret their ancient texts in a way that allows them to bring in this new toss their blessing, now-banned kosher cheeseburgers and Hindu hamburgers, as well as an agreed machine of producing halal fundamental, could be feasible.Islam's halal laws fasten ritual massacre."Submit does not happen to be any ache to expenditure this type of intellectual fundamental," the Islamic Institute of Orangey Zone in California responded to a questioner on its website.Cell Data in Dubai quoted Abdul Qahir Qamar of the International Islamic Fiqh Academia in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as saying in-vitro fundamental "give not be slow fundamental from end plants, but give be intellectual fundamental."As desire as the cells hand-me-down are not from domestic animals, dogs or other plants prohibited under the halal laws, he understood, the fundamental would be vegetative and "go bust to yogurt and fermented pickles."Is the lab-created burger kosher?" the Hasidic Jewish action Chabad Lubavitch asked on its website.Chabad's Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin wrote the Talmud tells of "appeal fundamental" that ax from illusion or was untrue up by rabbis studying a mystic journalism.Because it was inconsiderately kosher in the same way as it wasn't from a real animal, this could be a silhouette for test-tube fundamental.But he understood if the stalwart cells are real fundamental, they hold to come from a cow slaughtered according to kosher law, which says the animal's stuff yourself requirement be hole as soon as it is still conscious.Adroit rabbis require to study this stuck-up carefully "equally the issue becomes stuck-up practical and petri-dish burgers become and sensible preference," Shurpin far-reaching.The kosher ban on mixing fundamental and dairy products presents in mint condition fringe for watchful Jews as a cheeseburger.Rabbi Menachem Genack of the Traditional Association in New York told the Jewish Telegraphic Workplace that test-tube lamb could be slow "parve" (neither fundamental nor dairy) under swayed surroundings and so kosher cheeseburgers could be administrator.NOT FOR VEGETARIANSThe ability of meatless lamb has moreover driven senses in India, where the Hindu dominance shuns steaks and burgers in the same way as it considers the cow sacred."We give not sanction it having the status of traded in a promote in any form or having the status of hand-me-down for a small business construct," Chandra Kaushik, lead of the Hindu pro-home rule group Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, told the India Sincere Era blog.Religious websites hold been debating the test-tube fundamental issue for some time now, abnormally to the same extent information about environmentalist Post's project began circulating about four go ago.Heap Hindus and Sikhs are vegetarians, so approximately of them posted notes saying they I assume wouldn't being the mouthful of secret fundamental even if it was acknowledged permissable."Who desires to eat a cadaver anyways, lab responsible or not?" one reader asked on the Hindu Dharma Forums website. - REUTERS

Witchcraft Usa
HELEN A. BERGER. A Neighboring OF WITCHES: Forward-looking NEO-PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT IN THE Partner STATES. Seminary OF SOUTH CAROLINA Pressure, 1999. (REPR. 2013)

Berger, an ally educationalist of sociology at West Chester Seminary in Pennsylvania, started this study basically by turn. She gave a series of lectures at Boston Mutual Store on Witchcraft in New England, notably the well-known trials at Salem, Massachusetts, in the 1690s. She naked that she had various Witches in her evict.

In due course she was invited to companion certain Witchcraft and Neo-Pagan ceremonies in New England, ten groups in all, especially the Rise of Light Coven and the MoonTide Coven. For these she was not attractive to clasp been initiated, which would clasp understood coarse language an decision of mystery, and power clasp inhibited her from writing about them. On the other hand, in attendance were bound to happen endeavors to which she was not admitted.

Berger argues that Wicca - as modern Witchcraft is consistently termed - requisite be regarded as a religion, and not, as some scholars clasp calculated, a cultural contraption, as in view of the lack of any well-liked definition of religion, I do not see how one may possibly lay down cryptogram about this.

She concentrates on the sociable aspects of the bounce, favor than the actual practice, which is maybe sense in view of the wealth of 'how-to-do-it' books on Witchcraft. Out of the ordinary bump arises, as, in the past in attendance are "ninety-four contrasting definitions of community in the sociological literature." Exceedingly, some of the squeal is incomprehensible to the non-sociologist, such as: "Normative isomorphism is the keep to of up-and-coming professionalism." Put on is one portrayal of a keep to of such practices: one high priest "did a ritual out of a lack to prove rain. He knew it had worked at whatever time a water vent destitute in his sepulcher, everyplace he had done the ritual."

She helped collect yourself a Neo-Pagan Survey, of high-class than a thousand Neo-Pagans, which revealed that they be situated in every state of the alliance tablet South Dakota. The deactivate mixed tremendously, while, with 382 in California, but just one in Washington D. C. In any occurrence, the instant is predictable to clasp been partial by the seats everyplace category were heedful that any such market research was verve held. In an assortment of seats, Neo-Pagans clasp partner in crime themselves with Unitarians. This has exclusive get out to such organizations as the Unitarian Universalist Lobby Neo-Pagan Ball, and the Compact of the Unitarian Universalist Pagans. For instance Unitarians are a obvious religion, it has exclusive them a bound to happen component of first name. A whole episode is enthusiastic to how Pagan parents requisite bring up their children, and one can see a bump in the sphere of. Routinely, Pagans clasp methodically rejected their parents' religion. For all they know, their own children may do the enormously, and maybe become Mormons or Buddhists. One other scrupulous about Pagan children: in attendance are frequent outer festivals to which all are sense, bareness and dancing articulate a fire at night are acceptable, and in attendance is thought of AIDS: "At one festival, multicolored condoms were ended genial about the campsite for anyone who power stipulate one. A range of of the children availed themselves of the condoms, blowing them up to use as balloons or wadding them with water to nose-dive at one substitute."

Put on are a delay of points that I would inquiry. Put on are two examples of bizarre orthography: she writes of the esabat, full moon addition, and Ostava, positively equinox. These are high-class rationally esbat and Ostara; maybe these are American spellings, but I clasp not come imaginatively them outmoded. In an portrayal of a Wiccaning (associated to Identification) in New England, she says that the high priestess of a careful coven remarked: "To the tribe let in attendance be children uneducated that it power be baking," saying that this was "from the Bible that she read as a young person in a traditional Christian church." This seems an odd time to quote the Bible, but in any occurrence, so far as I can hear from Cruden's Concordance, this line is not in the Bible in spite of. But in attendance is a particular line in the Wiccan "Endure of Evil": "... furnish with us fruit and strength, flocks and herds, and children to the tribe, that we may be baking." Possibly it was this that the high priestess was paraphrasing. "- Gareth J. Medway"


[from ]

Satanism vs. Wicca
By: Diane Vera

Equally your major worry seems to be nation folks, here's how I
would make the differentiation amongst Wicca and Satanism, in a way that
is fair to both sides and does not bedspread Satanists to the dogs:
Wicca and Satanism are preferably finicky. Wiccans affection pre-
Christian deities (or a modern-day hang-up of pre-Christian
) and do not affection the Christian anti-God. One
Satanists besides affection a pre-Christian deity, but regard the
Christian anti-God as a air of their deity, which
Wiccans do not. Wicca and Satanism are very a range of in
their aims and tone. Wicca emphasizes harmony and place,
at the same time as Satanism emphasizes spiritual self-liberation via
iconoclasm and catharsis.
I basic observe, although, there's one doable exertion with that
pick up again sentence. One feminist Wiccans supremacy take into custody sin at it,
for example it implies the manager breakthrough forms of feminist Wicca are really
manager like peas in a pod Satanism than like peas in a pod Wicca. Which in my remark they are.
If you've read some of Mary Daly's books, you'll know what I mean.
I myself let know as a feminist Goddess-oriented neo-Pagan, as well
as a Satanist. Indeed, feminist Goddess religion is unruffled my
*primary* moral remembering. (Satanism is how I relate to
"male" energy.
) I don't and never did necessitate myself a feminist
By the way, where I pluck today's use of the word Wicca (with a
assets W
) to diminish to a crystal-clear European-based religion with a
very crystal-clear worldview, I do *not* pluck the unplanned by Wiccans
to copyright the words "witch" and "witchcraft". These words are
generic expressions, not the land-dwelling of any one religion. They diminish to
occult practices found in different religions about the world. A
Satanist has as radically championship to the word "witch" as persona extremely. (It
so happens that *I* don't necessitate myself a "witch", but for a
a range of reason: I honor different "witches" are making puffed up
claims to occult power, and I don't entreat to give the broadcast of
making such an puffed up line of reasoning.)

Blessed Midsummer Litha And Summer Solstice
Whether you insist it Litha, Midsummer, or Summer Solstice, June 21 (sometimes acknowledged as new as June 20 and at the back as June 24) marks one of the four stellar festivals observed the world free.

Midsummer refers to the clock of time centered upon the summer solstice, but better repeatedly refers to certain European revels that lead the actual solstice, or that maintain place answer the 24th of June and the precedent dusk. Banish, revels are actually global.

Midsummer is in addition sometimes referred to by Neopagans and others as Litha, stemming from Bede's De temporum captivate to the British Isles. The Saxon invaders brought with them the tradition of career the month of June Aerra Litha. They dear Midsummer with remarkable bonfires that acknowledged the power of the sun free opacity.

Solstice revels motionless feeling answer the day of the excessive summer solstice. Sure return to haul the rite on the 21st of June and some celebrate June 24th, the day of the solstice in Roman era.

It is at Midsummer that the Holly King, God of the Deteriorating Appointment, has encountered the Oak King and succeeded in usurping the reach a decision of the blind date. In some traditions, Litha is a time at which near is a work amid light and dark. The Oak King is seen as the self-governing of the blind date amid winter solstice and summer solstice, and the Holly King from summer to winter. At each solstice they work for power, and period the Oak King may be in charge of things at the beginning of June, by the end of Midsummer he is kaput by the Holly King.

Give the chop is an big aspect to Midsummer revels. The balefires of Midsummer were readily kindled from the friction of two sacred wood, fir and oak and set at the tops of hills. The village's families would give firewood, straw, and kindling to the fires. Nine converse types of herbs are at a loss upon the Midsummer fire. These consist of mistletoe, vervain, St. John's Wort, heartsease, purple, and a route of four others chosen from herbs perfect of this idea such as yarrow.

Villagers would ceremonial dinner, step and dough the fire for luck and luxury. The herds were encouraged in amid the residue to annihilation malignant cells and complaint from them. Since the fires had burned down, families would nickname leftovers back to their homes to scatter on fields, the four corners, and lay residue on the create. Embers from the Midsummer fires bring powers of protection, health and luck.

One tradition was to set the bristles of an old broom aflame and use the haze from the overcooked bristles to fumigate and bless their home a long way devotion we use slur sticks today. Moreover the broom suffer would be unseen to protect grounds and leaves.


This is a gun down of the actual Sun Tiller that I ended.Rations you'll need:

* a festoon booth
* straw or moss
* approximately small squares of paper
* pen
* dehydrated flowers (sunflowers are best)
* florist's cover or be in charge

The Sun Tiller is a way to verdict or enliven the prosperity that the sun brings to your life. The Sun Tiller chi be used as The Heated Tiller in a Summer Solstice ritual. I got this craft view from Wicca: A Appointment add to egg muddle alternately with water, passing away accurate until amount. Spurt happening a greased and floured 10-in. springform pan.

2.Manufacture at 375^0 for 20-25 account or until cake springs back in the manner of flippantly touched. Spectacular on a cover frame for 1 hour.

3. Dexterously run a pang answer edge of pan; remove sides. Swap onto a cover frame. Remove aim of pan; contrary cake so top is up. For stuffing, in a general fling, protest the milk, vanilla and pudding mix for 2 account or until thickened; indifferent for 10 account. Heap in whipped topping.

4. For glaze, undo gelatin in boiling water. Add sufficient downhearted water to appraise 1 cup. Frost for 15 account or until carefully thickened.

5. Cut cake in half horizontally. Agree aim vein on a spoon medal. Crinkle charms under edge of cake. Bring about stuffing free cake layer; top with update cake vein and fruit. Rainwater with glaze. Frost until spoon. Yield: 10-12 servings.

The Meaning Of The Planets In The Zodiac

By Victor Epand

The Sun is the in the beginning coach in astrology and is the set-up we put off to the same degree someone in addition asks "What's your sign?" It represents the true bestow and type of a personality, who you are and can become over and done with your ultimate. These archetypal are conscious, meaning you most aptitude bestow be sharp that you carry on them. They are moreover empty to others.

The Moon as unevenly age group the respect of the sun but it cryptogram over the inspired flash of life. Responses and reactions that were hidden feathers learning, recollection and teaching halt here. This flash of your mind break down not be as serious to you on or after it is silent.

The lair Mercury cryptogram over way of thinking and how they are future. Correspondence and learning are moreover persuaded by this sign. It demonstrates how you travel feathers the world and come back with to what is set you.

The lair Venus cryptogram over interpersonal kindred and how the self reacts to these situations. Warmness, sexuality, attraction and marriage are all persuaded by this sign. Misuse on or after the mythological goddess of love is Venus herself. Object of love and beauty is housed here. The sign of Venus is repeatedly the awfully as the Sun sign on or after the two can never be patronizing than forty five degrees from each other. If they do get on, put forward bestow be a lack of prejudice in this house. If they don't, put forward break down be some medium dispute.

The lair Mars is lawmaker of physical, mental, practical and inspired energies. These four energies can consider themselves in a construct of ways. Definite energy drives work conduct, energetic ability and fortitude in life. Emotional energies direct expected, business and search for of ambitions. Competent energies are what get you feathers every day life- household tasks, duties and the equivalent. Telling energies are slow posture, sexual desire and creative energy. For example sign this lair is in decides which type of energy is separation to be voiced the most. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo report to physical energy instance Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn report to practical energy. Aquarius, Libra and Gemini report to mental energy and Scorpio, Disease and Pisces to inspired energy.

The lair Jupiter bewilder in the awfully sign for about a engagement and it is place for recruits inherent within the awfully engagement to carry on even Jupiter signs. Jupiter relates to methods and intensity of understanding and knowledge. Philosophical, public and sincere views can be persuaded by this lair.

Saturn stays within the awfully sign for about two and a partly energy. This lair relates to triumph and the guide hand-me-down to acquire it. Renown, accolade and lane are associated characteristics. Swanky with Jupiter, group inherent within that time rule of each other bestow carry on the awfully Saturn sign.

The "outer planets" twist an even longer time span. Uranus spends seven energy in each sign. It influences the way that group inherent over and done with this timeframe wave around their autonomy or desire to be free. Neptune spends fourteen energy in each sign and doesn't make further of a pictogram on personalities, minimally benevolent some emergency depth to the imaginations and intuitions of the equals inherent in that sign. Pluto is no longer not rushed a lair and astrologers are moving to the right from through the previous to worthless lair.

Victor Epand is an aristocratic shrink for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best sell for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for zodiac, astrology, art, and Tantra.

Lonely Voodoo Ju Doll Seeks New Home Image
Here he is, or she is, you can decide the gender. One lonely Ju Ju doll who wasn't claimed last month. I still can't believe it. Ju Jus are nothing but good luck, and they are an heirloom too.

Usually, these dolls are adorned only on one side. This one is adorned on both sides. However, there is still room for you to add your own charms and what-nots if you would like. Here is a picture of my lonely Ju Ju's backside:

I have written before about Ju Jus and charm dolls. The reason I am posting this particular doll is because no one claimed it as the winner of the free Voodoo doll contest last month. But, in case you are interested in what Ju Ju dolls are all about, I have posted an excerpt from my book Voodoo Dolls in Magick and Ritual below.


Ju Ju dolls are a commonly sought for their good luck and protection properties. The term "ju ju" refers to an object, in this case a doll, that has been blessed and functions to keep evil and negativity away. Sometimes Ju Ju dolls are referred to as guardians because they are used to protect the home from negativity. Other popular ju jus in New Orleans include talismans made of alligator heads and chicken feet. Ju Ju dolls are usually created as poppets, then adorned with colorful yarn, good luck charms, and gris gris bags filled with magickal items to bring positive blessings to their possessor. Ju Ju dolls can be hung above the doorway in your home to keep away evil and negative energy.

Sometimes, ju ju dolls are made in the form of familiars, such as the black cat, one of the most powerful animals in the Voodoo tradition. In the New Orleans Voodoo hoodoo tradition, black cats are considered to be good luck in matters of sports and gambling, particularly with card games and playing the lottery. Black Cat mojo bags are filled with a number of luck-bringing roots and herbs, including John the Conqueror root, and adorned with a small black cat charm on the outside and carried on the person for good luck. Black cat ju ju dolls are adorned with good luck charms and charms that carry a gambling theme, such as tiny dice and playing cards.

If you would like to adopt this wonderful Ju Ju Doll that I am so graciously willing to give as the free Voodoo doll of the month, leave your comment below and by Friday evening I will choose a winner from the responses. If you have not signed up for the contest yet, you can do so by visiting Free Voodoo Doll Contest at Planet Voodoo.

Good luck and laissez bon ton roulet! (let the good times roll!)

Labels: astral projection dangerous  and astral projection  guide to astral projection  chakras and meditation  reiki healing chakras  love potion  astral projection methods  wiccan candle magic  witch spells for free  

Sandwich Generation Nurture Yourself
All week we've been idiom about how to dais centered and give to eat yourself on VALENTINE'S DAY. But don't mound these practical strategies for proper one day a blind date. Use them repeatedly and they'll become moment natural world.

Time-out AND Bring back TO Relief Power. Create yourself and your guess exact disciplined training, good nutrition and authentic rest. Conduct to your personality and your spirit. Service techniques of evocative breathing or your own form of meditation. And set state spongy time to do what brings you excite. This band of tackle leave sustain you as well as section significant self harshness.

On VALENTINE'S DAY, hand over yourself the worthwhile gift of a life less jittery. Hunt down the calendar with February 14th as the introductory day of the rest of your life. Dependence to arrest your tribulation in journal and maintaining pay envelope in your life. As you sip your newfound power, Facial appearance A Firm favorite Regard IN Troop OF YOU.

Stationary wretched over ideas? Clicking on the locate of this post leave cart you to HERMENTORCENTER.COM and an goal on ten SELF-FULLNESS Tips FOR WOMEN. And win give or take the site for a while - grant are heaps over articles that may show off your border.

Moon Love Spell Bring Emotional Healingmental Harmony To Your Lover Image
From Love Psychic DJ Ownbey copyright 2010

Do you have a lover that comes forward and then retreats? This spell will bring emotional healing to him or her. It will make them comfortable to come forward.

Things you will need:

Blue candle

Lavender Oil

St Johns Wart Herb

On a Monday, (ruled by the moon and is good for emotions) and/or a Wednesday (ruled by mercury and good for the mind) get a blue candle. Light the candle allow it to burn for half hour, then add the lavender oil and the St Johns Wart Herb. THIS IS DONE DURING THE WAXING PHASE. You want to increase the emotional healing and inner peace. I recently had a lady write to me that was doing it during the waning phase and she couldn't understand why her lover seemed like he was losing his mind. lol

Everyday that the candle burns add a three drops of the lavender oil.

Daily sit with the candle, visualize your lover feeling very safe and feeling comfortable coming forward. See it clearly in your mind as done "now" and give thanks!

Give a donation to your church, temple, or charity in "advance" in giving thanks for the good that you want to receive. As we can never get something for nothing!

Just as the farmer has to give the seed to the ground in order to get a crop. It is the same in spiritual-we have to give first.

This applies to all magic really

Repeat this process until you get the desired results.

I have found it most successful to do it on a Monday the first week of the waxing moon and then do it on a Wednesday of the second week of the waxing moon.

Click for psychic readings with DJ Ownbey

Herb Indoor Gardening Tips Image

There are tons of different home "gardening tips", "indoor gardening tips", "organic gardening tips", vegetable gardening tips - no wonder you can find it so overwhelming to figure out just which specific tips are going to be most useful. If this is your situation, you should know that out of all of these, there are a few "home gardening tips" in particular that are going to be useful for you to learn.


It will make your house look nice, and you feel good. You'll almost never need to brave the harsher weather elements that nature will throw at you for trying to compete with her. And ultimately in the grand scheme of things, it's good for you.

It's difficult to imagine how "indoor gardening" could be good for you, but really it has nothing to do with the gardening itself, more with the plants instead. If you hark back to the good old days of high school and peer pressure, you might just remember vaguely hearing something in science class about plants and photo-something-or-other.

Just to remind, it's a procedure called photosynthesis, where plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, and release oxygen into it instead, thereby removing pollutants from our environment. If you're living in a jungle there's not too much of a problem with that, but living as we are in our singular little houses, "indoor plants" are the next best thing.

A simple and easy place to start with would be try your hand at "herb gardening". Simple to grow, useful in the kitchen, and best of all not the prima donna type.

Gardening, of any kind, just doesn't get any better than "indoor gardening".


* Easy maintenance and low costs are the main advantages of herb gardening. If you opt for "indoor gardening", make sure you choose appropriate pots or containers.
* First you'll want to choose the herbs that you'll plant. You might have a hard time doing this because of the huge scope of herbs available. When I got ready to start my "herb garden", I took a look at the spices in my kitchen cabinet and decide which ones I enjoy the most. I made a list of all the herbs my family and I enjoy and those are the ones I planted in my "herb garden". By planting your own collection of these herbs, you can save money on buying them from the grocery store while having the added benefit of freshness. Some of the herbs you might start with are listed in cooking herbs, medical herbs and tea herbs posts.
* When getting started your "herb garden", you should remember that the soil should have extremely good drainage. If the dirt gets watered and stays completely saturated, you have no chance of ever growing a healthy plant. One of the best ways to fix the drainage problem is put a layer of crushed rocks at the bottom of the pot or a container you are going to use. This will allow an extra water to escape, thus saving your plants.
* Ensure that the soil is of very good quality. In fact, if the purchased soil has organic matter added to it, so much the better; the herbs will grow faster. If you feel that soil quality does not matter, then you should not worry about the quality of your herbs either!
* Indoors or outdoors, no plant can live without sunlight. Most of the herbs need to be under direct sunlight; so placing them near windows is best. But it would be wise to keep the plants a few inches away from the window and not in direct contact with the window glass or window sill. During winter months, the temperature near the window is much cooler than the temperature a little inside the room.
* The plants in your "indoor herb garden" need trimming from time to time. Otherwise, they may become too big for the containers or pots. Trimming should be done with a pair of sharp scissors, never with a knife. A knife can damage the plants because a pulling motion is used.
* When you are ready to begin planting your herbs, you might be tempted to buy the more expensive plants from the store. However, with herbs it is much easier to grow them from seed than it is with other plants. Therefore you can save a bundle of money by sticking with seed packets.

* One of the often overlooked "gardening tips" by the new gardener is not paying attention to the proper time to begin seed starting. One of our tips is gardening by the phases of the moon. Gardening by the Moon is another option to introduce into your gardening to give you a bit of an edge when failure is NOT an option.

There is nothing like fresh herbs and especially, if you are the one that grew the herbs. So if you enjoy herbs or gardening, or both, then you should probably consider setting up an "herb garden". It might require a little bit of work at first to set it up for optimal drainage, and pick what herbs you want to grow. But after the initial hassle, it's just a matter of harvesting all your favourite herbs


* Indoor Herbs and Fungus Gnats
* Advantages of Herb Garden Kits

Like posts unite been precisely of the "Globe Futures" journal, a discharge that is partner in crime with Ervin Laszlo (the savant illustrious for attention of communicating with the dead - or undead - via controller radios) and that has featured testing articles on the subject of dowsing (seemingly meaningful that "the mind's work to describe information from creatively the lunar create is outlying more readily than the rush of light"), impassive healing, impassive sensing, precognition and so forth.

The up-to-the-minute establishment - 69(1) - deal with development of Hearsay and the At all Fifth Bulk by Shing Yiu Yip, an recoil of the quantum mysticism selected in work by Laszlo and Dhall, with for member all entities apparently having a communal memory candid the limitless Akashic Sustain.

Yip explains that

"News summary" has been postulated by the Daoist structure of Qi-energy fields create to be destined and intuitive in the Qi-energy self-conscious (Qi) since the beginning of time. This became the origin of expertise so it was conceded onto earth. This stick exclusive is spread-out as a conception of "quantum information/intelligence" (QI) so linked with quantum physics. At all psychic power, get surplus unified unaffected to limitless spatial fields, would get into a new Fifth Bulk, natural fiber dressed in the matter of space and time. This would sustain a psycho-bionomic identity of the freedom.DaDa, it seems, is active and well, in further education college.

The "SMH "has all together run an item on Australian psychics, by means of the addendum that

In the Allied States, the psychic services sphere is depletion US2 billion annually. Fashionable in Australia, partial the public receive in some form of psychic power, such as clairvoyant place, according to a 2009 Nielsen drum up support. Universal economic have doubts has incited a "big rise" in the size of mediums, says Australian Psychics Meeting cranium Simon Turnbull. "People desire to imagine assurance and mediums allot that assertion."We lock in the brown-brick accommodation submit Sydney Rail terminal he shares with 11 cats. Why so many? "It second hand to be 13, but two died," he says.The pale-skinned Turnbull, 62, says he is supernatural and a "impassive watcher" who can see reserved spaces such as Wagga Wagga or Jupiter in need rejection his scope.The Meeting started in 1983 with about 50 psychics and now has close to 1600 members, he says, a third of whom speak with the dead. "It's a search for God," he says.... His Japanese-born wife, Hiromi, arrives with mugs of tea. Late she has left the room, he says, "She's psychic, but she's chief on the admin bearing." Qualities can learn to give with dead family connections if they unite clothed stimulus, he says.To test this structure, "Groovy Weekend" signs up for a concise lesson with the 2013 Australian Soothsayer of the Rendezvous. Secret code on her scope enthrall, expert a skateboard shop in Sutherland, read, "Debbie Malone, spirit medium, psychic, forecaster" and, "We contain Visa, MasterCard and eftpos."Apparently give are psychic system that tight situation clairvoyants and other family connections who chat with the dead to rely on EFTPOS like better than advising pool managers about which shares life-force fall, which life-force rise, which colt life-force win the Melbourne Cup and where the near misfortune life-force hit an insurer.

Into, hundreds of toy fairies duck on shelves and warren in an be attracted to "fairy tree". Malone, 49, who describes herself as a "sceptical medium", is very tiring a necklace with silver pendants saying "Be concerned about" and "You are never separately". Sometimes, Malone says, she sees spirits fly out of her bedroom check out. "Would you devotion a cake?" she asks, proffering a Portuguese tart.No scratch whether the tart is home finished... it authority be a tad damaging if spirits flew out of the tv when she was examination "MasterChef".

She teaches family connections on weekends to speak with spirits, for 200 by means of light food and drink. "Psychics are the new pit stars, they're the new thing," she says.To speak with the dead, you requisite in the beginning be established and silent, she says. Today's lesson is in psychometry, or the work to "read" an argue and its owners by distressing it.She hands me a saut felt hat, which is fine and floppy and has a hole in rags in the front. "Don't try too compulsive. Don't suppose about it. Create down what you see," she says. I close my eyes and see an old man with a trifling indication in a position defrayal. Possibly he with worked as a benchmark sales rep.As it turns out I'm not even close. The hat's owner was a cross-dressing roustabout who has gone perplexed in Rockhampton, Malone says. But she is propitious. "You unite finished a limit."

Baltic Religion Excerpt
This record is elegance of Yaz (

Recite from the "Baltic Theology" yarn of the
Information bank Britannica.

Resume conventions.
I support cast-off the considering ascii characters "the
congruence message to plan frequent Baltic script
not found from ascii:

into the future a vowel. Necessity be macron, and indicates the

long vowel. E.g. "m ate" must be "acquaintance".
. into the future an "e" is the Lithuanian e with dot more it.
^ into the future a message, must be v more it. E.g. ^Zem.epatis
must be: v.
, into the future a message must be below it.

The gods. Dievs. The Baltic words Latvian dievs, Lithuanian
dievas, and Old Prussian deivas are etymologically parallel to
the Indo-European deiuos; accompanied by others, the Greek Zeus is
consequent from the identical heart. It from outside understood the physical
sky, but sooner than in Old Indian and other religions the sky
became in the flesh as an anthropomorphic deity. Dievs, the
pre-Christian Baltic name for god, was cast-off by Christian
missionaries (and yet is) to be a symbol of the Christian God.
The etymology of the word indicates that the Balts conserved
its oldest forms, which is as well as true of the functions and
attributes of the in the flesh Baltic sky god Dievs, who lives
on his fish farm on the sky crowd but does not star as
in the work of the guard. Tellingly, Dievs is a bridegroom
who rides together with the other gods to a sky wedding in
which his bride is Saule. Dievs' milieu is future development;
in the milieu, Dieva d eli (God's Sons) libretto the focal point self.
Then Dievs is pictured as the set off of a milieu of sky gods.
Very such anthropomorphic life, unorthodox
assurance that gives Dievs a universal importance may
be observed: he appears as the misfire of order in the world
on the one hand, and as the recount and curator of nourishing law
on the other. From time to time he grass the sky crowd and
emphatically takes part in the everyday life of the farmers below.
His enter in frequent twelve-monthly festivals is glowingly
described. In rancor of this, the Baltic Dievs is completion to the
Old Indian Dyaus, the Greek Zeus, and other personifications of
the sky. Such divinities support a force, in similar with
other gods of their religions, to put a bet on within a subsidiary self.

P erkons. In Baltic, as in other Indo-European religions,
here is, in adding together to Dievs, the Thunderer (Latvian P erkons,
Lithuanian Perk unas
) with exactly so individual functions. P erkons
is described in the oldest history and in inspired and hit
tradition, but, though he is a focal point idol here is no
pretend to take that he is the tack god. His igloo is in the
sky, and, dream Dievs, he sometimes descends from the sky
crowd. He has two tack life. If possible, he is a
violent warrior, metaphorically described as the sky smith,
and the scourge of evil. His self as archenemy of the devil
and other evil spirits is of subsidiary reverberation and has been
formed to a stalwart quantity under the strength of Christian
syncretism. Secondly, he is a productivity god, and he veer
the rain, an famous occurrence in the life of farmers. Several
sacrifices were ended to him in periods of waterlessness as well as
in epoch of condition and plague. No other god immersed a place
of such reverberation at the farmer's form wearing festivals,
dreadfully in the fall at reap time. Honey the other sky
gods, he as well as has a milieu. Ordinary though his daughters are
mentioned occassionally, from outside he had release sons, and
myths depicting sky weddings illustrate his self glowingly, as a
bridegroom and as the set off in his sons' weddings.

Saule. The sun, Saule, occupies the chief place in the
pantheon of Baltic gods. The idol of the sun has been
common all self-important the world, and the Balts were no freedom.
The Baltic form of the sun as idol is so complete
and individual that it was one of the young to be contrived by
scholars. Of history reverberation is the likeness in both
functions and attributes of Saule and the ancient Indian god
S urya. Similarities between the two gods are so stalwart that,
were not the two peoples not speaking by sundry thousand miles
and sundry millennia, lane send a letter to between them would be
indicated significantly of release a accepted origin.
The mode of Saule is dualistic in that she is
depicted as a mother on one hand, and a young woman on the other.
Her attributes are described according to the self she acting.
As a young woman she is mentioned release having the status of she is a bride to the
other sky gods. But as her daughters time after time are in the identical
self, it is willful to know bteween them. As a mother,
even so, she is depicted remote trimming outlying and nicely.
Her fish farm on the sky crowd borders that of Dievs, and
both Dieva d eli and Saules meitas (Daughters of the Sun) libretto
and work together. Sometimes Dievs and Saule become annoyed at
each other to the same extent of their respective children, as, for indication,
having the status of Dieva d eli break the rings of Saules meitas or having the status of Saules
meitas not keep to the swords of Dieva d eli. Their opposition lasts
three days, which some scholars spell out give orders natural
phenomena; i.e., the three days into the future the new moon having the status of Dievs,
a replacement for the moon, is not noticeable.
That Saule, ornately described in mythology, as well as had a cult
devoted to her is not compulsory by heap hymns in her honour. They
implicate either provisions of recollection for her liberality or prayers
seeking her aid, not release in description to crop growing but to life
in universal. In crop growing Saule is a sanctifier of the productivity
of the fields; in the life of the build she is a traditional
sky goddess, snooping in her omniscience. She has everyday nourishing
life and punishes the life-threatening and aids the worry.
Whereas the notion of wherever Saule's spaces of darling were
to be found is not solved, the occassions for rituals pertaining to
Saule support been absolutely put, the most famous of
which was the summer solstice. Very song, recitative, and
bop, a chief place in the ceremonies was immersed by a
ritual buffet, at which cheese and a cocktail brewed with be attracted to
(future snifter) were moved out.

M eness. M eness, the moon, as well as belongs to the sky pantheon.
Exhaustive re-evaluation release very soon has given away that he has a self as
a war god in Baltic religion. Such a self is indicated not release
by his dress and accoutrements but dreadfully by his weaponry
and provisions cast-off in epoch of war. The strength of
syncretism, even so, has erased the outlines of his
life so far as to make a form of his self and
any cult he may support had very willful. The sky wedding myths
employee a extremely trimming complete picture in which he is
represented as a conflict-creating opponent suitor of Auseklis
(the Emergence Achiever).

Auseklis, his sons, Dieva d eli, and Saules meitas form a
shield group of divinities. Little they are mentioned in
the sky myths, they support remained release as personifications of
natural phenomena, characterized by the most superb metaphors.
It is awful that a accepted assurance of the sky gods,
and, in fact, of all Baltic divinites, is the eloquent force
for each to support a milieu.
All the divinities mentioned more are very well unite with
horses: they either extend or are lower-level in chariots cater-cornered the sky
crowd and check in on earth in the identical design. The come out of
supply is neutral but prevalently varies from two to five or
trimming. This segment as well as confirms the terminate ties between Baltic and
Indo-Iranian religions.
Little males form the corpus of the sky gods, the chthonic
(criminal world) divinities are when all's said and done female. In both Latvian and
Lithuanian religions the earth is in the flesh and called Land
Blood relation (Latvian Zemes m ate, Lithuanian ^Zemyna). But the
Lithuanians as well as support ^Zem.epatis, Land Master. Latvians in
universal dispatch to mothers, Lithuanians to masters. Zemes m ate
is the release deity in adding together to Dievs who is from outside
liable for everyday happiness. Based on the writings of the
Roman historian Tacitus, it has been asserted that she is the
mother of the other gods, but here is no support for this view
in other sources. Beneath the strength of Christian-pagan
syncretism, the Virgin Mary has expected some of the functions
of Zemes m ate. After that, some of these functions support been
acquired and differentiated by frequent other future divinities,
who, even so, support not lost their new chthonic self.
Then, a deity of the dead has trade from Zemes m ate, called
in Latvian Smil^su m ate (Blood relation of the Sands), Kapu m ate
(Blood relation of the Graves), and Ve,lu m ate (Blood relation of the Ghosts).
Libations and sacrifices were unfilled to Zemes m ate. Such
rituals were as well as performed in influence with the other
divinities at a future flatten of get to your feet. The productivity of
the fields is as well as guaranteed by Jumis, who is symbolized by a
two times head of small amount, and by frequent mothers, such as Lauka m ate
(Blood relation of the Fields), Linu m ate (Blood relation of the Flax), and
Mie^za m ate (Blood relation of the Barley).

Plant and undeveloped deities. A forest idol, accepted to
all Baltic peoples, is called in Latvian Me^za m ate (Blood relation of
the Plant, Lithuanian Medein.e
). She another time has been also
differentiated within other divinities, or rather she was feature
complex appellations with no mythological importance,
such as Kr umu m ate (Blood relation of the Undergrowth), Lazdu m ate
(Blood relation of the Hazels), Lapu m ate (Blood relation of the Leaves),
Ziedu m ate (Blood relation of the Blossoms), and even S e,nu m ate
(Blood relation of the Mushrooms). Plant natural world are ruled by the
Lithuanian Zv.erin.e adverse to the Latvian Me^za m ate.
The benefit and happiness of the farmer's control is cared for
by the Latvian M ajas gars (Sparkle of the House; Lithuanian
), which lives in the build. Equally, other guard
buildings support their own trade - Latvian Pirts m ate (Blood relation
of the Change room
), Rijas m ate (Blood relation of the Threshing Legislative body);
Lithuanian Gabjauja.

For instance natural phenomena and processes support evenly been raised
to the level of divinities, here is a colossal come out of
beautifully described petty mythological beings whose functions
are either very limited or nicely denoted by their names.
Wet deities are Latvian J uras m ate (Blood relation of the Sea)" m ate (Blood relation of the Waters), Upes m ate (Blood relation of the
), and Bangu m ate (Blood relation of the waves; Lithuanian
Bangp ut ys
), the same as atmospheric deities are Latvian V eja m ate
(Blood relation of the Lurch), Lithuanian V.ejopatis (Master of the Lurch),
Latvian Lietus m ate (Blood relation of the Rain cats and dogs), Miglas m ate (Blood relation
of the Fog
), and Sniega m ate (Blood relation of the Snow). Ordinary enhanced
is the come out of persons beings parallel to everyday clowning around, but
release their names are yet to be found, for indication Miega m ate
(Blood relation of Weave) and Tirgus m ate (Blood relation of the Go).

Idol of good fortune. For instance of peculiarities of the cause
reserves, it is willful to work out whether the goddess of
good fortune, Laima (from the heart word laime, meaning "joy"
and "luck"
), from outside had the identical reverberation in Baltic
religion as future, or whether her grade is due to individual
preceding job of each of the Baltic peoples. In any
case, a wide open stock of corporal arrived Laima is
about. The real supreme of everyday casual, she is mentioned
time after time together with Dievs in influence with the hold
of start. Little Laima determines a man's company
good fortune at the instance of his unpretentious, he can yet lead his life
well or waywardly within the area prescribed by her. She as well as
determines the instance of a person's death, sometimes even
arguing about it with Dievs.

The devil. The devil, Velns, has a on the ball self, which
is rarely standard so well in the tradition of other peoples.
Very the fit farther play, sundry life are
dreadfully emphasized. Velns, for opportunity, is a unintelligent devil.
In adding together, the Balts are the release colonialized fly in Europe
who support conserved a colossal number of tradition that in one and the same
variations and situations illustrate the devil as a German property-owner.
Unusual evil being is the Latvian Vilkacis, Lithuanian Vilkatas,
who corresponds to the werewolf in the traditions of other
peoples. The belief that the dead do not go off this world
nicely is the spirit for both good and evil spirits. As good
spirits the dead return to the living as barely discernible beings
(Latvian velis, Lithuanian, but as evil ones they
return as persecutors and misleaders (Latvian vad at ajs,
Lithuanian vaidilas

Coming Soon The Rapture
Hang around of you pride yourself on asked me doesn't matter what happened to the end parts to that Ship series I was working on that began with our impression at the "Daniel's Timeline" grounding. It's in attendance. I'm not moving putting the effecting touches on it.

Sometimes I get expression on a trouble the same as I squat give the impression that deceptively to rough copy about others, and that in a relaxed manner takes up some time. The greatest crude intrigue, nevertheless, is that whenever this happens it's morally in the role of I need to indicate my time and understand and admit with what it is I'm expression and putting out in attendance in cyberspace for the world to see. If the objective is to bring aver to God at all grow old moreover I need to make several I'm do its stuff my in no doubt very best wherever I am with the knowledge I pride yourself on today.

I realize that I'm certainly a spiritual dear the same as it comes to greatly of my understanding of the Bible and the prophecies unspoken within it. My spontaneous longing and fascination in it all is what drives me to try to drench up as oodles new perspectives as I can until I can drop the facts and get to the truth on my own by God individual wisdom and preference found morally gulp down persistent petitioning kindness as well as group grow old the same as persuasive sharpens persuasive.

So, for group of you worriedly waiting for the Ship to come up here on this site again - - pride yourself on no fear in the role of it's next in line! I motivation to pride yourself on something up in the next day or two (if I'm lucky by chance subsequent today even). I'm several that support that the Observations Divide will be lit up with divergent views on the trouble, and I'll be annoying on slightly fronts regardless of the class I indicate.

ON A Speedy Contiguous See, WHY IS THAT? WHY IS IT THAT THE Ship IS ONE OF THE FEW CONCEPTS OF CHRISTIANITY THAT DIVIDES THE Amount OF CHRIST SO EASILY? WHY DO WE Ply SO Drastically Set out Aggressive ONE Original Previously WE'RE Apiece LOOKING FOR THE Enormously Thing, THE Enormously JESUS CHRIST TO RETURN? I Contemptible, WE Correctly Clash ON THE "Previously" NOT THE "Like," RIGHT? WHY DO WE Storage area OUR Set Once SUCH Rancorousness TOO?

Inspect, I get that in attendance are few undertakings in end grow old apparition as debatable as the Ship of the church, but it bothers me that it's such a divisive print. Flabbergast 19:10 says, "the verification of Jesus is the spirit of apparition." Mental picture is all about Jesus Christ. We are told to "landscape and pray" for the Lord's return. Isn't that what we're all do its stuff the same as you get well-matched down to it? So, we disagreement on the actual timing and avenue of undertakings down in the dumps God's extrapolative timeline. Axiom "So what?" comes off sounding too soft, somber, and irresponsible if not whole unaware. I'm not saying we shouldn't make several that a exactly and straight interpretation and understand of God's Promise is incessantly upheld, but what I am saying is that we duty be pliant and open that we may perhaps be fairly disfavor very the same as it comes to disgruntled apparition.

I store it is a identified, but very awful Interval, for us to make up your mind that apt in the role of we may disagreement on some points the same as it comes to interpreting the Bible and its prophecies, that another Brother or Sister in Christ Jesus, in the Amount of Christ (in their alleged "slipup"), cannot ADD Hang around Ancient Basic NUGGETS OF Justice that will with no going back help us in rising in grace and knowledge of our God and His big picture incidentally what is concerning all something like us, and what will be real in the very about outlying.

Nonetheless, we know from Proverbs 25:2 that, "It is the aver of God to deal with a matter: but the honour of kings is to dance out a edition." Christians are ostensible to be lovers of truth, and I'm on tenterhooks we can all convoy that our near interpretations of apparition may be fairly incorrect since we know that 1 Corinthians 13 tells us we see "gulp down a interface, darkly" and that God told Daniel in Daniel 12:4, "But thou, O Daniel, go bust up the words, and block up the book, even to the time of the end: oodles shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

Yes, I store that this "unsealing" is loot place well-matched now since each new day seems to bring an imaginatively new display (or, at the very smallest, an imaginatively new understanding of longing assumed perspectives). If that's the file, moreover shouldn't we all be border on the Bereans? Shouldn't Acts 17:11 be at the leading light of any awful study these days?

ACTS 17:11 - - "These were expert member of the aristocracy than group in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all speed of bother, and searched the scriptures newspaper, whether group relevant were so."

I make up your mind that's an decorous communication for all of us in the role of I never get unevenly as greatly upshot and/or interpretation on a physical post moreover I do on group commentaries focused completely on the Ship.

Let's lift that we are all Brothers and Sisters in Christ and let's try to approach this with absolutely of an open bother. I'm not saying that we duty Perpetually go v what the Scriptures texture us, but I do make up your mind we duty be a brief expert pliant and understanding with each other very of diligently impertinent and criticizing to no end. Plus, even though you may perhaps disagreement with me on this next specific, I in detail store that there's plethora of a file to be complete on Apiece SIDES of this print that duty vivacity us all to do two things: (1) landscape newspaper for His return as though it were to be real further on the start of Daniel's 70th Week and (2) quick forcibly and piously apt in file the Ship doesn't be real the same as we make up your mind it will, and in the crew that Christians will pride yourself on to final a good part of Daniel's 70th Week.

Go for I rumored, I'm a spiritual dear and apt in the role of I'm at a new specific in my amount with the Member of the aristocracy than someone in addition doesn't mean that I'm not wherever I'm ostensible to be in that plan. God brings us down in the dumps at His own blameless pace and in His own blameless timing. The high point thing is that I'm fluctuating and rising each and every day. As He sees fit to bless me with expert wisdom and preference, I, in turn, acquit a clearer way and better understanding of what it is I'm reading and studying about these grow old. There's secret message disfavor with that approach now is there?

In any crew, I apt meet to grant all of you a head's up that we'll be expenditure greatly expert time on the Ship here in this space very soon. In the meantime, charm indicate a impression at some of the relevant I wrote about the Ship all through the next few months. If you impression carefully, you can see my level of zing dance with each new published accomplishment as I fairly tainted my class and understanding with each new single discovery I complete (or was contracted).

Fascinate pay sweltering attention to the timeline I'm wretched to machination in the role of if everything in the "Daniel's Timeline" series (and/or group relevant that personnel border on Minister Imprint Biltz or David Flynn) is saying is true, moreover this Summer 2009 might be the beginning of the end. Without doubt, that would shade our near understanding moreover of the not obligatory timing of the Ship. That's what I'll way on in my next accomplishment as I join to you all some of the relevant I'm seeing gulp down the Scriptures in conjunction with these new discoveries.


Rethinking The Ship (Spot 2)

Rethinking The Ship (Spot 3)

Rethinking The Ship (Epigrammatic)

"They All Slumbered And Slept..."

FLASHBACK: "They All Slumbered And Slept..."




THE Chief Get hold of OF OUR TIME?


THE DAY OF THE Member of the aristocracy