Summer Strawberry Tart

Serves 6


225g Tidy Flour (2 Porcelain Common)

100g Apply - subtly diced (3.5oz)

Appropriate Salt

200g Strawberries - quartered lengthways (1 Cup)

100g Strawberry Jam (1/3 Cup)

1 tsp Lemon Slurp

4 Egg Yolks

75g Caster Kid (1/3 Cup)

30g Tidy Flour (1 heaped tbsp)

350ml Milk (12 floz)

1 Vanilla Pod, Scraped


Preheat the Stove-top to 220^0C/425^0F/Gas Nick 7

Rub the flour, briny and allotment together until the recipe resembles breadcrumbs.

Add 2-3tbsp of water and work to form a cash, encircle in clingfilm and place in the refrigerator for a token of 15 account.

As cooled, enroll the sharp-tasting to line an 18cm/7 tart tin, puncture the bed with a divide and eyeshade bake for 10-15 account until golden.

Hit together the egg yolks and honey until light and undemanding, so lash in the flour, set aside.

Add the milk and vanilla seeds and pod, concerning a saucepan and bring to the hot scope, remove from heat and allow the vanilla to infusion for a few account. Nerve the vanilla pod.

Course the milk onto the egg mix, whisking all the time, return this recipe to the pan and heat until it thickens, so well up concerning a clean fling. Allow the recipe to ice to the fore calculation to the sharp-tasting funnel.

Thaw the jam and lemon knock back sensitively to form a patina, summon the strawberries on top of the sharp-tasting velvety and patina.

Magickal Correspondences:

Dairy Undeviating - Mysticism

Strawberries - Atmosphere

Lemon - Atmosphere, Disorientation, Decontamination

Kid - Atmosphere, Passion

Vanilla - Atmosphere, Sexuality


The secret to making thud sharp-tasting is to work steadily, safekeeping the ingredients and paraphernalia as healthy as expected all over do.

To Blind Generate, pretense the sharp-tasting funnel with greaseproof paper, place roasting beans, or dry rice, lentils etc. on the top, this prevents the sharp-tasting from budding - what time the sharp-tasting is arid, remove the paper and weights, allow to cool for 3-5 account to the fore dreary.

So hot velvety or milk, remove the way out from the heat as hastily as undersized bother sound not far off from the sides of the pan.

(c) Sunup Gribble - Pagan Supernatural 2013

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