Treating Burns Cover
Try making an ointment (preferably based on a neutral moisturizer or other vanishing cream that will carry the ingredients right into the skin) with calendula (marigold) petals and comfrey leaf/root. Paste the comfrey leaf and calendula petals, and boil the comfrey root vigorously in a little water to make a very strong decoction. If you have tincture or extract handy, use that instead. Mix as much of these ingredients into the ointment base as you can, bit by bit, stopping only when the ointment starts not holding together.

The comfrey will accellerate the repair-process of the skin cells, aiding healing generally, and as the cells will be encouraged to replicate normally, the scarring will be lessened. It is also rich in B12, which will have been depleted in your body by the shock of the incident, and the strain of trying to heal.

The calendula will supply a rich source of vitamin A to the skin to help normalise it, and also will prevent secondary infections setting in. The two herbs work in a synergistic way together, doing a better job than if they were applied separately.

Also, you might think of supplementing calcium for your nervous system in the form of chamomile tea, which will help relax you.

Remember to keep out of the sun! Sunburn, even a very, very slight one, will stir up the injury and make things worse. Remember, the skin as a whole is a single organ, and anything that happens to one part of it will affect the health of the whole of it. So be wary of the sun until you feal the burn is satisfactorily healed.

Perfect love and perfect trust.

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