Hoodoo oils, often called conjure oils, anointing oils, dressing oils, or condition oils, are crafted for virtually every circumstance. Authentic condition oils will be made with natural ingredients, herbs, roots, and curios that had been added to a carrier oil and mixed with appropriate essential and in some cases fragrance oils. Hoodoo root doctors may compound them as needed or purchase them from a reputable supplier and dispense them to clients as necessary. Rootworkers who specialize in one or two areas of Conjure may keep larger bottles on hand into which they have pre-mixed several different oil formulas for the same condition, such as three love attracting oils, or four money drawing oils.
Condition oils can be formulated to alleviate suffering, to spells remove or reverse of crossed conditions, curses, or jinxes, for protection from enemies, or to draw specific changes and experiences to the client. Many of the old formula names clearly state the oil's purpose, like Pay Me, Crown of Success, and Love Me. Hoodoo oils are used for anointing candles, mojo bags, talismans and enchanted jewelery, money, doll babies, roots, and one's own body. They may be added to magical bags, jars, bottles, petitions, and amulets. Conjure oils are also used in the preparation of other common ingredients found in hoodoo like sachet powders, incense, and baths. They can be used to scent these preparations and also to determine the condition that they are focused on. Essentially, they may be used in virtually limitless ways.
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Condition oils can be formulated to alleviate suffering, to spells remove or reverse of crossed conditions, curses, or jinxes, for protection from enemies, or to draw specific changes and experiences to the client. Many of the old formula names clearly state the oil's purpose, like Pay Me, Crown of Success, and Love Me. Hoodoo oils are used for anointing candles, mojo bags, talismans and enchanted jewelery, money, doll babies, roots, and one's own body. They may be added to magical bags, jars, bottles, petitions, and amulets. Conjure oils are also used in the preparation of other common ingredients found in hoodoo like sachet powders, incense, and baths. They can be used to scent these preparations and also to determine the condition that they are focused on. Essentially, they may be used in virtually limitless ways.
Labels: about green witchcraft washes waters healing method empower amulet about green witchcraft fennel foeniculum make infusion about green witchcraft witchcraft love witch books devil mark scotland century models conflict early