An Old Gypsy Cure For Nervousness Cover

Valerian Wine

* 2 handful valerian roots
* 1 clove
* 1 orange rind
* 1 rosemary twig
* 1 liter of dry white wine

Cut valerian root into small pieces, and place them in a large clear glass container. Add the clove, the grated orange rind, and rosemary twig. Pour the dry white wine over the dry mixture. Seal the container tightly and allow to steep for one moon cycle (28 days). Then strain through gauze cloth, store in a bottle and seal tightly.

Drink 1 liqueur glass three times daily. Also good for fainting.

Labels: filled sunshine  health healing  green witchcraft  hiccups gypsy cures  lust powder  falling spell  healing myth  nettle soup  voodoo curse  potion making  wiccan wholesale  coven witchcraft  spells and  easy spells  

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