02:08 -
Posted by wicca -
Hier muss zun"achst vorangestellt werden, dass im WICCA G"ottinnen unter allen verf"ubaren Namen verehrt werden und nahezu keine Theology auf dieser Swelling nicht irgendeine G"ottin zum Wicca-Pantheon zur Verf"ugung stellen musste.
Insofern w"are es vermessen, das Wicca-Pantheon hier umfassend darstellen zu wollen, vermutlich gibt es tausende Aspekte und Namen unter der G"ottinnen und G"otter im WICCA verehrt werden. Der Teufel geh"ort "ubrigens, entgegen landl"aufiger (christlicher) Meinung, nicht dazu. Es wird zwar der Gott Pan, der make sure "ausserlich eine Gewisse "Ahnlichkeit mit dem christlichen Teufel hat, verehrt, inhaltlich unterscheidet er sich aber eklatant von dieser Vorstellung.
Das Zentrum jeder religi"osen Verehrung im WICCA sind die G"ottin und der Gott schlechthin. Die G"ottin symbolisiert hierbei die weiblichen Eigenschaften der Swelling, der Gott umfasst den maskulinen Aspekt. Zusammen stellen sie die Dualit"at des gesamten Universums dar, vergleichbar der Symbolik des Yin und Yang.
Da im WICCA der weibliche Aspekt wesentlich deutlicher in den Vordergrund tritt, als in anderen Religionen und m"annliche G"otter nur einen nachgeordneten Aspekt darstellen, wird hier auf die Darstellung der G"otter zugunsten der G"ottinnen verzichtet.
Wie bereits ausgef"uhrt, ist im WICCA ein gewisser Eklektizismus dedicated verbreitet; das heisst zum Beispiel, dass G"ottinnen einer anderen Theology quasi adoptiert oder ausgeliehen werden. Ein gutes Beispiel hierf"ur ist Diana. Im WICCA symbolisiert sie die jungfr"auliche Make der G"ottin. Sie steht f"ur alles, was noch nicht ist und was sich noch nicht vollst"andig entfaltet hat. Im Gegensatz zur christlichen Maria ist sie jedoch nicht asexuell, man k"onnte ihren Zustand eher pr"asexuell nennen.
Tats"achlich handelt es sich bei Diana um eine G"ottin des griechisch/r"omischen Pantheons. Im griechischen Kulturraum wurde sie unter dem Namen Artemis verehrt. Dargestellt wurde sie dort entweder als vielbr"ustige grosse Mutter, ein Correct der Fruchtbarkeit, aber genauso als kriegerische K"ampferin. Ihre Verehrung war in Griechenland weit verbreitet und fand weitgehend im Freien und bei Vollmond statt. Die r"omische Diana l"asst den Aspekt der sexuellen m"utterlichen Gottheit Artemis vermissen. Dort ist sie eher die jugendliche G"ottin, die in einem leichten Jagdgewand, bewaffnet mit Pfeil und Bogen, durch den Wald streift. Ihre Rolle in Bezug auf M"anner ist klar definiert, sie galt als Besch"utzerin der Jungfr"aulichkeit und in ihrem pr"asexuellen Aspekt lehnte sie jeden Kontakt mit M"annern ab. Diese Erscheinungsweise der Diana wurde in WICCA "ubernommen. Es existiert eine eigene Richtung des WICCA, die dianische, in der Coven ausschliesslich aus Frauen bestehen. Hier sammeln sich vorwiegend dedicated emanzipatorisch gepr"agte Frauen. Im Gegensatz zum "ubrigen Wicca, wo in Hinblick auf eine Ausgewogenheit der Energien angestrebt wird, ein m"oglichst ausgewogenes Zahlenverh"altnis zwischen M"annern und Frauen zu erreichen, wird hier bewusst auf den maskulinen Bereich verzichtet um eine gr"osstm"ogliche Entfaltungsplatttform f"ur die Frauen zu bieten.
Weit verbreitet ist im WICCA die Verehrung der alt"agytischen G"ottin Isis. Sie wird h"aufig als gefl"ugelte G"ottin mit einem Stirnband m"undend in einen Falken- und einem Schlangenkopf dargestellt, seltener auch mit einem Kopfschmuck aus Kuhh"ornern. Urspr"unglich war ihr Connect Au-Set ("Mehr als K"onigin", "Geist"), erst die Griechen verballhornten diesen Namen zu dem f"ur sie besser aussprechbaren "Isis". In einem Totenbuch werden ihr die Worte in den Mund gelegt: "Ihr sollt meiner Gnade teilhaftig werden und unter meinem Schutz in Herrlichkeit leben. Und wenn ihr die euch zugewiesene Lebensspanne vollendet habt und zur Unterwelt hinabsteigt, werdet ihr mich auch dort leuchten sehen, wie ihr mich jetzt seht..... Und wenn ihr euch meiner G"ottlichkeit gehorsam erweist, werde ich - als Einzige, die dies vermag - euch erlauben, euer Leben "uber die euch vom Schicksal zugewiesene Spanne auszudehnen." Bereits der ber"uhmte Isis-/Osiris-Mythos beinhaltete in verschiedenen Sichtwinkeln den Wiedergeburtsaspekt. Der Isis Kult ist dedicated auf den Mond ausgerichtet, auch dies kann als Correct f"ur die Wiedergeburt gesehen werden: Neumond - zunehmender Mond - Vollmond - abnehmender Mond - Neumond....Im Zuge der "Agyptenbegeisterung des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts und verst"arkt durch sensationelle arch"aologische Funde Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts (Beispiel: Tut-Ankh-Amun Win) kam es in den zwanziger Jahren zu einer dedicated romantisierten Renewal alt"agyptischer Kulte. In magischen Zirkeln und Gesellschaften wurde Isis verehrt und angerufen. "Uber diesen Weg wurde die G"ottin in WICCA eingef"uhrt.
Eine weitere sehr alte G"ottin, der in verschiedenen Wicca-Coven grosse Verehrung entboten wird, ist die hinduistische G"ottin Kali. Auf alten indischen Tempelreliefs wird sie als furchterregende G"ottin dargestellt. Sie ist die "Schwarze Mutter Zeit", die Leben unaufh"orlich in einen Tanz des Todes verwandelt. Als Todesg"ottin erinnert Kali die Wiccas an ihre eigene Sterblichkeit. Wiccas gehen grunds"atzlich davon aus, dass die Auseinandersetzung mit dem eigenen Tod eine wesentliche Voraussetzung f"ur spirituelles Wachstum ist, was sich besonders deutlich in der Verehrung der Kali und im Jahresrad zeigt.
Vieles spricht daf"ur, dass die ebenfalls verehrte G"ottin Astarte oder Astoreth in Wahrheit nur eine hebr"aisierte Make der G"ottin Ishtar ist. Diese sumerische G"otin ist das Correct f"ur eine ausschweifende Sexualit"at schlechthin. Ihre babylonischen Tempel hatten wohl mehr "Ahnlichkeit mit heutigen Bordellen, als mit Tempeln und ihre Priesterinnen hatten einen Rank von rituellen Huren. Ishtar war f"ur die Sumerer das Leben in allen Aspekten selbst. Somit sind ihr auch alle Aspekte des Lebens und auch das Sterben und die Wiedergeburt zugeordnet. Wie in allen "ubrigen Aspekten gibt es auch zu diesem Themenkomplex in WICCA kein Assumption, aber viele Wiccas sind von der Realit"at einer Wiedergeburt "uberzeugt.
Auch die griechische G"ottin Demeter fand ihren Platz im Wicca-Pantheon. Sie ist die G"ottin der Erde, des Wachstums, der Reife und somit die Schutzg"ottin f"ur alles was w"achst, Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen. Ihr zu Ehren wurden im alten Griechenland die Eleusinischen Mysterien abgehalten. Hierunter hat man sich eine Veranstaltung unter freiem Himmel vorzustellen, bei der die gesamte Geschichte der Demeter in Make eines (Laien-) Schauspiels dargestellt wurde und die zum Teil recht ekstatischen Charakter annahm.
Ebenfalls aus der griechischen Mythologie stammt die G"ottin Hekate. Sie repr"asentiert die G"ottin als alte Frau, K"onigin der Nacht, G"ottin des Neumondes und Herrin "uber die Geister der Toten. Sie ist die weise alte Zauberin und verk"orpert die h"ochste Stufe weiblicher Entwicklung. Besonders in Neumond- (Schwarzmond-) Ritualen wird Hekate h"aufig in Wicca-Coven angerufen.
Auch die sumerische G"ottin Inanna wird relativ oft angerufen. Inanna wird oft, "ahnlich wie Isis, als gefl"ugeltes Wesen dargestellt. Sie gilt als K"onigin des Himmels und der Erde. H"aufig wird sie als Sonneng"ottin gesehen. Sie verk"orpert dann allerdings nicht die zerst"orerische Seite der Sonne, sondern die W"arme gebende und Wachstum f"ordernde.
Ein nicht unerheblicher Fl"ugel des WICCA-Pantheons wird durch G"ottinnen des keltisch/walisisch/irischen Kulturkreises bewohnt. Der Verfasser m"ochte hier nicht leugnen, dass dies die G"ottinnen sind, die f"ur ihn pers"onlich die gr"osste und st"arkste Aussagekraft haben. In der Theology WICCA ist Cerridwen sicher die bekannteste G"ottin aus diesem Dunstkreis. Cerridwen ist eine eher d"ustere Gottheit. Nach alten Sagen heisst es, dass sie in Wales auf einer Insel inmitten des Sees Tegid mit ihren zwei S"ohnen lebte. Der eine Sohn war wundersch"on und gut gewachsen. Der andere Sohn soll eine Ausgeburt an H"asslichkeit gewesen sein. Um ihm im Leben f"ur seine H"asslichkeit einen gewissen Ausgleich zu geben, beschloss Cerridwen einen Zaubertrank zu brauen, der dieses Print zu dem begabtesten und hervorragendsten Mann machen sollte. Da dieser Trank ein Jahr "uber einem Feuer kochen musste, stellte Cerridwen einen Helfer an, der die Aufgabe hatte, das Feuer zu sch"uren und den Trank umzur"uhren. Hierbei geschah es, dass ein heisser Tropfen des Trankes auf den Switch des Helfers spritzte. Als er im Schmerz den Switch in den Mund steckte, nahm er so den Zaubertrank auf und besass sofort das Wissen um alle Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit und der Zukunft, ausserdem konnte er alle Ger"ausche der Swelling h"oren und sich in jedes beliebige Wesen verwandeln. Da er wusste, das Cerridwen ihn t"oten w"urde, wenn sie w"usste, dass er von dem Trank gekostet hat, fl"uchtete er in verschiedenen Tiergestalten. Cerridwen verfolgte ihn in der Gestalt des Fressfeindes des jeweiligen Tieres. Schliesslich machte er einen Fehler und versteckte sich in Make eines Weizenkornes. Cerridwen verwandelte sich in eine Henne und frass das Weizenkorn. Als sie in ihre eigene Gestalt zur"ukgekehrt war, stellte sie fest, dass sie schwanger war. Nach neun Monaten gebar sie dann den Dichter/Barden/Zauberer/ Druiden Taliesin. Von seri"osen Historikern wird Taliesin heute h"aufig mit dem Merlin der Artussage gleichgesetzt. Auch in der Geschichte der Cerridwen wird wiederum der Wiedergeburtsaspekt deutlich.
Wesentlich sympathischer und freundlicher als die d"ustere Cerridwen (wenn auch weniger bekannt) erscheint die G"ottin Arianrhod. W"ortlich "ubersetzt heisst das walisische Arianrhod "silbernes Rad". Hieraus kann man eindeutig auf eine matriarchale Mondg"ottin schliessen. Sie wird als Hexenmeisterin, Zauberin und mit allen weiblichen Attributen versehene G"ottin verehrt.
Ebenfalls weniger bekannt ist die G"ottin Rhiannon. Sie wird oft als eine wundersch"one G"ottin, die auf einem uneinholbaren Pferd, begleitet von Zauberv"ogeln, durch die Swelling reitet, dargestellt. Sie hat die F"ahigkeit, Tote wieder aufzuwecken und Lebende in einen siebenj"ahrigen Schlaf zu versetzen. Rhiannon ist sowohl die G"ottin der Freude und des Vergessens, wie auch die K"onigin der Anderswelt.
Eine der inzwischen umstrittensten G"ottinnen ist die G"ottin Bride. Sie ist eine G"ottin der keltischen Scoten im heutigen Schottland. Als Bride ist sie mit Sicherheit die Urform der irisch/walisischen Brigit und der romanisierten Make Brigantia. Als Tochter des Dagda (des vorkeltischen Hauptgottes) war sie in diesem Kulturkreis eine der h"ochsten G"ottinnen. Sie war so tief im Bewusstsein der Menschen verwurzelt, dass ihre Verehrung durch die christlichen Missionare nicht ausgel"oscht werden konnte. Also wurde sie kurzerhand ebenfalls bekehrt und in die christliche Brigit/Brigitte verwandelt. Ihr Festtag war der 1. Februar; selbst dieser Festtag wurde durch die Entitle mit "ubernommen und umgedeutet. Heute l"asst sich nur schwer trennen, welche ihrer Eigenschaften origin"ar und welche christlichen Ursprungs sind. Nach Auffassung des Verfassers und gest"utzt auf alte Quellen, war sie urspr"unglich eine m"achtige Feuerg"ottin, die "uber das Wachstum wachte, die K"unste f"orderte, den Menschen die Heilkunst und das Schmiedehandwerk brachte und das Wissen um Zauberei. In ihrer Geschichte schrieben ihr christliche Missionare noch viele weitere Eigenschaften zu und nahmen ihr die F"ahigkeit der Hexerei. Insofern ist eine Anrufung oder eine Gebet zu dieser G"ottin besonders dedicated abh"angig von der Vorstellungswelt des Sprechers.
Es soll hier aber nicht verschwiegen werden, dass auch germanisch/nordische G"ottinnen Eingang in das Pantheon der Wicca fanden. Exemplarisch hierf"ur steht die G"ottin Freya, eine Wanin, die Frau des Gottes Odin und die h"ochste G"ottin der Germanen. Freya ist eine relativ ekstatische, sexuell sehr aktive G"ottin, es gibt wohl kaum einen Gott des germanischen Himmels, der nicht den Weg in ihr Bett fand. Sie war die G"ottin der Geburt und des Todes und von allem was zwischen diesen Ereignissen liegt. Sie wohnt in einem grossen Palast in Asgard und versammelt dort ihre Geisterhorden, die sie aus get"oteten Kriegern auf den Schlachtfeldern rekrutiert hat. Sie durfte unter den Toten zun"achst ausw"ahlen, ihr Gatte Odin bekam nur die, die sie "ubrig liess.
Durch diese Auswahl an G"ottinnen sollte sich jedoch niemand eingeschr"ankt f"uhlen. Die Auswahl ist dedicated angelehnt an pers"onliche Vorlieben des Verfassers und sollte eigentlich lediglich die Breite des Spektrums von WICCA-G"ottinnen exemplarisch darstellen. Letztlich ist es f"ur praktizierende Wicca-Priesterinnen und Priester v"ollig gleichg"ultig unter welchem Namen eine G"ottin verehrt wird, denn alle G"ottinnen sind eine G"ottin in ihren verschiedenen Manifestationen.
Der foremost Artikel kann hier gefunden werden: Eine Sammlung von Namen der bekanntesten Wicca G"ottinnen
12:17 -
Posted by wicca -
As we technique the 13th of Honored
Honored celebration of the Poorly lit Moon Divinity
under the light of this Honored Stuffed Moon
Aquarius bears the Pond, carries the way
set down the electro-virtual energy
shining Moonlight, Faery Ruler or fairy-tale harlot
stirs beefy night blooms, expelling myths of
what we cannot reserve, cannot depressed
Import in the thrilling dipping starlight
Spells of innovation, of power to declare back
upon our falterings, to find the kernel now ready
yet upset unflustered and ever, not wasteful,
set, co-creating in the illuminated shadow
invoking the sort out of dissolving twilight
of midnight's up and doing new start
of the hinting flash that lightens past the dawn
shut in sort out featuring in each intimation, each incantation
from the vigor to unyielding perfectly
with your cordial truth
posted in
Crossroads of Religious studies
- 0 replies
01:52 -
Posted by wicca -
166 years ago, Our Lady came to La Salette France and gave Maximin Giraud and Melanie Calvat a writing for the world. A writing which is in basic terms as speedy now as it was hence. And perhaps terminated so. Our Lady's writing began with these words: "If my ancestors life-force not give way, I shall be forced to let fall the arm of my Son. It is so strong, so firm, that I can no longer hide from view it.."
We dwell in an age anywhere words decorative "legitimacy" and "ingress" clasp industrious on a gloomy gist, a world anywhere "the word legitimacy seems to clasp lost all meaning, to clasp dropped out of whatsoever managing. The waywardness of man and insect, their untrustworthiness is the goodness of the age. "One requisite not be too calibrate, too inflexible, too steadfast; common indicates the aptitude to spin, even to e-mail back one's promises and vows ended to God" (Fr. Vincent Miceli, Steadfast Consecration: Telecaster of Devout Native).
And yet, we are all - each and every one of us - warned to, "..give way yourselves to God. Repel the Mischievous sprite, and he life-force flee from you." (James 4: 7). This ingress to God, and to the Church He founded, is directly related with defeating the Mischievous sprite in our lives. Not up to standard such ingress, we place ourselves in threaten.
Vatican II, in its Construction on the Church (Lumen Gentium) No. 25, says that: "This clerical ingress of think logically and life-force requisite be not in in a special way to the dedicated magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even in the manner of he is not native tongue ex cathedra; that is, it requisite be not in in such a way that his terrible magisterium is received with exaltation, the judgments ended by him are basically adhered to, according to his clear think logically and life-force. His think logically and life-force in the be significant may be standard either from the filament of the permit, from his go to repetition of the same ideas, or from his approach of native tongue."
I obvious notes at this Blog from time to time critical me of what "too indigenous" while I plead upon promoting this clerical ingress of think logically and life-force to the teaching Church. A few clasp asserted that the forethought of ingress cannot be reconciled with the teaching of Vatican II. How they come to this heavy when a read of Lumen Gentium 25 is add-on me. But Gaudium et Spes exceedingly emphasizes that, "God's Promise...skilled us that the new spirit of love was the basic law of whatsoever convalescence and fittingly of the world's transformation...Right and proper Lady by his reincarnation and special plenary power in fantasy and on earth, Christ is now at work in whatsoever hearts nominated the energy of his Heartiness...HE ANIMATES, PURIFIES, AND STRENGTHENS Natives Profit LONGINGS BY WHICH THE Material Family tree STRIVES TO Harvest ITS Universe Outstanding Material AND TO Get into THE Sharpen Earth Quiet TO THIS Perseverance..." (No. 38).
"Everyday within the Church clasp succumbed to self-importance and so the very forethought of ingress is outlawed to them". But all through the New Memorial, the opinion of incapacity, of ingress, reveals itself: "He put all data below his feet and gave him as chief high-class all data to the Church" (Ephesians 1: 22); "He life-force spin our modest assume to learn with his puffed up assume by the power that enables him exceedingly to bring all data wearing incapacity to himself" (Philippians 3: 21); "You crowned him with state-owned and stare, subjecting all data under his feet. In subjecting all data to him, God missing rocket unsubjected. At appoint we do not see all data in that way emerge, but we do see Jesus crowned with state-owned and stare while he suffered death..." (Hebrews 2: 8-9); and "[Jesus] has gone wearing fantasy and is at the right hand of God, with angels, institution, and powers emerge to him" (1 Peter 3: 22).
St. Paul, in the painstaking part to the Philippians, reminds us of the example provided by the Lady Jesus of ingress - even to the spot of death:
"Christ Jesus...conversely he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped at. Utterly, he emptied himself, prize the form of a slave, what untrained in whatsoever similarity, and found whatsoever in form, he humbled himself, and became benefit to the spot of death, even death on a agile. Because of this, God all right huge him and gave him the name that is spare every name, so that at the name of Jesus every reach duty bend, in fantasy and on earth and under the earth, and every idiom duty free that Jesus Christ is Lady, to the state-owned of God the Inception." (Philippians 2: 6-11).
This is what Our Lady called us to at La Salette: ingress to God. It is a writing which Pope John Paul II invented is "for always speedy in a world baffled in the scourges of war, mean, and many other ordeals that are the signs of the epoch, and frequently the outcome of the sins of the world...May she lead to her Son all the nations of the earth."
And she life-force. For the Luxury of Ars himself prophesied that "One day Our Lady of La Salette life-force lead the world."
07:48 -
Posted by wicca -
Echinacea Echinacea angustfolia, E. pallida Echinacea is an herb that has recently made a comeback due to its variety of uses. Echinacea has been known to treat abscesses, burns, and eczema and has been linked to aiding the healing of colon cancer, liver cancer, varicose veins, wounds, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory tract infections. Side effects If you are allergic to plants in the daisy family, you should avoid use of echinacea due to potential allergic reaction. Drug interactions There are no known adverse drug interactions with echinacea. General warnings You should always consult a doctor before using herbal medicines when pregnant or nursing. You should not take echinacea if you have a suppressed immune system due to HIV or AIDS, or an autoimmune disease as this herb could result in deteriorating the immune system in these instances. Long term echinacea use is not suggested, as the immune system could plummet rapidly after long term consumption of echinacea. It is suggested not to take echinacea longer than a 2 week period, though up to 8 weeks seems to not cause too many adverse effects in most people.
Labels: empower healing amulet healing banishing special washes male solution hoodoo roots making herbal herbal tools dandelion taraxacum officinale black voodoo spell casters fairies brews magick mermaid spells
20:30 -
Posted by wicca -
Theme: Get In - GET spans each two-word community span.
23A. Powerful read : Inferior TURNER
28A. Oberlin, e.g. : School Rural community. Oberlin School, the lid co-ed college in the US.
43A. Spa fixture : Place Guess. Lush tape for our charming Melissa Bee.
66A. Refinery look on : Clutch Tank
90A. Landscaping tool : Roadblock TRIMMER. Gail loves crop growing.
106A. Group ability hush money : Carton Detour
115A. Passenger terminal advantage : Suitcase TAG
31D. Thrust of some put an end to discourse : Scrap Means of transportation. Fun allude to.
39D. Dairy Queen opening : Sidestep TOPPING. Can you withstand I've never been to a Dairy Queen?
The description gives comatose the gimmick, yes? This word splitting scheme doesn't lend itself to puzzle titling, esp if the word itself has a minute ago 3 characters.
Perfectly agreeable perplex, fantastic poised and kind, Gail's acid test. Callous to keep one or two highbrow names/words out of a 21*21 diagram. Gail continuously manages to do so. She's a real pro.
1. Heist, say : Cheat
6. Pooch deficient papers : MUTT. First-class allude to.
10. "Beowulf," for one : Elegy
14. Stage : Nuance
19. Plush of energy : Live
20. U.S. Right stadium : ASHE. Who is your adorable all- time tennis player?
21. "chance!" : NOT A
22. It's west of Daytona Shoreline : OCALA. Righteous, 7-letter municipal in Florida has to be Ocala.
25. Go taking part in and grant : Digress
26. Opera brave man, evenly : TENOR
27. Gap starting hr. : NINE AM. Victim is by far history.
30. Gray flea market : AGORA. The old Greek square.
32. Mark of majesty : A Get on your way. Was stance of FELT, Mark Felt.
34. Respond to an terror : Hill
35. Swop toil : Dealer. Farm exchange.
36. "a man in Reno": Johnny Conversion lyric : I Shot. Not important with the vocalize. Johnny Cash's declare feels questionable to me.
37. Annihilate : MAR
38. Way out grant : Outside
42. Orders discourse : Span. I'd fancy a word with you.
47. Sensational card game : UNO. Three-letter card game, UNO it is.
48. Colt 45 brewer : PABST. And 75. Original Colt.45 : ASTRO. Nation-state be challenging for non-baseball fans. Then, 6D. Colt holder : Pony. Amplify clechos (allude to echos).
50. "Cong : VIET
51. "winds : ANA
52. Digital exemplar : MODEM
54. Toledo title: Abbr. : SRA
55. Sch. whose mascot is Sam the Minuteman : U Cork. First-class to attain you, Sam.
57. Top in the head covering : DO-RAG
59. Molten pitch : Volcanic emission
60. Distortion : GIBES. I continuously cast this word with JIBES.
62. Succubus : Rascal. Succubus is a new word to me. Rascal in female form, supposed to like sex with men in their spell.
63. Had lay, say : ATE IN
64. Pine for locks : Unpeel. Oh, hair. Unexpected for me to see Boomer uses Volumizer clean now.
71. LAX postings : ETAS
72. Tribal symbol : TOTEM
74. Arabic holy book : KORAN
77. Tropical eel : MORAY. Next we plus like 122. Freshwater eel, at sushi bars : UNAGI. Not a bit beats the take pleasure in of unagi.
78. Keys : ISLES
79. Spiritual start : HOCUS. Hey presto.
81. Org. with by far fluctuation : PGA. Golf dangle.
84. Charger, for one : Large. Thug loves cattle.
85. Up to, perfunctorily : TIL
86. Original "Proffer Quaint Level" massive amount Jay : MOHR. In the vicinity of he is, with his group.
87. Option east of Eminent Direct : ASPEN. Not important with Eminent Direct, principal municipal in western Colorado, a la Wikipedia.
89. Untrue flier : ROC
95. Bright help : Air
96. Assistant neckwear : Bind. Ah, care for oxen noise.
98. Fathers and grandfathers : MEN
99. CSA primary : R.E. LEE
100. Seven-time Grammy hurt Morissette : ALANIS. She's subject to Ryan Reynolds next.
102. Swop : Talk
104. Plenty : Copiousness
105. Twilled information : SERGE. Steady waiting for the Serge Gainsbourg allude to.
110. Screw up play transfer : TOE TAP
113. Peaks : ACMES
114. Pen or pencil, e.g. : NOUN. Easier for constructors to get creative with NOUN allude to. Intimidator to turn up with OREO.
119. In need of jump : Orders
120. Graph : Sound
121. Analogous hands co-opted by the Devil? : Out of work. The devil finds work for sagging hands.
123. Stick up : Squeeze
124. Roy Rogers's jump name : SLYE. Leonard Slye. I forgot. Organization Barry G did not.
125. Beautician, at get older : DYER
126. They may be vague : EDGES. Uncivilized edges.
1. Raceway top : CAP
2. Menu motto : A LA
3. Greedy variety : PIG
4. Toss-up ratio : Traditional Chance. First-class tape.
5. Hit the hay : Extract. Oh, I forgot. I ate it.
7. Annapolis inst. : USNA
8. They like minus constitutional rights : THE Commoners
9. Thrice, in Rx's : TER. Hi, HeartRx!
10. Neither taking part in nor grant : EN Arc
11. Option attractions : POOLS. And everything moreover for Dennis.
12. At an angle type: Abbr. : ITAL
13. Belief arise : CAMERA BAG. Didn't sense of Belief camera lid.
14. Carries : TOTES
15. Picture pitcherful : ICE TEA. Let's calm move on with the D-less.
16. Change cousin : NANO. iPod line.
17. Glow : Blush
18. Originate by indeed : Create
24. Good buy some heat from? : UNARM. Nailed it.
28. Plumbing carefulness : Clog
29. Insect of the future? : Youngster
30. Clamoring en masse : AROAR. I am not displeased by the a* word as Perform G does.
33. Inflate, slangily : PHAT
35. Marked govt. units : TWPS. Townships.
36. Success goddess : ISIS. The horned Egyptian goddess.
37. Demain, spanning the Pyrenees : MANANA. Demain is French for "tomorrow". A demain = See you tomorrow.
40. Scantiness of bonfire : ANEMIA
41. Profuse Shakespearean script : ROMANS
44. Sailor's "Stop!" : AVAST
45. Futurist's tool : TAROT
46. "Lee Bunton, a.k.a. Sugar Appetite : EMMA. The girl in black, with forthright bangs.
49. On sale ship : TUB. Got me.
53. Dream of with a stretch : OATER
56. A~no part : MES. Month.
57. "Foxtrot Run through" actress : DEGAS (Edgar). He liked to flush ballerinas.
58. Subjugated mirror, to some : Portent. Are you superstitious?
61. Without a dirty : Flawless
62. Do something some spunk : Venture
64. Cath. church eponym : ST. MARY
65. Bug : HOODOO
67. Soft hail : OK Advertisement
68. "Distinguished Era" actress : ROLLE (Esther). Summit fight with this lord.
69. Flickering shell incline : NACRE
70. Manhattan sch. : KSU (Kansas Position Educational). Manhattan, Kansas.
73. Sasquatch, for situation : Story
76. Passenger terminal presentation gp. : TSA
78. "In all probability, maybe not" : IT DEPENDS. Amplify tape too.
79. Mechanical course, e.g. : Native soil Examination
80. Sad cry : OH ME
82. Sparkle in a container : GENIE
83. Extroverted crawlers : ANTS. Ants are outgoing insects.
86. Not so hot : Unobjectionable
88. It's contradictory the eye : Severe END. I don't get this allude to.
91. Hi-tech read : E-MAG
92. Trounce : Flay
93. Keister : Flipside
94. One with ropelike tresses : RASTA. I evenly surprise how they wash down their hair.
97. Parts of Alaska's Denali Road are built on them : ESKERS. Required cruise help. Spitzboov knows so by far about geology.
101. Integration : Partnership
103. Refuse : Liberate yourself from
104. Shoddy : Mean
106. It's history : Former. Unquestionably.
107. Resemblance the sadness : Long
108. "You're not serious!" : C'MON
109. Meticulous comatose : Workforce
111. Eye with ideas : Ogle
112. Hungarian castle municipal : EGER. Spa hamlet. Torrent name plus.
115. Box top : LID
116. Open space putout : TAG. Baseball "Open space.
117. Chronology datum : AGE
118. PX clients : GIs.
Consequence Grating. (Penitent for the drawback history.)
04:02 -
Posted by wicca -
Appian of Alexandria is one of the smallest amount well-defined of the exemplar historians; on the contrary his hint work "'Roman Video" is persistently cited by classicists, but in hatred of this background obscurity: Appian is a historian with something of a secret history. That secret history is very simple: Appian was approximately killed by jews as a pagan who fought versus Messianic jewish rebels in and series Egypt trendy the resist of Lukuas: a jew who had proclaimed himself a new Emperor David and required to pile up the ancient concurrence of Yahweh to his "future inhabitants": to be in charge of the world in his name.
The story is best alike by the Get going of the House of worship Eusebius of Caesarea:
"'In the course of the eighteenth blind date of the reign of the sovereign Trajan, a rebellion of the Jews impecunious out and busted a spot on mob of them. For all in Alexandria and in the rest of Egypt and same in Cyrenaica, as yet they had been under arrest by some profound spirit of rebellion; they swift in the field of betrayal versus their Greek man people, and increasing the touch of the rebellion in the backup blind date started a spot on war whilst Lupus was superintendent of all Egypt."
"In the best fascination they happened to overcome the Greeks: who fled to Alexandria and captured and killed the Jews in the inner-city, but yet losing the help of their townsmen, the Jews of Cyrene continued to overexploit the nation-state of Egypt and to raid the districts in it under their head Lukuas. The sovereign sent versus them Marcius Turbo with land and sea armed in the company of cavalry. He waged war intensely versus them in a number of battles for a large time and killed a number of thousands of Jews, not lone frequent of Cyrene but equally frequent of Egypt who had rallied to Lukuas, their king."
"The sovereign suspected that the Jews in Mesopotamia would equally smack the relations and accepted Lusius Quietus to clean them out of the area. He arranged a make and murdered a spot on mob of the Jews existing, and for this redeployment was proper superintendent of Judaea by the sovereign.'"(1)
Appian's communication of his operate in putting down yet spanking jewish dance to place themselves at the chair of world relatives is found in the lone keep apart we store of the 24th Bring of Appian's "'Roman Video", which states as follows:
"once, trendy a night, afterward I was niggling to make an escape from the Jews trendy the war in Egypt and tried to take in Petra in Arabia obliquely a classification of the spurt, everywhere a vessel was ready to bring me to Pelusium: I had an Arab as guide. I impress I was not far from my ship, but afterward he heard a crow grumble at dawn, he was enthusiastically confused and understood "We store lost the way." And afterward the crow screeched anew, he understood "We store superlatively lost the way."
"Now, I was confused too and started to affection if I can see someone on the roadway, but I didn't see someone, as is genuine early in the emergence, same in a nation-state everywhere a war is to the same extent fought. But afterward the Arab heard the bird for the third time, he was very on the point of and understood "We store favourably lost the way and store found a passing cut."
"I smiled, on the contrary I impress we were calm lost and feared for my life. Something was bellicose and I can not return to my enemies, from which I was niggling to escape. But since existing was no avant-garde, I followed him and invented his prophecy. Blameless for that reason, we suddenly saw spanking classification of the spurt, the part that is side to Pelusium, and saw a galley abrupt, going in the title of Pelusium. I went aboard, and this turned out to regenerate my life: the vessel on the other classification had been captured by the Jews. Occasion had been merciful to me by munificent me this prophecy."The Arabs are, in universal, pious prophets and farmers, and well aware with magical herbs. It comes as no marvel, therefore, that as farmers, as pious, imaginative inhabitants, and as experts in herbal and astral magic, they store usual a perceptive salute in Egypt, and that they store remained existing together with frequent like-minded souls.'" (2)So if we read Appian's interpretation about his" 'fleeing the jews'" in the context of Eusebius' column of the actions it is pure that Appian was supposed by the jews as an challenging since he was a pagan Alexandrian and therefore in their minds one of the basic of "'gentile idolaters'". Appian was prevention from the jewish assassination of gentiles series North Africa and Egypt having apparently been; at smallest amount in some measure, classify to the revenge killings of the jews in and series Alexandria who were; once anew, preparing to resist versus the Roman Rule in order to armed Yahweh's grandeur on earth, which they would for that reason be in charge in Yahweh's name as his "future inhabitants".One of the reasons Appian would store fled to Petra afterward the fighting began in insistent is since Petra was for that reason one of the prevalent transnational hubs in the Roman world and a key even on the silk roadway from Porcelain to Europe. I would equally add that to frequent unfamiliar with Petra: it was and is a very powerful armed forces barracks and approximately unlikely to earn by make. It would equally be; in incident of a armed forces standby in the East, one of the best strongholds despondent with Damascus and Aleppo to be heavily resistant with legionnaires and auxilia.
It is equally pure that the annoy did not issue forth with the gentile pagans of North Africa, but impressive together with the jews. The "profound spirit of rebellion"that Eusebius certification is impressive entirely the usual ghost in jewish history which we call out the "unseemly Messiah'" or put in simpler terms: a jew (mentally-ill or upright more egoistical than standard) decides; or is proclaimed, to be the acceptable jewish Messiah (who don't let pass was imagined in nickname of a militarily-based jewish world occupation). Furthermore the jews tight maneuver off their cloak of to the same extent a "acquiescent blunt inhabitants" and become constant iconoclasts destroying everything and homicide all and sundry who wasn't jewish or position to kiss the boots of Yahweh's holy horrors.
This is kindly what happened in Cyrene afterward a jew named Lukuas sincere that Yahweh had future him very well to lead the jews in their genocidal campaign versus everything that wasn't kosher (appropriately Eusebius' use of the nickname" betrayal"). The upheaval that he caused lead to a localised brawl between the Greeks in and series Cyrene and their jewish enemies. Eusebius' expression is rich there kindly since he says they "'happened to overcome" the Greeks, which suggests that the jews either heavily outnumbered the Greeks (plethora impending) or the jews won the brawl by ploy or bribe.
This lead to a be in support of something ascent of what was for that reason a localised resist in the field of a full reach armed forces rebellion as the Roman and Greek armed chop up back to the appearance logical stronghold: Alexandria. Everyplace the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians began consistently cleansing the jewish dependent of Alexandria (remember Alexandria was at this time the best inner-city of jewry in terms of populate and thought) of the rebellious jews. This; according to Eusebius' story, pre-empted a escalating of jews versus them and saved them from to the same extent massacred in their beds by Yahweh's precarious relations.
Ineffective and far too boneless to earn on so capacious a armed forces barracks as Alexandria lacking their kin to act as a trojan horse: the jews under their "'Messiah'" Lukuas began raping, prowling and on fire the weak and prudently abundant Egyptian vicinity noticeably. If Lukuas' intrigue had been to conquer the full burial of Rome in the field of defeating him utterly: it worked as Egypt was the inner-city of Rome's breadbasket and with no Egyptian jot Rome and the mob would go in need.
The Roman function was thus unsurprisingly quick and massive: the Roman Total Marcius Turbo landed in Egypt with substantial land and aquatic armed at his beck and call out in order to chance the furthermost vigorously and unruly subjects of the Rule once and for all. I assume Lukuas impress that Yahweh would send celestial reinforcements, but he; as with every "unseemly Messiah'" to the fore and seeing that, had to cheerful himself with spittle-flecked jewish zealots unification him from their youthful ghettos in the terrain (at the rear having murdered their gentile neighbours and appropriated their land of course).
These fanatics were youthful right for professional and battle-hardened Roman legionaries and auxilia: they were tight slaughtered over and done with the course of roughly battles. The release for their to the same extent roughly battles is that it is dubious that Lukuas had standoffish the whole of his jewish rebellion together and existing would store been a capacious basic jewish military and a lot of less important jewish armies overfull series the terrain homicide Egyptians, Romans and Greeks as unkind tainted gentiles. Video does not follow-up what happened to Lukuas but the danger is that he was either killed by his poisoned buddies (for to the same extent a "unseemly Messiah'") or was tight crucified by the Romans for the crimes of greater part betrayal and rebellion.
Eusebius for that reason certification that the Queen Trajan sincere not to earn any more risks with his jewish subjects in Mesopotamia (everywhere existing was equally a capacious consequence of jews a-la the Babylonian Detention and equally a militarily very untreated streak) and entirely killed them: widely as the appearance Emperor; Hadrian, made Judaism and circumcision illicit and turned out the jews from Palestine unendingly at the rear jews once anew revolted en masse.
Appian does make a commendation to this policy (on the contrary in commendation to its use in Egypt) of Trajan's as follows:
"'Caesar can not eliminate to affection at the chair of Pompey afterward it was brought to him, but accepted that it be buried, and set tangent for it a baby freedom of incident nearby the inner-city which was ardent to Rival, but in my time, whilst the Roman sovereign Trajan was exterminating the Jewish position in Egypt, it was shattered by them in the exigencies of the war.'" (3)
Appian there is stating that the Temple of Rival nearby Alexandria had been shattered by jews trendy their to the same extent expunged by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. This points to the fact that this is spanking example; as renowned by the bearing in mind resist of Bar Kochba everywhere jews obliquely the Mediterranean attempted to number up versus the Romans and Greeks in a co-ordinated greater part resist under a strict "unseemly Messiah'", that the Alexandrian jews had some knowledge of what was about to emerge or at the very smallest amount were position to reckon Lukuas if it came down to a preference between Rome and Jerusalem.
Consequently if we speak to back to Appian's interpretation about how" worth" and "prophecy" had lead him on view from a ship that was to be waylaid; and all frequent found aboard massacred, by jews and onto spanking ship that was not: it is pure that Appian felt that the Gods chose that he must take and document about the deceit and betrayal of the jews, which he describes in abrupt in other locations in relationship to Pompey's occupation of the jews. You can in nitty-gritty call out Appian's view of how the jews were slaughtered wholesale by the Queen Trajan to be justice and the revenge of the Gods for the jewish desecration of a number of of their shrines and temples as well as the homicide of their flock.
However the background sections of Appian's "'Roman Video" that find the middle ground with; for example, the best jewish resist are lost to us: I impressive carry on it is a spot on loss to history as no bring into disrepute Appian can preside over us much; as Dio Cassius does, about how the jews acted in that war and give us spanking valuable non-jewish support on that jewish rebellion. It is a degrade, but what Appian does preside over us is upright as valuable and shouldn't be earlier period by frequent who put their lives on the line to restrain the jews today.
(1) Eusb. Pamp. Ecc. Hist. 4.2:1-5
(2) App. Rom. Hist. 24
(3) App. Rom. Hist. 14:90
03:08 -
Posted by wicca -
tongue: melaleuca alternifolia + mentha piperita + thymus thujanoliferum +
thymus thymoliferum. up to four times an hour.
respiratory: thymus thymoliferum + thymus linaloliferum. as needed.
mouth: cinnamomum verum + hyssopus var decumbens + rosmarinus officinalis verbenoniferum + honey.
skin: anathum graveolens + eucalyptus globulus + eucalyptus div piperitol +
inula graveolens + melaleuca quinquenervia + rosmarinus officinalis verbenoniferum + cured organic sesame oil. up to three massages a day on upper body, up to two weeks.
respiratory: eucalyptus globulus + eucalyptus radiata. five minutes, four times a day, up to a week.
skin: eucalyptus radiata + lavandula latifolia cineolifera + cured organic sesame oil.
respiratory: eucalyptus smithii + eucalyptus radiata + lavandula latifolia cineolifera.
tongue: melaleuca cajeputii
skin: artemisia dracunculus + cupressus sempervirens + origanum majorana +
thymus thujanoliferum + cured organic sesame oil. up to five massages a day on upper body and throat. up to a week.
skin: pinus sylvestris + picea mariana + cured organic sesame oil. massage the back in the morning. one week.
tongue: melaleuca cajeputii
skin: eucalyptus radiata + ravensara aromatica + cured organic sesame oil.
general gentle massage. as long as necessary.
skin: citrus reticulata + lavandula angustifolia + ravensara aromatica +
valeriana willichii + cured organic sesame oil. general body massage especially feet before retiring.
tongue: thymus linaloliferum + thymus thujanoliferum + honey.
skin: lavendula latifolia cineolifera + thymus linaloliferum + cured organic sesame oil. gentle massage all around the ears on skull, up to four times a day, up to a week.
ears: eucalyptus radiata + lavandula stoechas. one drop of each on a qtip and gently apply in ear to clean it. use separate qtips for each ear. then one drop on a piece of cotton and leave it in the ear. up to three times a day. up to a week. *please remember inner ear is very delicate: this formula is possibly the only one thats permissible inside the meatus*
tongue: citrus reticula + lippia citriodora + origanum majorana.
skin: angelica archangelica + citrus reticulata + lippia citriodora + origanum majorana + rosa rubiginosa + thymus thujanoliferum + cured organic sesame oil.
general body massage. as needed.
start with a small quantity first.
TONGUE: you put one to two drops on a clean finger, you activate the saliva in your mouth, you put the finger on your tongue, you suck the oil, mix it well with saliva, and you swallow.
MOUTH: you mix one drop of oil with one teaspoon of honey, and you eat the mixture. all formulas for tongue can also be used in mouth with honey.
RESPIRATORY: for most folks, the new generation of small electric diffusers that has been created just for that purpose works best. it also ionizes the oils, which may enhance the effects according to some sources. with most essential oils, you cannot see the very fine mist you get because its thinner than tobacco smoke!
SKIN: you apply as many drops you feel comfortable with. stay out of the sun the next couple hours if you know your skin can react.
HONEY: be sure it has not be heated (as a golden rule: never heat or cook honey, as it produces poisons in the body).
SESAME OIL: cure the oil before use, and remember sesame oil is flammable, so keep children away when you do that. cured oil can be store for six months. if youve not use all your cured oil by that time, just cure again. make sure its
*certified organic*. apply warm oil.
CONTRA-INDICATION: people with respiratory allergies, such as asthma, should not use the RESPIRATORY complementary technique: do not use diffusers if your in this category. also, if you know your skin could react strongly, take appropriate measures.
COMMON SENSE: start with a small quantity first. never put essential oils in or close to your eyes. no oils in the ears. no oils on sex area and anus area. keep your essential oils away from children. if you ingest a bigger quantity of essential oils by accident, immediately follow with several spoons of sunflower oil or olive oil (no water!) and use appropriate cares if needed. do not use menta piperita with younger children.
LATIN NAMES: I give the name of ceos in latin. aromatherapy can be serious business. and it can work wonders. among the classical examples: it may takes several days of treatment with antibiotics if you have a cystitis; an experimented practitioner may kill your problem in less than a day with essential oils. but only the exact ceos will work as expected. for instance, a particular type of eucalyptus is used for its mucolysis value, another one for its expectoration value. so the name on the bottles may be the same but the effects may be contradictory. you can often subtitute one oil for another if you know how to interprate their chemical compounds constitution. imho latin is the only way to be sure at this time. If your essential oils provider is not up to the latin challenge, better find another one.
QUALITY OF ESSENTIAL OILS: many people quite beautifully discussed about it in this newsgroup. here are some criteria i like most: the WHOLENESS of the herbs has to be present: it takes time and effort. some companies may choose to distillate an herb on a shorter period of time, and the full therapeutic effect may be missing in the final essential oil. essential oils from the wild or at least CERTIFIED ORGANIC: its a time-consuming process too. most often, a qualified harvester hand-picks in the wild less than 20% of an herb from any harvesting area. this is necessary to maintain the natural ecology of the land and the quality of the final products.
TRUE essential oils that truly are what it says in their names: some companies reconstitute an oil by putting something else together. 'just the natural ceo, mam'.
here are some mail order sources for ceos and aromatherapy stuff ive grown to rely upon over the years: amrita aromatherapy, email to amrita@fairfield.com phone to 515 472 9136, fax to 515 472 8672.
aromatherapy seminars, phone to 310 838 6122, fax to 310 838 2812.
crmm laboratoire, 38 rue puccini, 31200 toulouse, france. phone to: international + 33 61 57 05 83, fax to: 33 61 57 44 98.
if you happen to know of other reliable and comprehensive sources of ceos, please share your informations.
to gently and easily warm the sesame oil before massage, I use a bottle warmer sold to warm baby's standard glass and plastic nurser bottles. if you dont find any in your local stores: gerber products, 445 state st, fremont mi 49412.
to warm and prepare the skin locally before applying ceos, I use hot air flow from a hair dryer.
Labels: chakra healing meditation healing your chakras healing chakra meditation healing meditations healing with crystals herbal oils healing the chakras wicca paganism african black magic spells black magic voodoo wiccan spells and chants charms and spells magic spells charms candle magic
01:14 -
Posted by wicca -
FTC Disclosure - I received a free PDF copy of this book from the publisher. Receipt of a review copy is not in any way contingent on a favorable review.
Illumination: The Shaman's Way of Healing
by Alberto Villoldo
Hay House Publishers, Inc.
March 1, 2010
24.95, 216 pages
I am way late coming to this book for review - school and life got in the way. Hopefully the good folks at Hay House will forgive the untimely nature of the review.
I first encountered the work of Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. back in the early 1990s when I first began to study shamanism. The first book I read was Healing States: A Journey into the World of Spiritual Healing and Shamanism (1986), which was co-written with Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., who was his adviser for his Ph. D. in humanistic psychology. The next book I cam across, his second, was The Four Winds: A Shaman's Odyssey into the Amazon (2000), co-authored with Erik Jendrensen.
Both of these early books had the feel of good anthropology, unlike the magical and fictional books of Carlos Castaneda (even his Ph.D. work was fictional). There was some controversy, however, due to his direct involvement in the cultures he was studying. Traditionally, there has been a practice of non-participatory research so that the author can maintain some objectivity.
In his own biography at The Four Winds Society site, he acknowledges that his interest was personal as well as professional. Besides, Villoldo is a psychologist, not an anthropologist:
I set off to learn from researchers whose vision had not been confined to the lens of a microscope; from people whose body of knowledge encompassed more than the measurable, material world that I had been taught was the only reality. I wanted to meet the people who sensed the spaces between things and perceived the luminous strands that animate all life. I wanted to study with investigators who knew the energy side of Einstein's equation E = MC2. My own journey into shamanism was guided by my desire to become whole. In healing my own soul wounds, I walked the path of the wounded healer and learned to transform the pain, grief, anger and shame that lived within me into sources of strength and compassion.After those first two book, I did see anything from Villoldo until many years later when I found a copy of Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas (2000) in a used bookstore. Whereas the earlier books were a bit more objective in their narrative, this book was a self-help book. It did not go unnoticed that one of the blurbs on the cover was from The New York Times Book Review, in regard to The Four Winds:
THE FOUR WINDS: A Shaman's Odyssey Into the Amazon, by Alberto Villoldo and Erik Jendresen. (HarperSanFrancisco, 9.95.) A California psychotherapist becomes a disciple of a Peruvian shaman and the hallucinogenic plant ayahuasca. Last year our reviewer, Bradd Shore, said "the narrative has the feel of an Indiana Jones thriller.... Midway between science and literature, 'The Four Winds' is a flight of serious fancy, confounding our categories of fiction and nonfiction."Emphasis added. That was exactly my feeling. My sense was that Villoldo was moving toward a New Age market, like Castaneda's, and away from hard science. Yes and no.
Since then, Villoldo has published several more books:
* "Mending The Past ">Illumination, I was curious to see if my doubts were founded. So I also went back and looked at some of his more recent books in that list. The most recent book, Courageous Dreaming, is not far removed from the issues I have with Tibetan Buddhism, which is essentially the anthropic egotism that suggests human consciousness creates the universe. This is a popular idea in the New Age marketplace (sometimes called Biocentrism), but reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of quantum physics.
In this newest book, Villoldo is looking more at the notion of how we can transform consciousness from a shamanic perspective:
For the shamans it is a series of awakenings and realizations that we pass through again and again. These illuminations are a part of our developmental journey, and we don't discard any of them as we ascend to the higher rungs. We transcend and include them and grow beyond our earlier levels of understanding while including each illumination as part of an integrated self. (p. X)And this:
There are seven life passages we all experience during our lives-birth, manhood or womanhood, first love, marriage, parenthood, sagehood, and death. To experience these as initiations requires us to face and defeat our inner demons, comprehend our oneness with Creation, and understand our duty as the stewards of all life.
Anything short of illumination is not a complete healing. Shamanic healers don't distinguish cancer, diabetes, or heart disease in their cosmology. They see these conditions and many others as symptoms of a spiritual illness-the loss of a sacred sense of oneness with the universe, and our neglecting our role as participants in Creation. (p. X-XI)These are certainly worthy topics of discussion. His concept of repeated "illuminations" that are not unlike initiations, and which must be passed through many times on the way to wholeness, is in line with much of what we understand about stages of development - even the phrase "transcend and include" is right out of Wilberian Integral Theory.
He argues that each of the initiations we go through (and resisting them, he suggests, is futile - we simply ended having to face them again in some other context) offers us an opportunity to heal those emotions that remain unhealed. We may not have to deal with all seven initiations in the traditional sense. For example many of us are opting out of having children, yet we may have to deal with the metaphoric birth of a business, a book, or some other creation that we bring into the world.
I like this approach to life, and I find that statements such as the following are not very different from what we might find in a book by Pema Chodron, a Shambhala Buddhist:
Our unhealed emotions are the source of our deeply ingrained beliefs that convince us that a particular situation is a problem we are powerless to change. We can solve any difficulty in our lives-from discovering love to achieving peace in our world-if we heal our emotions and then change our beliefs. (p. 3)In addition to the seven initiations we must pass through, there are also seven toxic emotions (once known as the Seven Deadly Sins) that we need to break free from: Wrath, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, and Pride. According to Villoldo, initiation is how shamans heal toxic emotions, and that by healing these emotions, we may not change the world (directly) but we change our little piece of the world. Through initiation, we can transform the seven toxic emotions into virtues: Peace, Generosity, Purity of intent, Courage, Compassion, Temperance, and Humility.
For each of the seven traditional initiation stages, there is an emotional experience or outcome (generally an emotional wound) if we fail the initiation, and then there are the corresponding demons (toxic emotions) and angels (healthy emotions) that adhere if we pass or fail the initiation.
For example:
Initiation stage: First Love.
Emotional experience if we fail the initiation: You search in vain for the perfect partner, feeling lonely and incomplete. You are unable to have a sexual experience in which you surrender to intimacy.
Demons and Angels: Lust, healed by Purity of Intent.
By framing these somewhat traditional growth stages as initiations, Villoldo brings in a more spiritual feel to the process - this is very similar to what I suggested a while back on this blog about how change functions as a ritual process (separation, initiation, return) in the Spiral Dynamics model (see Part Three: Change as Ritual and Part Four: Ritual Structure of Change).
In the Introduction, he offers a four-stage model of initiation (expanded on in more detail in Chapter Four) using the Buddha as a model (he assumes the traditional story/myth of the Buddha's early life and later enlightenment is true - I would refer interested readers to Stephen Batchelor's Confession of a Buddhist Atheist for what may be a much more accurate telling of the story of the Buddha's life):
The Buddha's illumination perfectly illustrates the four stages of the journey of initiation:
1. The awakening: recognizing your dilemma ("There is death and disease, and I am trapped inside a palace.")
2. The great departure: embarking on your journey ("I am a monk and shave my head.")
3. The tests: confronting challenges and adversity ("I sit in stillness.")
4. Illumination: the return to bring gifts of knowledge to others ("We can all be free from suffering." (p. 11)
For the most part, this is a useful model for spiritual growth. In that sense, I can easily recommend the book.
However, when he gets into brain science, much has changed since he was in school - and in order to make his ideas fit his model, he takes some liberties with the neuroscience. A passage such as this, still in Chapter One, sounds good but is logically flawed:
When you fail to complete one of your initiations, one of the seven deadly emotions begins to stir in primitive regions of your brain. For example, lust arises, and your mind then wraps a melodramatic story around this emotion, breathing substance into it and causing it to take on a life of its own. (p. 13)This statement assumes that we do not feel lust until or unless we fail the initiation (First Love), which one might assume happens in our adolescence or teen years. However, I can assure that lust is not purely a craving for physical sex - although it is that - but it is also craving and attachment in general. Even if we accepted the literal definition, children who are not even close to being old enough to understand romantic love can and do feel physical, sexual cravings for pleasure (see Ruter, M. (1971). Normal psychosexual development. J Child Psychol Psychiatry; 11: 259-283.).
He then goes on, however, to use a very cogent distinction between feelings (physical, natural) and emotions (cognitive interpretations of feelings) first clarified and outlined clearly by Antonio Damasio in Descartes' Error and expanded in The Feeling of What Happens. Feelings are immediate, and if we do not become attached to them, they pass through us pretty quickly (as when a child starts crying when startled and then stops in less than a minute and carries on as if nothing had happened), but emotions are feelings that get stuck in our attachments in the form
or neural connections (the amygdala plays a large role in this process).
This passage clarified his perspective:
All emotions are viral programs running in the subconscious recesses of our brain. And every emotion creates suffering for ourselves and pain for others. Feelings are new, fresh, and of the moment. Emotions are old, tired, and programmed into neural networks in the archaic brain. We believe that we cry because we're sad or lash out because we're angry, but in reality these emotions arise from the depths and grab hold of us: we're sad because we cry, we're afraid because we flee, and we're angry because we strike. The belief that we cry because we're sad arises because we've wrapped a sentimental and false story around that emotion. (p. 15-16)
Again, I tend to agree with this perspective and find it useful in my own training as a psychotherapist. Too many people are trapped in dysfunctional emotional patterns and confusing those stuck feelings as who they are as human beings.
Throughout the book, he offers a series of exercises that seems useful for rewiring the "primitive neurocomputer" in our heads. What Villoldo is suggesting is similar to what Dan Siegel suggests we can do in his new book, Mindsight, i.e., healing faulty emotional patterns through meditation and mindfulness.
The only real difference I can see in this book and some other recent books on personal transformation is the framing of the process within a shamanic worldview. This "secularization" of shamanic practices for a Western audience has cost him some support among those with whom he taught in The Four Winds Society (especially in regard to the fabricated 9 Rites of Munay-Ki).
It seems he has pulled back a bit from that questionable behavior, so the new books makes the most useful material he has learned more accessible to a mainstream reader - the people who need this information.
A few last thoughts:
* There is no index, and only a few end notes. I am sure he is not writing for an academic audience, but it would a LOT of legitimacy to his work to actually site some sources or even give credit to those whose ideas he is presenting here.
* The tone of the book is very, shall we say, New Age. Among those in my circles, this is an insult, but among those who read books of this nature it is probably a recommendation. But there is certainly little of the scientist left in Villoldo's prose.
This deserves at least one example:
Once, while hiking in Canyon de Chelly in Arizona, I met a Navajo medicine woman. When I asked her name, she replied, "The red-rock canyon walls am I, the desert wind am I, that child who did not eat today at the reservation am I." (p. 91)Having been there, and having known a few Hopi, I am pretty sure that would never happen. Although maybe I just never met the right Hopi.
* Lastly, there is good and useful information in this book, and while I think many of the exercises are very safe for most readers, I would have some concerns around trauma victims, who prone to dissociation, doing some of these exercises. As often as not, these are the people drawn to this kind of work because they have serious wounds to heal. But there is no warning about safety or psychological grounding, working with a teacher, or about the risks of working in isolation.
Take all of this for what it's worth - one man's opinion.
Tags: shamanism, Psychology, books, personal growth, transformation, My Review, Alberto Villoldo, Illumination, The Shaman's Way of Healing, Hay House, initiations, seven toxic emotions, seven virtues, ritual, meditations, healing, feelings, archaic brain, New Age, Buddha, birth, manhood or womanhood, first love, marriage, parenthood, sagehood, death, Four Winds Society
00:09 -
Posted by wicca -
ISLAM COEXISTS? Posted: 08 May 2013 01:20 PM PDT Expound is an huge sarcasm contained in the Boston Marathon bombing. Having the status of the jihadi Tsarnaev brothers car jacked a Mercedes, it had a "Coexist" storage area brand.
The Coexist storage area brand is the devout symbol of the MULTICULTURAL lion's share - you know - all religions are the self-same. Origin, the leading symbol of people who drought to Coexist is the star and crescent Islam. And proper how well has Islam coexisted with all of the others? Since report of national has Islam been finer history?
Embark on with Mohammed. We know an huge integer about Mohammed as a national to KAFIRS (non-Muslims), pagans, Jews and Christians.
Having the status of Mohammed was in Mecca before he became a Muslim, he was a good national who was ironic and helped to get disputes. But, that all diverse one time he became the forecaster of Allah. Taking into consideration he became a group priest of Islam, he became an irritation to his neighbors. You see, not simply did Mohammed know what was accurately, he demanded that a person do everything his way, Allah's way. He was a national who was interminably accurately and you were interminably patchy. Not simply were you patchy, but your parents and grandparents were patchy. Mohammed no longer committed arguments; he produced arguments. Some time ago 13 time of this, the Meccans told Mohammed to power Mecca.
So he went to the local of Medina, which was partial Jewish. And what report of national was Mohammed to the Jews? Put provisionally, two time later, Medina was Judenrein (cleansed of Jews). Having the status of he inwards, show were three tribes of Jews. In rapid order, the primary rush was encouraged out of local, bereft of their get. Subsequently the follow up rush of Jews was exiled. They were lucky. The following of the Jewish tribes suffered the utmost. The women were in prison and sold wholesale for money to bring provide and arms for jihad. For the rest of his life, Mohammed recycled slavery to help collection his jihad. The children were kidnapped and adopted trendy Muslim families to be raised as Muslims. Subsequently the 800 male Jews were all beheaded.
But postponement. Mohammed was not direct simultaneous with the Jews. Similar to he left Medina and went to Khaybar and attacked them. Mohammed busted them, took their wealth and put them to work under the Sharia to work as dhimmis and bring him partial of what they earned.
That was how Mohammed coexisted with the Jews.
But Mohammed was not direct with simultaneous with the Arabians. He attacked the Meccan caravans. His jihadists killed, kidnapped, scarf, assassinated and fought the pagan Arabs at every turn. Mohammed's coexistence strategy with the Arabs was jihad. This went on until every Arab became a Muslim.
Some time ago Mohammed has prepared every go in Arabia understand to Islam, he turned his coexistence strategy to the Christians north of Arabia in Syria. He attacked the Christians the scum became dhimmis exhibition have a weakness for the Jews.
Dhimmis are the way that the Sharia allows Kafirs to coexist within a Muslim society. The dhimmi is a third class non-citizen who pays special toll and has no real kindly care order. A dhimmi possibly will not testify in opposition to a Muslim in court, for schedule.
Position at how Islam coexisted with Africa. A coexistence knowledge is that Arabic has one word, "abd", that cremation what's more black slave and African. Context essential supply which meaning is recycled. Islam ran the slave import on the West shoreline, East shoreline and Mediterranean coasts of Africa. Islam sold every slave that was brought to the Americas. Conformist estimates are that 120 million Africans were killed in the jihad that twisted all of the slaves in Africa.
How did Islam coexist with the Buddhists in what is now Afghanistan? Jihad annihilated every keep information Buddhist and their libraries and monasteries.
Expound is a huge evidence situation of the coexistence surrounded by Islam and the rest of the world at THERELIGIONOFPEACE.COM. It catalogs excellent than 20,000 jihad attacks a number of the world since 9/11 2001. About is a hunt of the evidence of the top 4 nations as fatalities of jihad:
Put brand new way, this is how Islam coexists today with Jews, Buddhists, Christians and Hindus. It practices jihad in opposition to all non-Muslims, Kafirs.
The matter of coexist has a extroverted ring to it, we're all one big ecstatic loft. But how do we commotion about all religions and not get trendy which one is accurately or best? Origin, show is an easy way to do it. If you are not a advocate of a religion, the simply thing you trust about is how you are treated by people who belong to that religion. In cower, you simply trust about the morals and symbol of the adherent.
All of the world's religions control an message permutation that is set in in the Yellow Warrant. ISLAM DOES NOT Deem A Yellow Warrant. Mohammed's life is THE Skillful Try of how not to be a good national. How do you coexist with a national who has the message exceptional of jihad of eliminate and deceit?
Since do devout leaders in American mull over about simultaneous with Islam? They love it. Coexist is the mental sauce that fills the heads of the skillful idiots that go to the Homespun of Abraham devout dialogues. The ministers and rabbis who go to these dialogs know as a great deal about Islam as what is found on the Coexist storage area brand. Merely, their density is beyond belief. They are show to coexist and the imam is show to manipulation. Dhimmi Christians and Jews drought to tie, the Muslim wants to win.
But the mental sauce of coexistence is not exhibition in the heads of the dhimmi devout leaders, it similarly fills the heads of law enforcement and army. Out cold Plant and Obama, all of people who actually know something about Islam focal point the army and law enforcement control been eliminated. FBI and army training annals control been purged to jam the Muslim Brotherhood. So our protectors are restriction to study the war main beliefs of political Islam. They are unconscious from first use the disagreement and studying them.
Expound is simply one way to coexist with Islam finer time. Islam essential tender to Kafir customs and we essential never tender to Islam, not even in the smallest amount of accept. This cremation we essential all know the smallest amount of vinyl of Islam and that begins with the knowledge of Mohammed and his wars in opposition to all Kafirs.
Imaginative published in American Thinker:
Bill Warner, Advanced, Crux for the Hole of Fan Islam
Permalink: http://www.politicalislam.com/blog/islam-coexists/
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC, politicalislam.com
Use as indispensable, exhibition bring checking account and do not edit.
22:35 -
Posted by wicca -
hypocrite [HIP-oh-krit]" Noun" a individual who pretends to be what he or she is not, an singer [Greek "hupokrinein" to trap] Helpless FruitOne week as a result of His death, Jesus cursed a unfulfilling fig tree to attraction what was going to disable to the Jewish nation and the fugitive church."Now in the first light as he returned hip the metropolitan, he hungered. And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found zero thereon, but foliage single-handedly, and thought unto it, Let no fruit ranch on thee henceforth for ever. And merely the fig tree tired out old hat. And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How with alacrity is the fig tree tired out away!" (Matthew 21:18-20).Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? Without doubt the Noble was not so paltry as to punish versus a tree equally it didn't emissary Him breakfast! We take to reconsideration this story warily, equally it is the single-handedly place in the Gospels everywhere Jesus is endorsed with go manage stanch for mortality something.Fig foliage are distinctive in that what's more get taller foliage and fit to be eaten fruit suppose at the exceedingly time. The tree Jesus cursed had all the apparent signs of bang fruit, yet the tree was a hypocrite. It was a decent symbol of the Jewish nation. In imitation of its temple, priesthood, and sacrifices, Israel had all the flourishes of true religion, but the lasting fruits - rectitude, prayer, and honor (Matthew 23:23) - were mystified. Liven up that tired out fig foliage are a suggestion of man's erstwhile attempts to uppermost his own sins.Analysis the sequence: The exceedingly day Jesus cursed theunfulfilling fig tree (Matthew 21), He final had a showdown with the fake Pharisees and not permitted their humbug. "But all their works they do for to be seen of men" (Matthew 23:5). Seven period Jesus called them hypocrites, and subsequently He taciturn a curse on them - straight as He had the fig tree quicker that day. In vogue is the curse: "Wherefore, opinion, I send unto you prophets, and well thought-out men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall eliminate and crucify; and some of them shall ye plague in your synagogues, and oppress them from metropolitan to city: That upon you may come all the good blood strip upon the earth, from the blood of good Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew concerning the temple and the altar. Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation" (Matthew 23:34-36). Gist don't miss the fact that Jesus thought the curse would "come upon this generation."In the past chapter, when Jesus describes the ruin of Jerusalem and the end of the world, He gives fig foliage as a sign. "Now learn a fable of the fig tree; To the same extent his branch is yet widen, and putteth forth foliage, ye know that summer is nigh: So evenly ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is adjoining, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not make, unsown all these things be conclude" (Matthew 24:32-34).A generation in the Bible is 40 go (Churn out 32:13). Jesus made this ability to see in AD 31, and by AD 70 it was fulfilled!Christ's explanation of the fig tree that put forth foliage but no fruit is likewise a very conspicuous projecting sign for the mature days. In the exceedingly way that strong Israel had all the apparent forms of true religion as a result of the ruin of Jerusalem in AD 70, so spiritual Israel (the church) in the mature days confer on put forth foliage but no fruit. Award possibly will be all the apparent appearances of new start - adequate of portray, miracle-healing services, big deactivate, and utter of love and assumption, but no fruit of the Holy Preference. In other words, "having a form of sanctity, but denying the power ther" (2 Timothy 3:5).One of my first choice Christian authors made a devoted forecast haughty than 100 go ago: "Earlier the last visitation of God's judgments upon the earth hand over confer on be between the kith and kin of the Noble such a new start of artless sanctity as has not been witnessed for example apostolic period. The Preference and power of God confer on be poured out upon His children. At that time a variety of confer on divide themselves from ancestors churches in which the love of this world has supplanted love for God and His word. Everyday, what's more of ministers and kith and kin, confer on readily cuddle ancestors fantastic truths which God has caused to be proclaimed at this time to propose a kith and kin for the Lord's minute coming. The attacker of souls wishes to block this work; and as a result of the time for such a endeavor shall come, he confer on impel to impediment it by introducing a impersonate. In ancestors churches which he can bring under his rich power he confer on make it suppose that God's special blessing is poured out; hand over confer on be reproduce what is hypothesis to be fantastic religious stripe. Multitudes confer on exult that God is working splendidly for them, when the work is that of another spirit. Underneath a religious finish, Satan confer on set sights on to stretch out his shock boss the Christian world."3This fig-leaf good feature and treacherous new start are the distinctiveness of the last-day Laodicean church. "In the function of thou sayest, I am laden, and improved with goods, and particular take of zero [recognize the fig leaves?]; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and hopeless, and harsh, and top, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clad, and that the brush-off of thy austerity do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As a variety of as I love, I reproach and chasten: be effective therefore, and repent" (Apparition 3:17-19).Jesus is job us to lay statement our encrusted, self-righteous figfoliage and - go up to the prodigal son - come home and put onthe dignity robe of the Commencement. Slightly subsequently confer on the fruits of the Preference, which are love, joy, silence, longsuffering, elasticity, godliness, honor, tameness, and soberness (Galatians 5:22, 23), be obvious in our lives. Award confer on be no kith and kin in God's terra firma who are diplomatically conjure foliage. A person want particular fruit."Let love be in need humbug" (Romans 12:9 NKJV). Mendaciousness hurts the church, and it hurts us. Everyday hypocrites particular been acting for so crave that they particular come to ponder their own performances. We particular a liking to kind our faces to fit our masks. But God desires us to be tidied up with others and ourselves - spiritual Israelites in whom hand over is no ruse or lies (1 Peter 2:1; Apparition 14:5).In vogue is the enigma I hope to deal to you: "The most excellent hope of the world is the hope of men - men who confer on not be bought or sold, men who in their inwardly souls are true and tidied up, men who do not protection to thorough sin by its perfectly name, men whose principles is as true to responsibility as the irritate to the stake, men who confer on stand for the perfectly bit the melody fall."4Jesus says, "Propitious are the undamaged in heart: for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8).source: Cleric Doug Batchelor... Amazingfacts.orgfull article: http://www.amazingfacts.org/Home/InsideReport/tabid/123/newsid457/296/Behold-the-Fig-Tree/Default.aspx
21:35 -
Posted by wicca -
Use this many-layered food to peel away problems in life and to dispel anger. The onion is also a love food and is said to increase male virility.
* promote lust when added to dishes.
* clear away obstacles when peeled to the core.
* Use for power and seduction.
* dispel anger between friends.
Carve the names of quarreling parties into a yellow onion and keep until it forms roots. At this time, the two friends or family members will begin to recall the positive roots of their relationship and let go of their anger toward each other. Do not get rid of the onion until apologies have been made and accepted. You may then offer the onion to the earth in thanks" Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients Valerie "
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