Magical Tool Consecration Ritual 2
1.You'll feel like a white candle, a cup of water, a small fling of saline, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

oNorth/Earth: saline

oEast/Air: incense

oSouth/Fire: candle

oWest/Water: water

2.If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Daylight the candle and the incense. Withstand the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and obscure north. Pass by it refined the saline and say:

Powers of the North,

Guardians of the Earth,

I consecrate this wand of willow (or pierce of blade, amulet of crystal, etc)

and charge it with your energies.

I clean up it this night, and make this tool sacred.

3.Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the fumes of the incense, say:

Powers of the East,

Guardians of the Air,

I consecrate this wand of willow

and charge it with your energies.

I clean up it this night, and make this tool sacred.

4.Next, obscure the south and fetch the tool refined the sparkle of the candle -- be thoughtful if it's a aggressive difficulty almost Tarot cards or a robe! -- and review the sprint, saying:

Powers of the South,

Guardians of Send off,

I consecrate this wand of willow

and charge it with your energies.

I clean up it this night, and make this tool sacred.

5.Totally, turn to the west, and fetch your ritual tool refined the cup of water. Say:

Powers of the West,

Guardians of Pipe,

I consecrate this wand of willow [or pierce of blade, amulet of crystal, etc]

and charge it with your energies.

I clean up it this night, and make this tool sacred.

6.Hide your altar, think the wand (athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say:

I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones,

the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.

By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Send off and of Pipe

I banish the energies of any innovative owners,

and make it new and unusual.

I consecrate this wand,

and it is potential.

7.Now you've not slightly consecrated the tool, you've claimed entitlement. In host Wiccan traditions, it's considered a good system to put the item to use right away to bind the devoutness and financial assistance the energy of the tool. If you've consecrated a wand, athame, or chalice, you can use dwell in in a ceremony to consecrate atypical tool. If you've consecrated no matter which that is windswept, such as an arrive of clothing (for prototype, a ritual robe) or a control of jewelry, begin trying it now.

For example You Need:



oA candle, relatively white

oA cup of water

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