Healing Magic Terminology Cover
The medical world is filled with confusing and complicated language. Unless a person is fluent in Latin, one will find that memorization of medical vocabulary is frustrating at the very least. Therefore, I have made a list of terminology appropriate to the field of basic herbal healing.

Abortifacient - Induces abortion and/or labor
Anesthetic - Numbs pain completely
Anodyne - Relieves pain
Anthelmintic - Kills worms/intestinal parasites
Antibiotic - Kills internal bacteria
Antioxidant - Aids body in ridding of impurities
Antispasmodic - Stops muscle spasms
Aperient - Mild laxative
Aphrodisiac - Promotes sex drive
Astringent - Stops secretions
Carminative - Stops/relieves gas
Cathartic - Stimulates bowel movements
Coagulent - Slows/stops bleeding
Demulcent - Soothes irritated skin
Diaphoretic - Induces sweat
Disinfectant - Kills germs/cleans
Diuretic - Induces urination
Emetic - Induces vomiting
Emmenagogue - Induces menstral flow
Expectorant - Loosens phlegm in lungs/Aids in coughing up phlegm
Febrifuge - Lowers fever
Galactagogue - Promotes lactation
Hallucinogenic - Neurological stimulant/Causes hallucinations
Hemostatic - Stops bleeding
Hydrogogue - Aids in release of water/fluids
Narcotic - Produces sleep
Sedative - Promotes sleep
Stimulant - Promotes activity
Vulnerary - Promotes healing in wounds

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