Dionysus Statue
This Dionysus God Figure depicts Dionysus, to boot regularly crystal-clear by his Roman name Bacchus, appears to be a god who has two for one person beginning. On the one hand, Dionysus was the god of wine, nurturing, and sumptuousness of construction, who is to boot the patron god of the Greek stretch.

On the other hand, Dionysus to boot
represents the nerve environment of mystery religions, such as citizens pro at Eleusis: ecstacy, household emancipation from the document world unswerving physical or spiritual intoxication, and initiation all the rage secret finances.

Scholars possess fancy suspected that the god crystal-clear as Dionysus is in fact a unification of a solid Greek construction god, and unconventional bigger stanch god imported if possible belated in Greek pre-history from Phrygia (the principal department of modern day Droop) or Thrace.

Dionysus God Figure can be hand-me-down a improper fragment in rituals and spells relating lust, sex magick, attraction, and earth based magical spells and rituals.

Dionysus God Figure Specifications:

Finished from effigy

Approx 11" large

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