Heart Sutra English
Shorter Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra
Translated from Taisho Tripiaka body 8, capacity 251


Having the status of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was practicing the talented Prajnaparamita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all sheer, and crossed pompous all discontent and agony.

"sariputra, form is not brand new from pointlessness, and pointlessness is not brand new from form. Circumstance itself is pointlessness, and pointlessness itself is form. Be astonished, conception, synthesis, and intelligence are in addition to such as this. sariputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither twisted nor dead, neither defiled nor spick and span, and they neither offer nor peter out. This is at the same time as in pointlessness in attendance is no form, defeat, conception, synthesis, or intelligence. In attendance are no eyes, ears, nose, dialogue, build, or brain. In attendance are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. In attendance is no field of foreshadowing and in attendance is no realm of brain. In attendance is no impenetrability nor cutting out of impenetrability, even up to and by no old age and death, nor cutting out of old age and death. In attendance is no discontent, its accumulation, its cutting out, or a path. In attendance is no understanding and no attaining.

"Seeing that in attendance is no success, bodhisattvas rely on Prajnaparamita, and their minds identifiable no obstructions. Such as in attendance are no obstructions, they identifiable no doubts. Seeing that they are casual from backwards dream-thinking, their final audience is Nirvaa. Seeing that all buddhas of the at an earlier time, about, and far away rely on Prajnaparamita, they beat Anuttara Samyaksabodhi. Hence, know that Prajnaparamita is a tremendous spiritual repeat, a tremendous very good repeat, an incomparable repeat, and an unequalled repeat. The Prajnaparamita Tune is expressed at the same time as it can emphatically remove all afflictions. The repeat is expressed thusly:

exit exit paragate parasagate bodhi svaha


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Source: http://www.lapislazulitexts.com/shorter prajnaparamita hrdaya sutra.html

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