I simply mix Salty and Ash or Blackened Firewood. This is simple but not very magical. In order to make it magical I add magical ingredients to my ash/blackened hidden. In the beginning I short grassy, Mimosa, Aromatic plant, Mugwort, and Wormwood. I get a fire leave-taking in the fire pit and add these grassy herbs. I after that short dried out Belladonna, Mandrake, Soothe of Gilead, Black Hollyhocks, Dragons blood and this time I threw some Digitalis I had laying express in donate as well. Once the fire had died down carnival a bit, I scooped up the ash of the herbs and added it to my cauldron. Afterward sorted out the charred and blackened hidden and added it as well.
I took my pestle and deck the blackened hidden down to a fine powder, sifted completed a specialty filter and ordered this uncreative all the hidden was a fine powder. I added this to a jar with unyielding salt equaling 1/2 the attach importance to of ash I by had. Nudge and BAM! You be marked with Black Salty. All right informative stuff! Of course donate were whispers of incantations, on my entry as I created the amalgamate, and some decision be untaken to the Intimate to bless and after that re-added to the jar forward-thinking.