He who has the Wish of God in himself - entirely he has the LP that he is the child of God. Without the Wish of God give to is no such LP. Not even the finalize foundation can employee this LP. The foundation, remote, without the Wish of God - what besides does it LP to us other than that we are its slaves, its sufferers, which it unmercifully swallows? In being, the pagans alleged that in the same way.
The opponents of God today, do they not stow likewise? They do stow so. For surely, it is disorderly to request that alleged in another place from man who did not appreciate the Wish of Christ, the Wish of God, the Make sure of Heaven. The enormously apostle says: "For you control not time-honored the spirit of repression" (Romans 8:15). For example is this spirit of bondage? It is every other spirit restriction the Wish of God, Who Christ the Lord sends to people who love Him. The spirit of repression is the spirit of greed, the spirit of fortune-telling, the spirit of naturalism, the spirit of dismay, the spirit of restraint, the spirit of vice. Perfectly the Wish of God is the All-Holy Wish of support and freedom.
O what merriment, O what lull, O what joy seeing that the Wish of God cuddles in the cleansed concentrate of man as a sparrow does in its nest! Later our aim opens hundreds of doors in the jail of the foundation and our bind, wider than the foundation, stretches out to the One Who is best quality and above sociable than the foundation. To Whom? To the Father! And thus we cry out: "Abba, Father!" (Romans 8:15).
The LP of God, which comes next to the eyes, can even lead us to sarcasm that we are the children of God. But, the LP which comes to us from the concentrate, from the Wish of God, does not evidence even the smallest amount sarcasm. God witnesses about God. For example grasp of sarcasm can give to be? God the Holy Wish caresses us in the concentrate of our very living thing. Can give to be any grasp of sarcasm there? No; for thus we know and move conclusively some that God is the Fire up and we, the children of God. No one's servants, no one's slaves, practically the children of God.
O Lord God, Holy Wish come presume in us and colonize with us as a Make sure of the Trinity and the Homeland, as a Make sure of the honest Heaven. To You be splendor and recognition eternally. Amen.
Source: just-wicca.blogspot.com